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View Full Version : Time for topend?

02-08-2008, 09:03 PM
I have an 01' 300ex its got the stock piston in it and im not 100% sure but im 99% sure i need a rebuild it smokes... not terible but its noticable. i want to know what ppl think i sould put in it and if its really time. Im not exactly rich at 13 so i cant like have it completely built at like sparks or somthing so stay in about a 500 dolar budjet... who's piston beter, what options do i have ...whos cams better well you get the idea...put your idea and where it will put the most power into my powerband... thanks alot

How bad it smokes...(this is my current setup)


02-08-2008, 11:20 PM
umm you can have a shop do it for around 500... a littlie less a littlie more not sure but if you dont know how to set cams (dont try) if you do it wrong you can mess everything up. but thats if you dont know how... if you know how go for it

02-09-2008, 04:08 PM
screw the shop they rip you off no matter what and part of this is me doing it myself... I sould be able to do the cam (if i do high compression)... still anyone got ideas? high compression? whos better? ect...


02-09-2008, 04:39 PM
Do the cam no matter what compression you run. What type of riding do you do? Are you a top end, low end or all around mid range rider?

02-09-2008, 11:19 PM
new cam

02-10-2008, 11:28 AM
I ride alot of top end... I Like to keep my RPMs Up :D ....so should i still do i high compression piston? and sould i bore up to a higher cc like 10 more would it make a difference? thnks

02-10-2008, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by fmftrx300ex
I ride alot of top end... I Like to keep my RPMs Up :D ....so should i still do i high compression piston? and sould i bore up to a higher cc like 10 more would it make a difference? thnks 10 more cc's won't really make a difference. The higher compression will though. $500 is a tough budget on a 300ex but here's one idea:

Stage 1 hotcam, $130
Normally the stg1 is just a low to mid cam but in the 300ex it helps more from mid to top. A Webcam would be best but you'll blow your whole budget alone on setting up one of those.

Standard overbore piston, $90
Personally I'd go with 11:1 just so I could stick to pump gas but go higher if you don't care.

Cometic top end gaskets, $20
Good quality gaskets.

400ex carb, $65
Nothing but gains for a top end rider.

Cylinder bore, $65
Any good shop shouldn't charge more then this.

That brings us up to $370 assuming you're doing the labor part. Add 10% for whatever and you're around $400. If you wanted to spend $700 then I'd say sell and get a bigger machine or get an FST 330 kit with the other parts I mentioned. Also if you know someone that can port get it done. That head is pretty restrictive.

02-10-2008, 01:01 PM
thanks thts alot of help i need to get friends in the engine feild lol... any ones else got ideas give um...i like the ideas above the most so far...whats with web cams i cant find them for the 300ex and i have to get my rockers hard faced if i use web?

02-10-2008, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by fmftrx300ex
thanks thts alot of help i need to get friends in the engine feild lol... any ones else got ideas give um...i like the ideas above the most so far...whats with web cams i cant find them for the 300ex and i have to get my rockers hard faced if i use web? To run a Webcam you'll need a spring kit and hardened rockers. Total with cam would be just under $400.

I thought of something else you might want with that left over budget. You could get a stage 3 AMR Racing CDI box for about $90. That would round out that list pretty well.

02-12-2008, 12:58 PM
I'l port your head ..cheap..Put a 250x cam in it..(They have more lift,most dont no that..) I also have a good carb off my 400ex for 60 bucks...let me no

02-13-2008, 04:44 PM
ok do you have any experance porting? not being disrespectful but how do i know it will still run? you know some ppl these days ... as for the carb sounds good....can you go 45?

02-13-2008, 05:23 PM
I have a buddy that has a flowbench Superflow 600and has been porting heads for more than 20yrs...I did my 400ex that out runs 450's..They will be plenty sceptics on here so if you live in NC near asheboro and want to test my 400ex feel free to let me no.. I'll do 60 shipped on the carb ..

02-13-2008, 08:34 PM
how much we talking on the port? curtis sparks is talkin 600+