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View Full Version : which exhaust?

01-22-2008, 06:09 PM
im currently looking at some exhausts out there to purchase bust with the amount of them and the amount of good responses for each of them its so hard to choose. Right now im looking at Sparks, Dr.D, and maybe a Fat Boy 4. I just can't decide. Anyone have some suggestions of which exhaust to get. I looking for some good low and mid end power(i never really open up my yfz):ermm:


01-23-2008, 02:46 AM
Go check out the HMF web site, they have several to pick from.

01-23-2008, 11:37 AM
Get Spark dude...they give you power everywhere low-mid-high....and they sound amazing!!

mopar 400
01-23-2008, 01:38 PM
You cant go wrong with the Sparks or Duncan.. I have run both pipes and they are darn good. The duncan is a bit easier to rebuild if you need to, all the parts bolt on and you can order each part individually from Duncan.

01-23-2008, 01:49 PM
I guess Sparks is it then. I even got a buddy whose dad has one and say its the best.

Thanks for the help!

01-23-2008, 07:06 PM
i would go sparks or rossier i believe rossier is the best it opens my quad right up and if you ever need to make it quiet just throw a super trapp on there and it works great go to rossiereng.com but i seen in your signature you have a kicker on your yfz how do you like it what would you rather have kicker or electric

01-23-2008, 07:28 PM
Man i love my kick start but its a bizatch to turn over when the bike is hot. But its not only that, most of the time your to darn tired to kick start the bike with your full force. That is why i suggest if you ever get a kick starter i would suggest to buy a hot start or compression release thing as well. Plus, its kinda cool kick starting a quad. Not many people are use to seeing that lol.

01-23-2008, 07:37 PM
well mine is in the shop now gettin one on there cause i gotta race this weekend and i didnt wanna **** anything up but i got a hot start with it to but where would i get a compression release for it and how is it installed or should i just be good with the hot start

01-24-2008, 01:57 PM

i asked my friend one day about getting something to ease the kick start and he pointed me to this item. I think this is all you need but im not sure. You should talk to the shop that your bike is at about it, you never know maybe that hot start that you got is all you need. This one on the link there says its got the hot start and compression release thing though. I am not sure lol, if you ever get it working msg me back cause i want to get a hot start as well.

01-24-2008, 03:34 PM
well i just got my quad back and i like it but theres just that certain way you gotta start it but i think i might take all the starter and **** off for the weight cause i flattrack and i got a hot start on mine now

01-24-2008, 05:10 PM
sounds sweet, i have my starter motor out but i still got the battery in cause i ride trails night and day. I might take it all off though, not going trail riding in for while now.

Anyways hows that hot start? like what it do and stuff lol?

01-24-2008, 07:53 PM
to tell you the truth i havent even used it yet but ya i dont ride trails plus my motor is so built it gets to hott to quick so its a race only motor but i think after ice racin im gonna take all the unessicary wiring off