View Full Version : First Broken Tranny Gears

01-20-2008, 08:43 PM
Well my son broke his first set of tranny gears today on his 50... My question is if there is a different set up that I should be looking at than the stock setup. What I am getting at, is should I change the size of the gears or is the ratio that they come stock with the best you can do? Or, is it the only option? Thanks in advance for all your help. JR

01-21-2008, 05:19 AM
The best way to take care of this problem is to install the bushing mod and case saver kit along with new set of gears. This is not bullit proof but comes close.

Dave carter is also modifing the clutch set up to help with this problem.

01-21-2008, 01:57 PM
I think what J is asking is (correct me if i am wrong) now that he has to buy a new set of gears for the trans, should he buy the stock set up or does he have options as far as gearing not the case saver mod or slipper clutch mod or bearing mod.

Nichols Atvs
01-21-2008, 05:35 PM
I think the new gears out are more for the heavy moded 70 and 90. The 50 will have a harder time tring to make them go so stock seems to be the best opion i feel for the 50.

01-21-2008, 07:52 PM
The new 50s have the old 90 tranny gears. The new 90 is one tooth bigger for an increased top end speed, but more teeth per circumference is not better for strength, they are supposed to be hardened so we'll see. The old 50 tranny gears were even smaller and geared low. I would just go with the stock set, but check all your bearings. Seems if you don't you will bust a new set real quick. The carter mod is proving to be almost bulletproof (lt80 style)

01-21-2008, 09:12 PM
All DRRs will come with the hardened gears from this point forward.

This will require a sprocket change... From a 19 x 32 to a 17 x 35 or 19 x 39 to help compensate for the ratio change

All of my 50s from my last shipment had the hardened gears installed

Seemed to pull just fine after a sprocket change

The bushing and case saver mod would be helpful as well

The hardened gears from DRR may be out of stock (last time I checked)

01-22-2008, 10:19 AM
I use the gear saver kit and has been doing well....I ordered 3 case hardened gears for all 3 quads just in case they are out of stock for now....gary... Remember the faster the rider gets the more money its gonna cost ya.... jumping with the throttle pegged has become our issue and cost us 2 races ... also check to be sure the chain is not to tight ... i found this pressure causes a chain reaction .. better to slip a chain the tear out gears...

01-22-2008, 11:13 AM
Chain reaction...funny :rolleyes:

01-22-2008, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the info guys... What are your thoughts on the slipper sprocket for one of these. The newer style that is.... We havent really had an issue with breaking gears on any of the 50's down here so this is a first for us. Now we have had broken 90 gears a tone.

Logan #34's Dad
01-22-2008, 09:17 PM
The slipper spoket is a good thing. I don't use it because I use the E-ton or Kasea output sprocket shaft. I met the maker of the sprocket and it is a good product. You need to always check the torque though.

01-23-2008, 07:21 AM
Logans#34's dad is right , the slipper is effective but crucial to maintain proper torque, easy install .

01-23-2008, 07:37 AM
well I dont think you can go wrong with the slipper sprocket even to give it a try but then a good question is how long did the original oem sprocket last. Nothing lasts forever a wear item is a wear item just like belts ...I know people who have used bando belts and never had to replace them others went through 2 in one weekend and went to the kelvar malossi belt. many wear items have a limited life and you never know when they will die on you... best to always have spares..