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View Full Version : crf carb on trx...wanna keep my thumb throttle

02-12-2008, 09:02 AM
i bought a crf450r carb for my 06 trx 450r. i wanted a hot start. i also want to keep my thumb throttle, but this carb uses 2 throttle cables and there is no place to screw in my stock throttle cable. what has everyone else done to solve this problem...

i absolutely cannot ride with a twist throttle so going that route is not an option at all...

86 Quad R
02-12-2008, 11:58 AM
contact motion pro and tell them what setup you have. :cool:

02-12-2008, 03:40 PM
the cable fits on a crf carb. You have to plug the top hole and put the trx cable in the bottom hole. Then the end of the cable goes into the upper hole(pull). My hybrid was like this, it had some kind of thumb throttle cable, then changed to a vortex twist 05 trx450r, the setup I like the best is the stock crf450r twist(dual cbales).

02-13-2008, 05:58 AM
i was looking for something that was more of a "factory style" fix...but i am going to put a nut on both sides of the carb body to keep the cable from moving since the carb is not threaded. oh well, just a little bit more work for me...that is unless motion pro has a pretty good price on the cable

thanks for the help guys...