View Full Version : Helmets

11-16-2002, 06:31 PM
Ok this helmet question is all crap. There is no one out there that does were there helmet everytime they get on there bike.
Ok I believe in helmets.


When I do not wear my helmet im not as daring as if i was.
Bottom line Im not a motocrosser. Im not a a flat tracker.
people drink and drive get stoned up Being totally stupid on bikes.
I have never been in an accident And too all you guys who do you are the guys who need the helmets.
I can do little jumps 3 feet high and not need a helmet.
Look at people letting people under 16 ride an atv/c.
I know some people under 16 who can drive better then alot of people. And honestly a helmet wont save your life it will only save your head.
Will a helmet save your life if you land on your spine??????
In that case we all should buy 10 000$ worth of gear just to go riding. Well I dont have 10 000 for gear.
In fact I dont have 10 000 to buy a bike.
I see you guys getting like 20 feet of air and im just thinking to my self what will a helmet do if you fall off the bike?

So Moderators if you don't like pics of no helmets deleat them from the site.


Amazing what you can learn from a new rider.
So all I can say is power to them.
If they get hurt or die its there own fault.



11-16-2002, 07:53 PM
After reading that I feel twice as stupid as before. The term "Save your LIFE" with the helmet means there is a very well chance that you will hit your head and your head is or could be the most dellicit thing on your body. I had a crash once and I had a helmet but I was not strapped on so when I hit the helmet came flying off and I hit my head and I got a concussion. You said that you don't need a helmet, lets put it this way they don't call it an accident for nothing, mistakes happen and it seems that you never make any so I guess your MR. Perfect.
Last night I was riding with no goggles just a helmet and I got a big peice of dirt in my eye and it broke a blood vessel and I couldn't open it for atlease in hour. It was stuck in there bad. Right there is the importance of a goggles. You should really listen to someone like me who has made all the mistakes there is. They say the only way to learn is to screw up first well by the way im going im gonna be a genuis!

11-16-2002, 07:55 PM
and also
If they get hurt or die its there own fault. That will come back to us if it was a kid the parents could sew someone or whoever and if no one wore helmets the deaths of people on quads would increase and they would try to ban atvs everywhere from being to dangerous from all the people who are getting killed!!!

11-16-2002, 08:05 PM
How people do you see wearing a helmet riding a utility quad? far as I know ive seen none riding down here or even one on the internet.

Fact is not everyone races and hit 20 feet jumps allday. If I am doing something fast/big jump/etc ill wear one. But if im just fooling around on little jumps/etc im not.

11-16-2002, 08:09 PM
I can tell you this from first hand experience. My cousin and I had a jump at his house where the dirt mound was probably only 10" tall and would result in less than 1-1/2' of air. It was more like a bunny hop than a jump. We'd jumped it hundreds of times before without ever having an incident. A couple buddies come over to my cousin's house and want to ride his EX. Jeremy tells them to hold while he warms the bike up. Now we've always ridden with our helmets on but this time Jeremy figures since he's only riding around the yard that he'll be OK without his brain bucket. He hits this small 10" jump we've got and don't you know it, the bike decides to kick this time. He goes over the bars hitting his head on the ground and the bike flops over on top of him. He gets ambulanced away and to this day he can't remember what happened all that Saturday. He remembers riding the bike around to warm it up Saturday afternoon and can't remember a thing until Sunday late morning. He suffered a concussion and bruised sternum. So just when you think you'll be OK without a helmet is exactly when it'll bite you in the rear.

As far as your comments to the moderators, we will delete them when seen but we shouldn't be seeing them. If you've got a pic of yourself riding without a helmet--don't post it.

11-16-2002, 08:10 PM
Well lets put it this way, My friend has a kodiak and he was just reversing with it and turned the wheel and it ended up flipping and the rack hit him in the head. I only do not use a helmet if I am going across the yard to get something but you should always wear a helmet. Also my friend was going up a hill , it wasn't to steep but when he hit some mud and got stuck he ended up rolling down backwards and falling off and he cracked his helmet on a rock. That could of been his head so you figure out the math!

11-16-2002, 08:20 PM
Yea who cares, i feel bad when I see em and hear about it but it's there lose and stupidity, god people are stupid as **** not to wear em atleast they see what happens when they dont (for those who dont wear them wear em or someday youll regret you reatrd) dont be stupid and not wear just wear it, and who gives a **** they dont they dont there lossss

11-16-2002, 08:57 PM
Well when I had my crash I was wearing a helmet but didn't strap it and I hit my friends 3 wheeler about 45 mph and I just went flying it and the helmet just flew off my head. I hit my head and had a concussion and lost memory for a while. And couldn't walk because of my back. I still have back problems to this day.

"Im only 14 and im falling apart" :huh

11-16-2002, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Tecate250
Ok this helmet question is all crap. There is no one out there that does were there helmet everytime they get on there bike.
Ok I believe in helmets.


When I do not wear my helmet im not as daring as if i was.
Bottom line Im not a motocrosser. Im not a a flat tracker.
people drink and drive get stoned up Being totally stupid on bikes.
I have never been in an accident And too all you guys who do you are the guys who need the helmets.
I can do little jumps 3 feet high and not need a helmet.
Look at people letting people under 16 ride an atv/c.
I know some people under 16 who can drive better then alot of people. And honestly a helmet wont save your life it will only save your head.
Will a helmet save your life if you land on your spine??????
In that case we all should buy 10 000$ worth of gear just to go riding. Well I dont have 10 000 for gear.
In fact I dont have 10 000 to buy a bike.
I see you guys getting like 20 feet of air and im just thinking to my self what will a helmet do if you fall off the bike?

So Moderators if you don't like pics of no helmets deleat them from the site.


Amazing what you can learn from a new rider.
So all I can say is power to them.
If they get hurt or die its there own fault.



that was probably the dumbest post i have ever read

11-16-2002, 09:29 PM
Ok so then what you guys say is that as soon as the bikes start you wera a helmet.
I do wear a helmet. I love riding. But I know people who are just dumb. Trying to climb stuff that is near inpossible.
Those idiots are the people im talking about.
And like I said about gear. You not only need a helmet but protective gear goggles, mx boots chest pro. ect. I did not wish to make this post look bad just explain that people know they should wear a helmet.

And of you guys have a drink befor/during a ride?
Anyway the fact of it is accidents do happen. But If you are carefull you lower the risk of them. And like I said Id rather be dead then paralized. So if you strees the helmet issue you should also stress the pro gear as well is all im trying to say.

And I am sorry if i offended anyone just putting my 2 canadian cents in.

Ride it like you stole it


11-16-2002, 11:41 PM
man i didnt even wear my helmet wheni jumped off the empire state building, you know it makes you more cool to be a complete idiot when you dont wear a helmet. i wasnt wearing it once and this racer came up to me on some trails and said "where the **** is your helmet, your insane" but i guess you guys think guys with half their face and brain missing get chicks

11-17-2002, 10:11 AM
only YOU have the ability to stop YOU from being stupid. No amount of typing on this forum can do it.

I wear mine......and my kids are required to wear theirs. I also strongly suggest that all riders who come here wear theirs. I have only had one guy ever show up here without a helmet. And he was the only guy that crashed that day.

11-17-2002, 10:39 AM
it doesn't matter how fast you ride, how careful you are accidents can happen.
What if someone else runs into you on the trail while you aren't wearing your helmet?

11-17-2002, 11:01 AM
The people who dont wear their helmets are the exact reason why people are against riding. Ok, your right about a helmet not protecting your whole body, but if you do fall and your not wearing a helmet, thats one more injury you have to deal with. and if someone tells me they fell and they didnt have their helmet on i would say- Im glad you fell you *******
profanity is not allowed*********

11-17-2002, 11:40 AM
yeah i am good at riding ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that. i was riding on a make shift grass oval course and spun around , caught an edge and got thrown off, my helmet helped me live

Glow Plug
11-17-2002, 11:49 AM
Ok i own a bayou 220 i know it's not the fastest thing ever but i will tell you that i always wear my helment. The olny time i do not is when my quad is warming up or when i am working with it like pulling trailers or feeding animals or fencing you know general work. And yes i have fallen off my bike a few times and i know what happens. and yes i do see a h*ll of alot of people not wearing there helmets when they ride. Theses are the people who ruin the sport and if they do get hurt then they deserve it.