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02-11-2008, 04:54 PM
well im getting mine out soon so im wondering what you guys were put on to relieve the pain like laughing gas or do you get put to sleep? i chose the laughing gas with novacane... will i still notice any pain while getting them taken out?

02-11-2008, 04:57 PM
if i were you i would get them to put you to sleep. i've had laughing gas before for different things and you can still know whats going on around you. when i got my wisdom teeth pulled out last summer (all 4 ouch!) they sedated me with an IV which put me out and they numbed my mouth with a shot. about ten secs after they put the IV in me i was out cold and dont even remember leavin the dr office. i didnt feel a single thing. i told them i wanted to be put completely out to cause i hate surgerys. didnt feel a single thing till later that night :scary:

02-11-2008, 05:08 PM
i had to have all my teeth pulled and i never got put under. i always got the gas and the shot and never ever felt a thing.

02-11-2008, 05:56 PM
when i got mine pulled they just gave me a shot of novacaine and yanked them out, puts hair on your chest

02-11-2008, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by SRH
when i got mine pulled they just gave me a shot of novacaine and yanked them out, puts hair on your chest

i had two permanent teeth yanked out without being put on anything, only a numb shot. never again. that hurt like all hell. deff wasnt about to do four wisdom teeth like that! i prefer to grow the hair on my chest naturally :p

02-11-2008, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by my88r
man i hope i don't half to get mine out. they haven't brothered me yet.:mad:

i said the same thing. and when i went to the dentist they told me i needed to get them done. they never bothered me at all but i guess they would have eventually if i wouldn't have gotten them pulled.

02-11-2008, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by YZrida
i had two permanent teeth yanked out without being put on anything, only a numb shot. never again. that hurt like all hell. deff wasnt about to do four wisdom teeth like that! i prefer to grow the hair on my chest naturally :p

yeah i had all 4 wisdom with just getting numb, one broke about half way out and it took 45 min to get out, numbness stopped working about 35 min in....no fun, but i look like a sasquatch

02-11-2008, 06:22 PM
lol, were yours already broken through the gum or they had to cut in to get at them?

02-11-2008, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by quads14589
lol, were yours already broken through the gum or they had to cut in to get at them?

idk who that was to but if it was to me, two of mine were already out and i think they had to cut two of them out cause they were impacted.

02-11-2008, 07:53 PM
i got all 4 of mine out about 3 months ago and i got put to sleep. i didnt remember much leaving the office, but i was really messed up, i was pissed at my mom cause i wanted her to take me home to ride my fourwheeler. when i got home i was still confused and running into walls and stuff all the time. they gave me vicodin and it didnt hurt at all. i got them out at thursaday afternoon and went to school friday.

02-11-2008, 11:25 PM
I would be put to sleep. Thats what I did with mine, got all 4 taken out at one time. Its nuts cause they stick ya and put a mask on ya and tell ya to count down from 100...i got to about 98 and bam was out. When i woke up I was all crazy tired and slept the whole way home.

Anyways, the reason I would get put to sleep is becuase of the cutting and popping and cracking that goes on when you only get numbed up. I know people that have had it done both ways (2 out numbed and 2 out asleep). They said they would never have it any other way then put to sleep.

02-12-2008, 04:15 AM
i just hate begin put to sleep becasue there is always a chance that you may never wake up:eek2:

02-12-2008, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by quads14589
i just hate begin put to sleep becasue there is always a chance that you may never wake up:eek2:

I'll have to say you've been watching to much tv
I just had all of mine cut out last week and the next day I was fine no pain. Just couldn't chew much for a few days. I am glad that I was put to sleep b/c I didn't have a clue anything had been done untill later that night.

02-12-2008, 03:42 PM
i had all 4 that were impacted out at once, it was nothing. this bad boy hurt 100x worse

02-12-2008, 07:37 PM
They really isn't much to it. Post surgery they will give you some sorry *** Loritab's.
If you spazz like I did(anastesia) they might hook you up with valiums. Comparitively to two Labrum repairs tylenol with take care of you after surgery.