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02-13-2008, 10:43 AM
pretty crazy conspiracy theory.

we were watching this in our geography class so id thought i would post it up.

you guys think any of this is possible

02-13-2008, 11:07 AM
Like hell they can combine North America. You cannot combine two well off countries that speak english to another country thats in a third world filled with drug voilence and drug lords. Its a horrible idea. There is nothing worng with how we are set up right now. We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA not North America Union. Our countries founding father would roll over in their graves.

02-13-2008, 11:25 AM
dam ****ed up world

02-13-2008, 11:31 AM
I have been reading about this for awhile now. Its pretty crazy stuff and bad news all around. This will cause the next revolutinary/civil war in america. Just think about this, How many people do you know that are overly patriot? I know of atleast 100 people in my county that hate mexicans and canadians and are SO proud to be American! Trying to combine this will cause people to go crazy. All it will take is one man to stand up, combine all the proud americans against this into a militia, and They will attack our government. This is exactly what happened when Great Britian tried to control the "new world". People will stand up and fight against this. It didnt happen then and it wont happen now. American citizens are to strong and will band together to stop these stupid so called "power" holders. The only country making out in this is Mexico. Im sure there are a lot of canadians that feel the same way about america, as some americans feel about canada. For this one simple reason, These two forces will put a side there differences and fight against this. Some people will say the US armed forces are to strong to overtake. Im willing to bet that if this happens at least half the armed forces go awol. These soliders will join forces with the newly formed milita and will fight for what they believe in. Which is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! NOT THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION!

Sorry for my long post. This is just my opinion of what will happen:D

02-13-2008, 01:31 PM
ummm yeahhh....that will never happen....not in this lifetime anyway.

02-13-2008, 01:37 PM
this could very well hapen within the next 40-50 years

02-13-2008, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Like hell they can combine North America. You cannot combine two well off countries that speak english to another country thats in a third world filled with drug voilence and drug lords. Its a horrible idea. There is nothing worng with how we are set up right now. We are the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA not North America Union. Our countries founding father would roll over in their graves.

as for the drug issue.. the usa is also filled with drug violence and drug lords.. one of the main issues here is that the usa is where the main demand is. but that is other story..

the thing here is that the world will be controled by just one group, the bankers and a elite of the richest people.i been watching lots of videos about the CFR and its somwhat scarry.
all of the candidates for this 08 election are CFR memebrs, except ron paul. so its diferent face same agenda.

search for CFR, or aaron russo freedom to facism, or ron paul. for an outsiders i think that ron paul is thebest choice.


02-13-2008, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by national425ex
I have been reading about this for awhile now. Its pretty crazy stuff and bad news all around. This will cause the next revolutinary/civil war in america. Just think about this, How many people do you know that are overly patriot? I know of atleast 100 people in my county that hate mexicans and canadians and are SO proud to be American! Trying to combine this will cause people to go crazy. All it will take is one man to stand up, combine all the proud americans against this into a militia, and They will attack our government. This is exactly what happened when Great Britian tried to control the "new world". People will stand up and fight against this. It didnt happen then and it wont happen now. American citizens are to strong and will band together to stop these stupid so called "power" holders. The only country making out in this is Mexico. Im sure there are a lot of canadians that feel the same way about america, as some americans feel about canada. For this one simple reason, These two forces will put a side there differences and fight against this. Some people will say the US armed forces are to strong to overtake. Im willing to bet that if this happens at least half the armed forces go awol. These soliders will join forces with the newly formed milita and will fight for what they believe in. Which is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! NOT THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION!

Sorry for my long post. This is just my opinion of what will happen:D
my dad is a very proud american too. he went off big time on a towel head for disrespecting the flag

02-13-2008, 03:56 PM
You guys are crazy to think the north american union wouldnt work. Look at europe all the countries combined and made a great strong government and yes not all european countries like each other but some how are able to unite for a better place for the people. America is going through a recesion right now and in a couple years another depression will occur, the dollar has lowerd in value less then the canadian dollar right now, and things arent looking good for america in the next 10 years. As for the terrorist I watched many of those videos but I saw a really great one about the 911 and it sure looks like its all a scam. There is no valid reason why the middle east would attack america and many americans are brain washed by the media to think the way the government wants them too. It really sucks how many young soldiers are loosing their lives fighting for no cause.

02-13-2008, 03:59 PM
I really dont see the big problem in an "North American Union". Sure they chips and world government is bad. But the European union works. Open borders and one currency. America wouldn't disappear like the video says. That would mean there would be no England, Germany, France or any European country right now, since there in a union. There would still be US laws, Canadian laws, and Mexican laws, they would still be there own country's. Just like the EU.

02-13-2008, 04:55 PM
are founding fathers wanted to take over the world and spread there ideals.....

if the military is that ignorant to just leave we have more to worry about than just uniting north america lol

02-13-2008, 05:14 PM
Polak, all you do is talk about how great Europe is.

How great thier cars are, and how superior Europe is to the USA.

You really need to go spend a few years over there and realize how unfair Europe is. You dont have nearly as many freedoms in Europe as you do here in the US.:chinese:

02-13-2008, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by kawiefan
my dad is a very proud american too. he went off big time on a towel head for disrespecting the flag

and whats your dad think about this so called "Union"?:D

02-13-2008, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
Polak, all you do is talk about how great Europe is.

How great thier cars are, and how superior Europe is to the USA.

You really need to go spend a few years over there and realize how unfair Europe is. You dont have nearly as many freedoms in Europe as you do here in the US.:chinese:

I lived there for 8 years

02-13-2008, 08:05 PM
just one more step to controling the whole world

if our country was so concerned with terrorists we wouldnt have our borders open to everyone, our government isnt scared of terrorists......................they know when and where they are going to demo our own buildings.

our government no longer works for us, it has been bought out.
but the person stating civil war is not far off.

02-14-2008, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by national425ex
and whats your dad think about this so called "Union"?:D
lets just say he went on a beer run LOL

the Z Man
02-14-2008, 06:24 PM