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11-15-2002, 07:01 PM
ok, this is another jetting question, this time i am not having any other problems, just seems pretty off on jetting

i got a 1991 trx250x and there is a uni-filter with holes drilled in the airbox lid, i just added a exhaust system and the manufacturer didn't have any jetting suggestions besides go a little bigger so..................ya

when i pulled it apart it had a 122 main jet in it, so i put a 135 and a 45 set in there, low end seems somewhat rich so i am going to go back to the stock pilot jet

the quad doesn't accelerate as fast as it used to because it is either too lean or too rich??? i put a 135 main jet in the quad along with the 45 pilot and when i get into 4th and 5th gear and try to punch it, it doesn't want to go anywere fast, it kinda seems like it is skipping a beat on the valve timming, almost as if it is starving for gas, so here i am confused on what to do cuz ???? i also have a 142 main and a 130 and 125 i can play with, along with the stock pilot, o, and i did put the e-clip one notch down on the carb so don't worry bout that.......

i appreciate the help in advance and if nobody has any suggestions i guess i could just take it to a small dirt area and ride it and re-jet it till it seems almost perfect


11-15-2002, 07:35 PM
when i had a 250x, ihad the same set-up as you, i ran a stock pilot, 130 main, needle clip 2nd notch down from the top, ran very well, but different bike and area of the country, try it, it's a starting point

11-15-2002, 09:35 PM
122 to 135 is a huge jump. A full exhaust will take you up 1 or 2 jet sizes. You jumped about 5.

Try a 125 or 128 main jet.

11-15-2002, 10:47 PM
ya, but y is it striggling on top end so much, u think it's cuz it is way to rich at that size? i thought so but............???????? i'll try your setup jerry, i'll take it out to a close by ridin area and play with that setup for a while........we'll see what happens

11-15-2002, 11:34 PM
yes, to large of a main jet will make it run like crap on the top end. Take a look at your plug it should tell ya.

11-15-2002, 11:56 PM
i just got a T-4 slip on and a K&N filter, and i went up from my stock 148 to a 170, and up from 38 to 42, and the 148 to 170 is more than 1 or 2 sizes up, and it runs great, and the plug is perfect. looks like cocoa.