View Full Version : Building Arm chest and shoulder muscle?

01-23-2008, 09:20 PM
i was wondering if anyone can give me any good exercises to build muscle in these areas and any tips on how to do them

btw , I'm 14 about 5 foot 6 and 115 -120 pounds and i want to build more muscle and gain weight obviously eating and eating healthy are a big factor

01-23-2008, 09:28 PM
If you look online(google)....you can find a lot about this.

But, bench press and military presses are nice. So are curls, flys, straight outs, and shrugs. Can also do push ups and sit ups

01-23-2008, 09:46 PM
this is a work out that will leave you sore for a couple days.. it works almost every muscle in your arm... 3 parts, 2 exercises in each part. those 2 exercises are rapid sets so do 1 then the other right after starts like this

1st part
Close Grip bench- 5x6- as much weight as you can do 6 times keep elbows in the whole time

Medium Grip(middle) Curls on curl bar 5x6 as heavy as you can do maintaining perfect form

They are supersets so do CG bench then the second you finish go to the curls then go right back to bench again...

2nd part
Tricep dumbell extension 5x6 as much weight as you can do 6 tiems.

Reverse Medium Grip(middle) Curls on curl bar 5X6 as much weight as you can do without loosing perfect form...

Supersets again so 1 right after the other.

3rd Part

Weighted Dips 6x10
feet on a bench hands on a bench put as much weight on your legs as you can handle doing it 10 times go as far down as you arms will let you.

Curls Circuit 3x5 of each exercise
1st is reverse curls close grip
2nd is Bicep curl close girp
3rd reverse curl middle grip
4th Bicep curl middle grip
5th reverse curl outter grip
6th bicep curl outter grip
do each one of these in order 3 reps of 5 sets your going to want to lower the weight a little bit to keep good form.take a 5 second break between these

3rd part is also a super set so 1 right after the other

and thats it.. if your not sore then well idk but i promise you youll be sore

01-24-2008, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Hondaracing819
this is a work out that will leave you sore for a couple days.. it works almost every muscle in your arm... 3 parts, 2 exercises in each part. those 2 exercises are rapid sets so do 1 then the other right after starts like this

1st part
Close Grip bench- 5x6- as much weight as you can do 6 times keep elbows in the whole time

Medium Grip(middle) Curls on curl bar 5x6 as heavy as you can do maintaining perfect form

They are supersets so do CG bench then the second you finish go to the curls then go right back to bench again...

2nd part
Tricep dumbell extension 5x6 as much weight as you can do 6 tiems.

Reverse Medium Grip(middle) Curls on curl bar 5X6 as much weight as you can do without loosing perfect form...

Supersets again so 1 right after the other.

3rd Part

Weighted Dips 6x10
feet on a bench hands on a bench put as much weight on your legs as you can handle doing it 10 times go as far down as you arms will let you.

Curls Circuit 3x5 of each exercise
1st is reverse curls close grip
2nd is Bicep curl close girp
3rd reverse curl middle grip
4th Bicep curl middle grip
5th reverse curl outter grip
6th bicep curl outter grip
do each one of these in order 3 reps of 5 sets your going to want to lower the weight a little bit to keep good form.take a 5 second break between these

3rd part is also a super set so 1 right after the other

and thats it.. if your not sore then well idk but i promise you youll be sore

Are you crazy? Being sore doesn't mean anything, you want a good pump. If i did that workout id be back down to 150lbs!

Here is a great workout. It 5 days a week, different muscle group a day. Now keep in mind when you do Biceps you inadvertently use use your Back, Same when you do Chest you inadvertently use your Triceps. So you wouldn't want to do a Bicep workout then the next day do Back. Same with Chest and Triceps. I workout for size and strength, 12 sets (sometimes 15) a workout 8-12 reps.

Monday/Triceps: Close Grip Bench 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Single Arm Push Downs 3 sets x 8-12 reps
Singe Arm Skull Crunches 3 sets x 8-12 reps
For the 4th workout alternate Wieghted Dips one week/ V Bar Push Downs another week 3 sets x 8-12 reps

Tuesday/Biceps: Aternating Dumbell Curls 3 set x 10-12 reps
E-Z Curl or Straight Bar Curls 3 set x 8-10 reps
Preacher Curls 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Consintration/Arnold Curls 3 set x 10-12 reps
Every other week Substitute Hammer Curls 2-3 sets x 8-12 reps
Instead of doing Arnold Curls.

Wednesday/Legs: Squats 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Leg Extentions 3 sets x 8-12 reps
Leg Press 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Leg Curls 3 sets x 8-12 reps
Every other week incorperate Lunges 3 sets x 8-10 reps

Thursday/Offday: Relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!

Friday/Chest: Dumbell Incline Press 3 sets x 8-12 reps
Flat Bench 1st set- what you can do 10 times
2nd set- add 10 lbs. do as many as you can
3rd set- add 10-15 lbs. do as many as you can
4th set- add 10-15 lbs. do as many as you can plus 2 negatives
5th set- add 5-10 lbs. do as many as you can plus 1-2 negatives
Cable Crossovers 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Pushups 4 sets x as many reps as you can
Alternate Decline Bench every 3rd week instead of doing Pushups.

Saturday/Shoulders-Back: Lateral Raises 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Dumbell Front Raises 3 sets x 10-12 reps
Barbell Shrugs 2-3 sets x 10-12 reps
Dumbell Shrugs 2-3 sets x 10-12 reps
Bent Over Seated Lateral Raises 3 sets x 8-12 reps

I don't have a good back workout. I have some back problems and rarely do much right now for my back. I know back workouts, but i don't know how good the results would be seeing that i haven't done the workout myself. Your Abs will come with dieting. You can do your abs a couple times a week at home watching TV or when ever.

Now remember you don't want to do the same workout in the same order 2 weeks in a row. If you start on E-Z Curls one week, then start on Preacher Curls the next week. Always change the order of your sets.

01-24-2008, 01:43 PM
any workout with that many sets and reps is gonna shred you up. but your not gonna gain that much weight. try a combination of a healthy diet and power lifting. lean beef chicken tuna carb up with oatmeal during the day. cut your lifting to 2 warm ups and have a spotter for a max set. split your muscle groups. tri bi day. back shoulder. chest trap and leg abs or whatever is comfortable. you could also try a lean weight gainer. N large 2. low fat.. you wanna gain weight but keep your body fat down. so you cant eat anything and everything. youll actually look bigger when you shred some body fat and gain alittle muscle but at 150lbs and your height it doesnt sound like you have that much body fat anyway. id say disciplin is the biggest thing. if your gonna work out to bulk up stick with it and dont quit. and keep track of the diet.

01-24-2008, 02:24 PM
Search. I think this is like the 50th billion thread I've seen on building mass.:o

01-24-2008, 02:28 PM
It doesnt matter what excercises you do. Anything is better than nothing.

The main thing to remember is this. No Pain, No Gain. But keep in mind, to much pain is a bad thing.

I agree...just search. Ive see hundreds of muscle building thread on this site since ive been a member. Better yet, call your local GNC or even a local gym and just tell them that your 14, have no way of getting to the gym, but you want to start building muscle.

Unless the people at the gym are total douchebags, they should be more than happy to help you out.

EDIT- At 14, you wont get huge and buff. You'll notice a strength increase, but your muscles arent done developing, so unless you take creatine or something of that sort, you wont get buff. You'll get a little more defined than the average person. Im 15, have been working out since I was 13 and im not buff at all. I have a 4 pack, and something that resembles pecks. Im happy with the strength increase though. My girlfriend doesnt like big muscles, so its ok.

If your looking to get buff, then work out and take creatine, but drink a CHIT load of water. If your just looking for a strength increase then you'll be fine with just working out.:p

01-24-2008, 02:38 PM
As a teen, your natural test levels are probably as high as they will ever be in your life. You can get bigger. At 115-120 pounds, you just need to get some food down man. Good lean protein, complex carbs, and good fats. If you want to gain some size, don't just work your arms. Don't forget about LEGS and BACK. Do some research but don't believe everything you read. It will just take work.

Originally posted by 416exfreak
It doesnt matter what excercises you do. Anything is better than nothing.

The main thing to remember is this. No Pain, No Gain. But keep in mind, to much pain is a bad thing.

I agree...just search. Ive see hundreds of muscle building thread on this site since ive been a member. Better yet, call your local GNC or even a local gym and just tell them that your 14, have no way of getting to the gym, but you want to start building muscle.

Unless the people at the gym are total douchebags, they should be more than happy to help you out.

EDIT- At 14, you wont get huge and buff. You'll notice a strength increase, but your muscles arent done developing, so unless you take creatine or something of that sort, you wont get buff. You'll get a little more defined than the average person. Im 15, have been working out since I was 13 and im not buff at all. I have a 4 pack, and something that resembles pecks. Im happy with the strength increase though. My girlfriend doesnt like big muscles, so its ok.

If your looking to get buff, then work out and take creatine, but drink a CHIT load of water. If your just looking for a strength increase then you'll be fine with just working out.:p

01-24-2008, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by la400ex
As a teen, your natural test levels are probably as high as they will ever be in your life. You can get bigger. At 115-120 pounds, you just need to get some food down man. Good lean protein, complex carbs, and good fats. If you want to gain some size, don't just work your arms. Don't forget about LEGS and BACK. Do some research but don't believe everything you read. It will just take work.

Maybe its just me then...

Ive been working out every day for the last 2 years and I honestly dont see the results I thought I would.

I guess looking back at pictures of me when I first started I am decently cut. I just figured Id have more muscle mass than I do.:ermm:

Anyone know any supplements you can take that arent like a steroid?

I know creatine affects things we dont want affected...but is there anything else you can use?

Sorry to hi-jack your thread 07250ex:)

01-24-2008, 02:45 PM
Post up your routine and your diet. I am no expert, but I do have a degree in Exercise Science so I can give ya some pointers.

01-24-2008, 03:34 PM
i'm no expert at this but dosen't building muscle have somewhat to do with genes. some people are just built with more muscle than others and some can lift and get it more easier than most.

at my age, ive deff. seen an increase in my muscle mass

01-24-2008, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by la400ex
Post up your routine and your diet. I am no expert, but I do have a degree in Exercise Science so I can give ya some pointers.

Ok, im also a long distance runner, so keep that in mind when you see my diet.

Morning routine:
5x15 sit ups
5x15 pushups
5x15 curls
5x15 pullups

Afternoon (lunchtime):
2x10 sit ups
2x10 pushups
2x10 curls
2x10 pullups

10x10 situps (while holding a 40 lb weight)
10x10 pushups (with 40 lb weight on my back)
10x10 curls
10x10 pullups

And 4 of 7 days of the week I run between 7 and 9 miles.

My deit consists of:
Low fat meat (Fish, poultry, lean hamburger (90-10), lean beef)
Lots of carbs (rice, grains, etc)
Selects veggies (corn, beans, peas, sprouts, etc)
Fruits (banana, apples, oranges, tangerines, etc.)

That covers it for the most part. I drink one soda per week, very rarely do I eat sweets, and I stay away from really greasy, faty foods.

01-24-2008, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
Ok, im also a long distance runner, so keep that in mind when you see my diet.

Morning routine:
5x15 sit ups
5x15 pushups
5x15 curls
5x15 pullups

Afternoon (lunchtime):
2x10 sit ups
2x10 pushups
2x10 curls
2x10 pullups

10x10 situps (while holding a 40 lb weight)
10x10 pushups (with 40 lb weight on my back)
10x10 curls
10x10 pullups

And 4 of 7 days of the week I run between 7 and 9 miles.

My deit consists of:
Low fat meat (Fish, poultry, lean hamburger (90-10), lean beef)
Lots of carbs (rice, grains, etc)
Selects veggies (corn, beans, peas, sprouts, etc)
Fruits (banana, apples, oranges, tangerines, etc.)

That covers it for the most part. I drink one soda per week, very rarely do I eat sweets, and I stay away from really greasy, faty foods.

No wonder you aint gaining muscle wieght. 3 times a day is to much and your not hitting heavy wieghts. Something to remember, lifting gets you stronger and eating gets you bigger!

I started working out almost 4 years ago. I was 24 years old at 5'9" and 140-150 lbs. depending what time a year it was. I'm now 5'9" at 198-202 lbs. I'll see 215-220 lbs this year some time.

TIME, DEDICATION, AND SUPPLEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-24-2008, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
Maybe its just me then...

Ive been working out every day for the last 2 years and I honestly dont see the results I thought I would.

I guess looking back at pictures of me when I first started I am decently cut. I just figured Id have more muscle mass than I do.:ermm:

Anyone know any supplements you can take that arent like a steroid?

I know creatine affects things we dont want affected...but is there anything else you can use?

Sorry to hi-jack your thread 07250ex:)

your not hi-jacking at all no worries :cool:

01-24-2008, 09:53 PM
also what are some good leg exercizes?

01-24-2008, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by 416exfreak
EDIT- At 14, you wont get huge and buff. You'll notice a strength increase, but your muscles arent done developing, so unless you take creatine or something of that sort, you wont get buff. You'll get a little more defined than the average person. Im 15, have been working out since I was 13 and im not buff at all.

If you lived on a farm you'd be buff. My dad at that age was the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Of course back then I believe a lot of people who did physical labor were a lot stronger in better shape because you really had to be.

Either way you're probably better off than me. I'm a fatty. Trying to change that for this upcoming race season though. I need to lose the 20lbs I put on from surgery this past summer.

01-24-2008, 10:09 PM
I don't think creatine is bad for you.....is it? I think it just adds protein and water to your muscles, to help heal the rip and build new.

I'd also like to know, what you guys do as for using protein/whey shakes....or creatine, etc.

01-25-2008, 01:37 AM
Originally posted by Bradracer18
I don't think creatine is bad for you.....is it? I think it just adds protein and water to your muscles, to help heal the rip and build new.

I'd also like to know, what you guys do as for using protein/whey shakes....or creatine, etc.

It is NOT bad for you.Don't believe all the bullchit, read about it.
Take Protein, Creatine what ever you want.:muscle:

01-25-2008, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by Toadz400
If you lived on a farm you'd be buff. My dad at that age was the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Of course back then I believe a lot of people who did physical labor were a lot stronger in better shape because you really had to be.

Either way you're probably better off than me. I'm a fatty. Trying to change that for this upcoming race season though. I need to lose the 20lbs I put on from surgery this past summer.

He wasn't as big as Arnold at 14. Arnold was 235 competition, 260 in the off season.

<p><object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://metacafe.com/fplayer/40662/arnold_schwarzenegger_mr_olympia.swf"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://metacafe.com/fplayer/40662/arnold_schwarzenegger_mr_olympia.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425"height="350"></embed></object></p><p><a href="http://www.ganges.com/Arnold_Schwarzenegger_Mr_Olympia_v19306/" target="_blank">Arnold Schwarzenegger - Mr. Olympia</a></p>

01-25-2008, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by 07250ex
also what are some good leg exercizes?

Squats, squats, and more squats. And when you are sick of doing squats, go do some more! They are a core body lift and are the BEST leg exercise to do hands down! Also lunges, kleins, hip trap bar, leg press, curls and extenisons are great. Try different squat variations too such as frontal squats and dumb bell squats. Any body builder or power lifter will tell you that squats are the fondation for building leg strength.