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02-01-2008, 12:02 PM
I was driving to the Huntington Mall and got a ticket for $165.50. I was doing over 100 when I passed him, unmarked car, but the cop said that he lowered the speed to 80 in a 70. It was the state police not the highway patrol, so maybe thats why he was pretty easy about it.

What kind of fines are you paying?


02-01-2008, 01:31 PM
I drive like a grandma, but I got stopped at a checkpoint on New Years Eave. Don't usually drink, so that wasn't an issue. However, apparently my insurance card had expired and I hadn't put the new ones in my glovebox yet. Oops.

$375. :P

Court on the 15th. Hopefully it will be dropped w/ paperwork showing that my insurance was current and valid.

02-01-2008, 01:38 PM
buy a radar detector. ive had it for about month and its payed for its self already

02-01-2008, 01:43 PM
last ticket for me was in 1989

insurance and gas are to expensive to be doing 100

02-01-2008, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
last ticket for me was in 1989

insurance and gas are to expensive to be doing 100

Yea, I agree. No reason to speed unless you got some money to throw away.

02-01-2008, 02:00 PM
On our way to Texas, my dad was doing like 90 in W.V and got pulled over, he wrote him up for 74 so he wouldnt have to go to court and because thats the lowest he could pull him over for, plus the real reason he pulled him over was for no seatbelt, but thats a secondary offense so he had to pull him over for speeding instead, cop was real cool, $135 ticket

02-01-2008, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by bwamos
I drive like a grandma, but I got stopped at a checkpoint on New Years Eave. Don't usually drink, so that wasn't an issue. However, apparently my insurance card had expired and I hadn't put the new ones in my glovebox yet. Oops.

$375. :P

Court on the 15th. Hopefully it will be dropped w/ paperwork showing that my insurance was current and valid.
If you prove the policy was renewed BEFORE you got the ticket, they will drop it.

I've had two tickets, one was a sound violation for the stereo I had at the time. It was $75 and I just paid it and moved on since it didn't go on my driving record.

The other I got for doing 47 in a 30. It was a $75 ticket, and then I went to court to ask for court supervision and that cost another 100, so 175 and the insurance doesn't see it.

02-01-2008, 03:44 PM
I got an 80 in a 65 in NY which would have put 2 points on my NJ liscense but i dont even know what the fine was because the cop messed up and put the court date on presidents day so it was thrown out. :D

Otherwise ive never had a ticket

02-01-2008, 05:15 PM
I try not to speed got to many toys to pay for to be giving the state or county any extra money:p

a 100 or 200 dollar ticket can be the entry fee at several races.

02-01-2008, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by mittman
buy a radar detector. ive had it for about month and its payed for its self already

the only 2 tickets ive gotten were in 1985 and i had a radar detector both times..

both were lowered from well over 100mph, one even leading an indiana state trooper on a 2 or 3 mile run..(it makes a bit more sense when you hear the whole story though..)

both were within 1 week of each other. one was on a honda v-65, while the other was in a olds cutlass.

iirc, they were $75ea..

i sold the radar detector and ive never been stopped for speeding since.

02-01-2008, 05:42 PM
I was drivin with my dad on the highway, and we were doing the same speed as everyone else on the highway... 75.

The damn cop pulled US over, when we were just flowing with traffic.:grr:

The only time my dad actually went superfast on the highway, he was by himself, and my sister got in an accident. He wanted to get to her fast, so in his dodge ram, he went 115mph on the highway home. Not a cop the whole time.

Oh, cb radios are nice too. The truckers tell ya where the cops are.

02-01-2008, 05:43 PM
Speeding is pretty much pointless.

You might save 10-15 min on a long roadtrip, but then you have a much higher chance of getting caught with that much time on the road. Radar detectors help, but I don't think they can save you from laser. For around town, you speed past someone and what happens? The next traffic light, stop sign, etc and the person you passed catches right back up to you.

02-01-2008, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
Speeding is pretty much pointless.

You might save 10-15 min on a long roadtrip, but then you have a much higher chance of getting caught with that much time on the road. Radar detectors help, but I don't think they can still save you from laser? For around town, you speed past someone and what happens? The next traffic light, stop sign, etc and the person you passed catches right back up to you.


My dad only did because of the accident. You know that parent thing, when you here your kid gets hurt.

Even in sports cars, speeding isnt that fun, its the acceleration to that speed that is:devil:

02-01-2008, 08:19 PM
you got off pretty good. around here you would have been taken to jail for reckless driving. 16+ miles over the speed limit is what it is i think. 3 points.

if you have a radar detector most of the time the cop wont be lenient at all because your trying to beat the system.

the best way to get out of a ticket i was told by a 25 yr state trooper is.

1) if you see a cop turn around on you and persue you, pull over and wait for him to catch up.

2) put both hands on the steering wheel when he i walking up to your car.

3) turn your car off and have your window down.

4) dont give him any excuses, tell him im sorry, theres no excuse for my actions and it will never happen again.

02-01-2008, 09:36 PM
122 in a 45. one night in jail . Over a grand in fines. Biggest waste of money ever

MX MaNiAc 06
02-01-2008, 10:05 PM
Been driving for a year and a half. Never been pulled over!

02-01-2008, 11:02 PM
Got a speeding ticket recently. First one in many years. 72 in a 55. $112

02-02-2008, 11:45 AM
I live in the country so I was in B.F.E on a backroad. Drivin the speed limit in my '95 F250. A STATE COP pulls me over for not wearing my seatbelt and gives me a ticket. Thank god, he might have saved my life :rolleyes: Is that the best thing a state cop has to do with his day?


02-02-2008, 12:38 PM
Ive been pulled over 3 times by PA state cops for not having covers on my KC daylighters....never a fine but they do get bored on certian nights

02-02-2008, 12:53 PM
I live in Ontario, and got two speeding tickets both within 5 months of eachother, in my first year of driving. The first was a 112km/h in an 80km/h reduced to a 95 in an 80 and costed $50. The second was 123 in a 60, and was reduced also, but costed $360, and my car was supposed to be impounded. I got lucky. Lesson learned, I pass cops all the time now, doing about 85 and I havn't been pulled over since. If I do speed, I don't go over 90. The other night I was trying to get home quickly so I went 120 down my road for about 10 minutes (slowing down to 80 when I see headlights behind or infront :p ), and I used wayyyyy more gas, so I'll be going the limit from now on, like pappy said, it's too much $! Cops scare the chit out of me, even if I've done nothing wrong. Last night I passed a cruiser on the side of a highway and after I passed him he must of floored it because he was going like 130 past me in a few seconds. Those magnums are quick :ermm: .

02-02-2008, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
Last night I passed a cruiser on the side of a highway and after I passed him he must of floored it because he was going like 130 past me in a few seconds. Those magnums are quick :ermm: .

Hahaha, cops round here drive Hemi Chargers!

I'd wanna be a cop just so i can beat on one. haha.

02-02-2008, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Hondamaster5505
Hahaha, cops round here drive Hemi Chargers!

I'd wanna be a cop just so i can beat on one. haha.

That's what this guy was driving, a blacked out hemi charger.