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View Full Version : put on new pipes and never jetted ?

02-02-2008, 08:07 AM
quad runs great, no stutter, starts on first kick, plugs seem to read a little lean but not bad. went from sotck pipes to fmf fattys, should i rejet with a 260-280 or leave it like it is ?

02-03-2008, 08:13 AM
I would rejet to get the best preformance out of your pipes.....Im running fattie's with mild porting and proflow air box with the lid on. running 260 main's and my plugs are dead on the mixture.....also I am about 700ft above sea level .I hope this helps

02-03-2008, 08:39 AM
yes, thanks, the only thing im thinking, is the quad came from cali w/ k&N no lid, it may allready have a 260-280 in it, now its in va, plus a set of pipes, and it works ! but havent check the jetting yett, new to the 2 strokes, how do i get to the main jet, take the bowl off ?

02-03-2008, 08:48 AM
If it was running a k&n and no air box it is probly rejetted. just take off the bowl and it will be stamped on either the top lip or on the side of the jet....you can take the bowl off by unscrewing the caps and un hook the fueland choke line and just turn the carb sideways if you dont want to remove the carbs completly ....also check out bansheehq.com great site for banshee only...

02-03-2008, 02:41 PM
arright, thats a lot of help, on the new 4-strokes the have a draib bolt on bottom of bolt, and u can change jets like that, but i need to actually take the whole bowl off? gotcha, will floats or anything fall out or is everything attachted.

02-04-2008, 08:17 AM
stock banshee carb you have to take the bowl off........floats should stay in place.......after market carbs most have the big bolt you can take out without having to take the bowl off.

02-04-2008, 08:39 AM
yea, arright thats kewl, i'll pull them off today, and what the h$!! is T.O.R.S, throttle overide system ? is it the big things on top of each carb, just wondering :) these

02-04-2008, 08:51 AM
yep....it is a bunch of crap.....youcan buy a tors bypass on ebay make sure you get one that has new cable ,caps,and the idle kit with a drillbit and tap to thread your carbd for the new idle screw you can read about it on bansheehq.com......P.S. did you ship my 6 pack rack?

02-04-2008, 11:11 AM
my maw got caught up last week, all parts at her house, it should go out today or tomorow, i'll try to ship it quicker then ground if thats fine, as soon as she gives me a tracking number i'll let you know.

also, the elimantor kit they say sometimes will idle high for no reason ?

02-04-2008, 11:29 PM
Definitely make sure you rejet when making any modification with a 2-stroke. They respond quite differently than 4-strokes and are more temperamental. The thing with 2-strokes is that they will appear to run just fine when running lean which makes it harder to detect anything before you do damage. I've learned the hard way with not rejetting after putting on pipes. Was a pretty hefty rebuild cost after melting the pistons. I would probably lower the clips on the needles one position, adjust your air screws, and go up one or two sizes on the mains and pilots then check your plugs afterwards.

What's your altitude and temperature there?

02-05-2008, 06:33 AM
arright guys just pulled off the carbs, the main reads 330RD, is that just a regular 330 main? i called alba and they said their stock banshees run a 260 main and piped runs 300, piped and filter about a 330 ? my guess is this bike used to be piped and when i bought was only filtered, so its allready jetted properly. im in va temps are about 45-60's right now, altitude is 0-1000 i guess. the pipes are smoking pretty good, but the plugs do run clean, like i said i can see a light brown on the plugs and they are a little wet but not super black and oily like they used to be. is there any possibility this bike was jetted super rich b/c it came from cali ? altitude and temps are way different, and when it gets warmer wont my bike run even richer ?

02-05-2008, 02:33 PM
I would leave it as it is and keep doing plug checks to make sure you're staying with that light tan color. If they are getting a bit oily try leaning out your oil mixture. What are you mixing your gas at right now?

02-05-2008, 03:10 PM
pretty rich 32:1

02-05-2008, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by 660r2a400ex
pretty rich 32:1

Try moving up to 40:1 or 50:1 with the appropriate oil (oil will say it's for 40:1 or 50:1 ratio). I run 40:1 and I'm probably going to move up to 50:1 this summer.

A friend of my dad who rebuilt my Banshee engine runs 100:1 in his 250R when he races and 50:1 when he's joy riding. So far I think he's got quite a few years on the same top end.

02-06-2008, 06:15 AM
i'll pass, quads running good now not too oily, just a light brown, semi wet but not bad, thats how i want it

02-06-2008, 08:25 AM
What plugs are you running? I've gotten the best results using Iridium plugs.

02-06-2008, 09:11 AM
br9es in the 06 br7es in the 04

02-08-2008, 09:31 PM
just for your information you want a chocolate colour plug and by leaning up your oil to fuel ratio makes it richer not leaner
going from 32:1 to 50:1 will make it richer because the viscosity of the gas/oil flows better
stick with 32:1 to 40:1

remember the jetting affects the lubrication of a 2 stroke you never want to half assh it becuase you can get very bad results

02-09-2008, 07:48 AM
yes, so what your saying is my plug should be black ? its a lite brown now with small oil deposits, it has a 330 main in it and thats why im thinking it runs fine with the pipes b/c it was allready jetted rich from being in cali, different elivation and weather. i talked to ALBAACTION.com, they said theier stock shees run a 300 main. now a fully ported shee in va normally runs a 270-300. so i should be fine

02-11-2008, 11:06 AM
plug should be tan and dry. not black. 40:1 is a good mixture. we switched my cousins dirtbike to 40:1 and it runs 10x's better.

02-11-2008, 11:21 AM
yes, both bikes use to run a black plug, and i was fouling about once a week, 06 now runs a lot clear, tan/light brown, a little wet but not bad, then i dropped the jet on the the 04(ur bike) it runs a lot better also, but it idles higher now ??? is there any screw or anything i can turn to slow the idle down ? i can not figure it out, also blood $3500 if you come get it, i've put maybe 5 hrs. on it, still looks and runs the exact same. I'm in need for some money, i'm dying :( kickstarter steel even rattles a lil LOL:)

02-11-2008, 06:03 PM
Switch to BR8ES (Iridium is BR8IX or something like that), I believe that's what the Banshee is supposed to run. Switch to a 40:1 ratio. Yes, running less oil will richen up your fuel to air ratio because there is more fuel going through the jets instead of oil (easy way of putting it). I feel there is no need for a 20:1 (stock) or 32:1 ratio as long as you have an oil that provides enough lubrication for the leaner mixture.

When you switch to the leaner oil mixture do some more plug runs and if you notice it's running lean make adjustments.

02-12-2008, 06:37 AM
i run br9es in the 06 and br7es in the 04,

02-12-2008, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by 660r2a400ex
i run br9es in the 06 and br7es in the 04,

Is there a reason why you run such different heat ranges in them?

02-12-2008, 10:43 AM
one runs a lil lean and the other runs a lil rich , different plugs burn the fuel slower and faster, if it runs a lil rich the plug compensates and burns it quicker visa versa, how do i slow(adjust) the idle down on these bikes

02-12-2008, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by 660r2a400ex
one runs a lil lean and the other runs a lil rich , different plugs burn the fuel slower and faster, if it runs a lil rich the plug compensates and burns it quicker visa versa, how do i slow(adjust) the idle down on these bikes

There is a black knob on the backside of the carbs on the TORS if you still have them attached. Turning them counter clockwise will decrease idle while turning them clockwise will increase idle.

Have you tried rejetting them using the normal 8 plugs? You shouldn't be compensating for jetting with the plugs.

02-12-2008, 11:11 AM
yea both bikes have ben rejetted, i havent swithed plugs back to 8's but it says you can run from 7-9's, i believe my 06 came with 9's from the factory if i remember right. and i could probally put an even smaller jet in the 04, also, do i need to turn both knobs, is there two one on each carb?

02-12-2008, 11:17 PM
I believe there are two knobs, one for each carb. You need to have them synchronized.

I now run 30mm Mikuni's and it's a PITA to adjust the idle but it runs so much better with the carbs.

02-13-2008, 06:35 AM
so i have to adjust each one the exact same ? wow, thats stupid

02-17-2008, 09:45 PM
Yea. If I had spare money I would switch to a single carb set up. Much less PITA to work with.

It's best to have the carbs off and synch them by looking at the slides side by side and adjust the idle screws so they are both even. I believe there is actually a specific position the slides are supposed to be in for idle that should be in the manual. Put the carbs back on and start it up then adjust both the idles from there. Make sure to turn them both equally and you should be set. It's how I do mine and it doesn't take very long to get it idling smoothly.