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View Full Version : everglades trail ride yesterday the conditions were perfect

Lo flyer
11-17-2002, 09:20 AM
I took my 15 year old son and his Warrior out to the everglades for a awesome trail ride in the rain. This is about the time of the year were we can get out there after the rainy season is over. The DNR had just done a controlled burn 2 days before so it was wild in spots when you rode through it was like a nuclear bomb had gone off the ground was black and smoldering the trees were stripped down to the top few palm frons. If you need a place to ride if you come to South Florida for the first race of the season pm me and I will hook you up. :)

11-17-2002, 09:35 AM
sounds like fun, i might have to make a trip there one day

11-17-2002, 10:30 AM
Awesome, you see any crocs this time ?:macho

Lo flyer
11-17-2002, 05:30 PM
No crocs there is only one place I know in Fl. that has them and that is near the nuclear power plant {imagine that} called Turkey Creek[?] near Miami going twords the Fl. Keys. Crocs are MEAN s.o.b.s and there agro, gators are more laid back and most dont want anything to do with you. That doesnt mean they wont F with things { swimmers and dogs and kids } one about 12 ' did eat my dog about 10 years ago. Just a black lab that loved to swim in the neighbors pond that is about 5 acres in size. Man I miss Max he was a cool dog.