View Full Version : Need some thoughts on a transaction issue please

02-10-2008, 09:57 PM
Hi guys,

Like the title says, I'd like to hear some of your thoughts on a transaction issue I'm currently having with a member. Out of respect, I will keep this members name private.

FYI, I'll also keep this simple for now, but for the record, detailed information including dates and time lines etc., including many screen captures have been taken of conversations we had here and on AIM. The info I'm willing to provide if necessary is factual and I'll gladly take the time to back it up.

Anyways, I purchased some engine parts for my 300ex. The agreed amount shipped was less than $200.00. I sent a cashiers check from my bank for payment. The sellers bank (through no fault of his), put a 7 day hold on the cashiers check. We exchanged some PMs, and I showed concern for the time frame we now had if the bank holds the payment that long. There was nothing he could do (understandable), so he got the contact info and I made numerous calls to the bank and got the payment cleared early.

The package was quickly shipped (well done) after the payment was clear. Slight problem here, after the payment was made I was informed of a couple small pieces missing (to which I was told to reuse the stock pieces), and also the seller made mention of a cosmetic flaw in the sleeve. Didnt seem like a big deal I figured.

When the parts arrived, I was impressed how well everything was packaged. However, when I started unwrapping everything I noticed a couple problems that werent disclosed with a particular part. The seller sent me a PM asking if the parts showed up, so I sent a reply. In the reply I simply mentioned the issues I saw, and also said something else concerned me, but the machinist I use would have to verify that. In the meantime, I gave the necessary part numbers to a local motorsports shop for him to order some gaskets etc. to put it together when the time came.

When I took the parts to the machinist, he immediately discovered that the parts were not what I claimed them to be. In fact, after measuring and looking up part numbers, the bore size was .080 different than it was sold to me as. My earlier concern was verified also, the sleeve had a very bad finish, and the cosmetic blemish in the sleeve could be caught with a fingernail.

I sent a PM telling the seller of our findings. I also mentioned not knowing what to do with the $57.00 of bore specific parts if the motorsports place would not take them back. He apologized for the problem, and asked what we could do to make it right.

The next PM I sent, my solution was for me to send the parts back at my expense for a refund of the initial price I paid. That seemed to be the most fair plan, as we'd both only be out the price for shipping. I was still upset about the extra parts I bought, but there isnt much I could do about that. The response I got was that the money I paid for the parts was gone, so a refund wasnt possible. He also mentioned how good of a deal I got, so we shouldnt have an issue at all.

In my next response, I made it clear that not having the money wasnt an acceptable thing, however, my next solution was to send back the parts that were in poor condition and sized incorrectly, and I would keep the parts that were good. We could then negotiate a smaller refund price to make it easier for the seller to afford. The reply I got was not expected, as the seller was mad and again told me he didnt understand because I got such a good deal on the parts. He told me he didnt want any of the parts back, and went as far as to tell me I could "Piss on the parts and light them on fire for all he cares". He decided that just sending me some money was the best option, and asked how much.

My reply was $50, and I explained why. $50 could go towards boring my sleeve as the one I recieved was in poor condition, and the rest could go towards the gaskets and parts I couldnt return because they were ordered.

His reply said that sending money back didnt seem fair to him, but he would do it in a day or two. 6 days passed and I didnt see anything. I PMed back asking about the payment. My inbox here was full when he tried to reply, and I then missed his AIM message to me again asking for my address.

I sent back another PM saying I was frustrated that only after I contacted him nearly a week later had he asked for my address. His response to mine was along the lines of how he was tired of all the *****ing, and that he sent the money that day... ending with vulgar language.

A full week passed and nothing showed up. I sent a longer PM stating how I felt this was heading a bad direction. He replied with another rebuttal saying how I "got my moneys worth", and how it isnt fair to him to send money back but he did anyways.

My next PM asked for his payment info, and only then in his reply did he admit to deciding on not sending me any money, as it wasnt fair to him.

Any exchanges we have now are of the nature of me being level headed, and his telling me how I'm playing the "victim card", "got my moneys worth", all I do is "***** and cry" etc. etc.

To anyone thats actually reading this yet, have I been unreasonable? A refund for all the parts would have been the most reasonable thing, but that was shot down repeatedly.

Its late and I hope to have not missed anything, but anyones input on what I should do would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

02-12-2008, 04:36 PM
personally i think that is real shady. i know if i werte to ship parts and the person who bought them wasnt satisfied i would allow him to ship back and make it right.

then he tried to turn it around on you after he tells you the bore of the cylinder and just cant get a micrometer to read it.

if he dosnt straigten things out just post up his name in the feedback forum.

i hate when people try to jip other people out. i know im just a kid my self but i've been on my own since 18 and know the importance of the dollar.

well i hope you can get this resolved, if he lives close to me i can drop by and tell him hello ;)

02-14-2008, 04:31 AM
Pretty simple. Your solution is fair and proper. You you deserve your money back, shipping cost happens.
Maybe he will do the right thing. If not post up the name.

02-14-2008, 04:52 AM
we are only hearing one side of the story but from what you have said........................

this is a bad situation already

do you feel he knew he was selling sub par parts, and misled you
into a purchase you would not have done

its not a good place to be in but if the diff between you both being satisfied is 50 bucks then its not too bad

I would post the name and let it all air out

02-14-2008, 05:15 AM
Thanks again for the input guys.

For the record, I honestly dont think the seller knew the parts werent the stated size. We came to an agreement to make it right, so I'll be sure to update when its all said and done.

02-25-2008, 05:29 PM
The seller stepped up to the plate and made it right. All is well in 300ex land. :)

Thanks again.

02-25-2008, 05:44 PM
*tip of my hat* to the seller.

Things can go wrong, just happens. What happens next separates good folks from the others. Glad to hear all went well.