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View Full Version : Anyone use one?

02-05-2008, 04:01 PM

has anybody used one of these, i have used albas products in the past and they have always been good, and there customer service is great too, it looks like its pretty nice, what do you guys think...

02-05-2008, 04:07 PM
I say it looks like an average stick stabilizer at an average price, most of them are made by the same mfg. just diff. stickers

my sticker says gibson

buy it and give us a review

02-07-2008, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by 450rJam
I say it looks like an average stick stabilizer at an average price, most of them are made by the same mfg. just diff. stickers

my sticker says gibson

buy it and give us a review

im thinking about it,

02-08-2008, 04:47 AM
mine seems to help with fast trails and dunes that are rutted up

02-08-2008, 07:49 AM
i went ahead and got a precision. the stick helps, but its not nearly as good as a presision one....

you could look into theres....
A guy i know just got one, and its exactly like a precision

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/honda-TRX-400EX-steering-stabilizer-free-shipping_W0QQitemZ290203777488QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4 3972QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

02-08-2008, 08:04 AM
i thought about this llooks the same idk if it adjusts though http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=35580&viewitem=&item=250212128609&_trksid=p3907.m29

i wana put one on my yz125 but i wana try a stick one because they are cheaper..... anyone no hox to mount one on a bike

02-08-2008, 08:18 AM
It depends What kind of rideing your doing.trails or racing.also how hard do you ride. the stick is in my experience isnt as good as the other.if you get a stick make shure you buy a rebuild kit.they dont last as long we ran two sticks years ago.them bought the precision.what a difference.also it all depends how much you want to spend.

02-08-2008, 09:57 AM
well i would love to have a precision but i dont have near the money to get one, im only 14. plus i have a 450r thats blown up and that needs to be rebuilt, and i bought some paint to paint the frame yesterday that freakin costs 175 bucks. my wallet is crying:( . so money right now is a little tight, but o well im happy with what i have now

02-08-2008, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by pro-rider46
well i would love to have a precision but i dont have near the money to get one, im only 14. plus i have a 450r thats blown up and that needs to be rebuilt, and i bought some paint to paint the frame yesterday that freakin costs 175 bucks. my wallet is crying:( . so money right now is a little tight, but o well im happy with what i have now

Hold up...

Your engine is blown up and needs rebuilding, but you just spent 175 bucks on paint?

What the hell?

Paint wont fix your quad man...:chinese: