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11-16-2002, 08:00 AM
What are the dunes like out west? The only ones I have ever riddin are silver lake in MI. I love silver lake, and was wondering how they compare with the western dunes. I know that as far as area, they are probably smaller, but what about height and steepness.

11-16-2002, 09:45 AM
Hmmm well, you will get a few mixed reviews on this, personally I dont have much to compare to, being I have never been to Calf. dunes I hear they are very impresive there,you ought to go check our Wyoduners website he has seom really good info on all the dunes here out west and he also had some great pics too.;) Most who have been to St. Anthoys will tell you it is very impressive,I have been there a couple times and it has a few good steep climbs, and great sand..

Dune Surfer
11-16-2002, 10:41 AM
Glamis is great, Oregon is also from what I hear.

11-16-2002, 11:33 AM
I think all the dune places are worth checking out. You won't be dissapointed with any of them. Just that Pismo is kinda small, 1500 acres, still fun and unique cause it's right on the beach.

11-16-2002, 12:20 PM
K, here are pics from BUTTERCUP. Remember, GLAMIS is way BIGGER than this...so put your imagination to work!

11-16-2002, 12:21 PM
And this one shows a some nice dunes...Glamis has BIGGER bowls than buttercup and is just PLAIN OLD BIGGER!
Am I right Dune Surfer? :D

Sorry for the bad quality pics, i just quickly scanned these at low resolution...:(

11-16-2002, 12:55 PM
I live close to the OR dunes and I love to ride there. I can't imagine anything being more fun then riding in the dunes.

If I had the money(maybe in a couple years) I want to take a road trip and hit all the dunes on the west coast. With a couple of riding buddies that would be a blast.

11-16-2002, 01:35 PM
They sound awesome. Has anyone ever been to the dunes in MI? I think that they are pretty cool, but do not have anyhting to compare them with. Has anyone ever been over here to Michigan?

11-16-2002, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by ChEX
They sound awesome. Has anyone ever been to the dunes in MI? I think that they are pretty cool, but do not have anyhting to compare them with. Has anyone ever been over here to Michigan? I have never been ,but If someone has some pics of it, plese post Ive talked to a couple of people talk about this place and have never seen it

11-16-2002, 04:34 PM
those are awsome pics

11-17-2002, 10:13 PM
I wish I had some better pics, none of these really do the place justice. They were just what I could find on the net. I think that Silver Lake is pretty steep and tall. You have 90 miles of open water before the wind even begins to slow down. When I go in spring I'll take some good pics.

11-17-2002, 10:14 PM

11-18-2002, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by ChEX
I wish I had some better pics, none of these really do the place justice. They were just what I could find on the net. I think that Silver Lake is pretty steep and tall. You have 90 miles of open water before the wind even begins to slow down. When I go in spring I'll take some good pics. Dang...:eek: That is some big steep dunes..hmmm I wonder how far that si from me :confused: Probably too far for me :(

11-19-2002, 01:19 PM
A couple of years ago I went to a friend house who lives near Manistee. He took me up there to the SIlver Lake dunes for a day. It was ok, considering I was in a truck and not a bike, but comparing the two first hand,,the Dunes out this way are on another scale. Larger dunes, larger area to ride, and I could be wrong on this one, but it seems there was alot of restrictions out there. Nice dunes in Michigan, beautiful area, but Id hate to give up the dunes out here.

11-19-2002, 06:05 PM
hey whats up, has anyone ever been to sand mountain in Las Vegas? I will be going to dumont in dec for the first time so I will post some replys when I get back. glamis is the best dunes so far.

11-19-2002, 11:06 PM
I have been to Glamis, LS Utah, Dumont and Saint Anthonys. All dunes have strong points and I will say for me no dune area is better then the other. I will say this you don't need to go all the way to Glamis to experience huge bowls, 600ft hillshooting hills and dunes you can't even get up. Idaho and Utah is as far as you need to go unless you like wasting gas.:eek:

11-20-2002, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by SAND LUVR
hey whats up, has anyone ever been to sand mountain in Las Vegas? I will be going to dumont in dec for the first time so I will post some replys when I get back. glamis is the best dunes so far.


If you love big @ss hills this is the place for you, its not very big but the dunes are really really wide and steep and tall
when u get to the top turn around stop and look at all the ants on the ground, or the trailers and motorhomes but they look like ants. Get to the top of the hill right by the motorhomes and go down it wot. its a blast, you can feel the g-force holding you down. I love it!!!!

11-22-2002, 11:40 AM
Every dune is different - much different. There are dunes for every type of person. Some are more like rolling hills and some are gigantic mountains. Some have trees in and around them and some are as barren as can be. Some are small and some are so big that you need to bring extra gas and a GPS to get around. Some have trails in and around them, some get snow on them, some... well you get the idea. All sand is fun and anybody that has access to any sand dunes should consider themselves lucky.

St. Anthony is still my favorite palce though. I'll be checking out Glamis in January.

11-22-2002, 04:17 PM
I agree with Sandgod4. Glamis is a really fun place, though. The it's worth checking out at least once just to see what it's all about. Wyoduner, you will have a blast there. Make sure to hit Dumont on the way down.

11-23-2002, 03:42 PM
Here are a few pics i took this past summer....CHEX i'm located about 15 miles from u in three oaks, i guess it is a small world:D

11-23-2002, 03:46 PM
bustin out the air.....i apoligize for the big pics, i'm not PC literate so i'm not sure how to make them small sorry

11-23-2002, 04:32 PM
wow, the world is a small place. We will have to hook up some time and ride. Where do you ride around here?

11-24-2002, 04:43 PM
I usually ride around on our own property, i live on a farm so we have quite abit of land to ride on. I also ride at red bud, silver lake, badlands, and i have a few friends with private mx tracks. My quads going to for reconstruction this winter, Powedercoating frame and what not, but next spring we might have to do sum riding or something.
