View Full Version : timing chain question

01-29-2008, 10:57 PM
On the 04 450R that i am building. i was going through the parts tonight to see whats good and what aint. well i was lookin at the timing chain and it dont kink at all.........any other timing chain that i have had that stretched would kink up. This one seems real good. i was gonna go ahead and replace it anyways when every thing goes back together but what do you guys think. it seems ok, would you put it back in. The quad will be all stock except for exhaust and jets and the only quads ive ever had stretch one were modded quads, what do you think??

01-30-2008, 04:26 AM
Cant really answer that unless we know how much the bikes been used.

Could be an 04 with 15 hours on it, or used every weekend for the last 4 years :P

IMO if the bike was used enough for the top end to need freshing, then the timing chain should be replaced with the rest of the high abuse parts.

01-30-2008, 06:43 AM
I always say if you have to ask reaplace it. You are not going to feel better about the situation until you get a brand new one. You will always be thinking to yourself "Should I have replcaed that timing chain" I am not perfectionist but there are things on my rebuild I would have replaced or done differently if i did it agian.

01-30-2008, 07:15 AM
My quad is an 04. it had countless hours on it when I did the motor abou a year ago. I repalced the chain just because I was in there. It was barely stretched. I would also just get a new one because I'm in there.

01-30-2008, 07:16 AM
Replace it.I am and i have an 06.Its cheap reassurance($40) !!!:confused: