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View Full Version : REALLY NEED YOUR HELP - offroading

01-22-2008, 04:52 PM
Ok I dont even know where to start... I took my ford explorer ofroading today and got stuck pretty deep inside some trails. I was driving over some ice and the ice cracked only around my tires. The truck is being help up by the ice on its frame and the tires arent even touching the mud to get traction. I tried pulling it out with a Silverado 2500 turbo diesel with a chain and that didnt work. Then I tried a little 10 ft. come a long and that didnt work cause the nearest tree is on an angle.

Now i need some suggestions on how to get this thing out. Tomorrow I'm gonna get the silverado and another truck to try and pull me out and if that doesnt work..... I have no idea?

Can anyone help me out... Any suggestions...Tips...Tricks??

Im soo pissed:mad:

01-22-2008, 05:14 PM
get a choker, they are much more durable than a chain

01-22-2008, 05:14 PM
Don't go off roading in the winter? :p That really sucks bro don't let anyone find it. Get some pictures!

01-22-2008, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
Don't go off roading in the winter? :p That really sucks bro don't let anyone find it. Get some pictures!

Yea, figured that one out the hard way! Im cooled down now especially cuase the parents werent even that mad. Ill definatly have to get pictures and no ones gonna touch it cuase its pretty deep in the woods and i can go there first thing tomorow morning since I dont have any school.

01-22-2008, 05:45 PM
when you see the pictures your gonna think "oh thats pu**y $hit" cuase my tires arent even in deep. But its cause the frame is stuck on the ice! Probably the worst way to be stuck.

01-22-2008, 08:07 PM
i use to have a Z71 with a 8in lift and 35" tires. i wish i would have taken pictures the time i got it stuck well not stuck but my front passenger side tire fell into a hole that was covered up by some bushes and sticks along a gate side. when my tire fell in the hole it snapped the steering stem on that side. i couldnt get out in 4wd or nothin even though i had traction on all three others tires. if my cousin tp300ex reads this he will tell ya. he even tried pullin me out with my dads 4wd tractor and that didnt work. my dad had to get his bulldozer to pull it out and that barely got it out. you might have to get a tractor or dozer.

01-22-2008, 08:23 PM
ok i finally got it out, but forgot to bring my camera. It took 5 guys an f150 beater and a huge come along. Took us about 3 hours. It was stuck so badly that when we were yanking on the come along, the handle snapped in half and there was a huge burn mark in the tree from the wire. Man im never going offroading in the winter again.:)

01-22-2008, 08:25 PM
tomorrow I might go back there with the quads and take some pictures of where I was stuck. Its just a huge mud/water pit with ice chunks everywhere.

01-22-2008, 08:38 PM
Similar thing happened to me. Today after work me and the guys I work with decided to go screw around at the same bunch of puddles we went to the past few days. Well we all met up at the same hole I always go through (they even said, meet at the hole Nate always d*cks around in). When I get there I see the one kid walking on the ice. I pull up to it and ask if its ok, they say yes. I float across one way pretty smooth, break through in a couple places, no biggie. I turn around to come back, both front tires break through, and the skid plate is holding me up. My back tires are on solid ground still (It was icy though). So I wasn't moving, and my buddy in his tacoma had to jerk me out. I don't know if it will be worse being stuck or getting made fun of for being pull out by a taco..:(

01-22-2008, 08:40 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Blue250X
Similar thing happened to me. Today after work me and the guys I work with decided to go screw around at the same bunch of puddles we went to the past few days. Well we all met up at the same hole I always go through (they even said, meet at the whole Nate always d*cks around in). When I get there I see the one kid walking on the ice. I pull up to it and ask if its ok, they say yes. I float across one way pretty smooth, break through in a couple places, no biggie. I turn around to come back, both front tires break through, and the skid plate is holding me up. My back tires are on solid ground still (It was icy though). So I wasn't moving, and my buddy in his tacoma had to jerk me out. I don't know if it will be worse being stuck or getting made fun of for being pull out by a taco..:( [/QUOTE

yea it sucks. Lesson learned for me-dont go offroading in the winter. What were you driving?

01-22-2008, 08:56 PM
man if you get stuck like that wen ur bottomed out, break or dig the **** out from under ur rig and clear a path for you to get out of and then get ur bud to give ya a pull

01-22-2008, 09:44 PM
yea wat yzrider got into was bad i jerked the hell out of it in 4 wld and nuthin...i also got stuck in my z71 Friday and my frame was sitting on mud it took a 4x4 f 250 to pull me out... wat u need to try in jerking it...and if that dont work pull at an angle..

01-23-2008, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by atvrider23054
yea it sucks. Lesson learned for me-dont go offroading in the winter. What were you driving?

1993 Chevy K1500. Pretty stockish, 31 inch ATs. It gets me where I wanna go though.