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View Full Version : GT thunder bbreak bleeding instructions question

02-11-2008, 08:02 PM
i posted earlier about "tips for bleeding breaks" someone sent me the link to http://www.gtthunder.com/HowTo.htm

in the instructions it says pump and open bleeder and let the air work its way out. i thought you had to pump, hold it then open the bleeder slowly as the lever pulls in.

i took there step as me pumping the break then letting go and opening the bleeder and that the air in line would just make its way out automattically.....is that right? i would think the air would go back to the highest point without you having pressure on the line.

02-11-2008, 08:12 PM
You should hold the lever in or down while loosening & tightening the bleeder valve. The repair manual says not to pump at all but I have and it worked fine.

I'm surprised he recommends the oral method :ermm:

86 Quad R
02-12-2008, 11:51 AM
a little tip that should take the hassel out of brake bleeding involves using a nipple from a gear oil bottle that screws onto the brake fluid bottle and a clear hose.

loosen both bleeders and attach the open end of the hose to the bleeder thar is the furtest from the master cylinder, forcing fluid to the opposite bleeder. once fluid reaches the other side, close it. now open the banjo bolt at the master cylinder and repeat the process. once you get fluid to the master cylinder, you can bleed the brakes as normal.

this method works very well and takes less than 10 mins to do a fresh dry system. :D