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View Full Version : If the war came to the USA...

01-19-2008, 12:04 PM
What would you do?

If the terrorists actually came to the USA and started a battle with us, on a large scale (im talking about hundreds of thousand of troops), what would you do?

Would you seek shelter, would you join the Marines, Airforce, Army, etc. and help fight the radicals?

Would you take up your own "fort" of sorts and begin your own defense?

I would take the 3rd option. High up in a tower or something, with my trusty 30-06 and a high powered scope. It would be like moving target practice.:D

Lets hear what you would do in that situation.

01-19-2008, 12:09 PM
i think i would try to join the marines, and become a sniper, or option numero 3, i would hang out on top of a tall builing with a 300 mag and a scope, and a ar-15

01-19-2008, 12:12 PM
Well me and my dad are die hard hunters and gun fans, so we have about i think its 37 guns. I would come meet up with ya and pick off them towel heads with yah haha. Plus my dad was in the marines so i guess that would help a lil haha. I dont think they will ever come to the us, and if they do, they will get wooped pretty bad

01-19-2008, 12:13 PM
id go to my buddys and help load up his assault rifles. and of course gotta take the 308

01-19-2008, 12:15 PM
i cant imagine how many people own a shot gun or rifle, like my family. i think target practice would have a new definition once they came over...

01-19-2008, 12:26 PM
first off no one would be stupid enough to invade the U.S. and if they did once they hit the south thats where they would stop because rednecks are crazy!

01-19-2008, 12:27 PM
first off i don' think it would ever come over here. but if it did i would prolly take option #3. psh who needs the armed forces when everybody and their dog has guns that live around here. i would love to start picking off them sand baggers. they wouldn't last one week over here. WE WOULD OWN THEM

01-19-2008, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by 450r51
first off no one would be stupid enough to invade the U.S. and if they did once they hit the south thats where they would stop because rednecks are crazy!

I take offense to that:grr:

Just kidding man. But yea, we southerners are a little off our rockers!:blah:

Id stock up on FMJ's and probably get my .45 cap and ball revolver just for the old school effect. Maybe even my springfield musket!:devil:

(civil war re-enactor):eek:

EDIT- Id also pick them off while listening to "lets go to war" by the Murderdolls.

01-19-2008, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by 450r51
first off no one would be stupid enough to invade the U.S. and if they did once they hit the south thats where they would stop because rednecks are crazy!
same here. we live in the middle of hillbilly country too. some are straight up goons

01-19-2008, 12:58 PM
id go ontop of a water tower with plenty of rations and bring every firearm we have and 1200 rds of assorted ammo (30.06, 7.62x54r, 5.56, 44 mag, .22 if the big guns run out) they wouldnt stand a change against an Enfield with a leopould (sp?) :devil:

01-19-2008, 12:59 PM
I think i this would be enough to send them back to there sand box.

01-19-2008, 01:02 PM

01-19-2008, 01:06 PM
We could send hell kitty after them.:chinese:

01-19-2008, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by YFZ450Ridr
i cant imagine how many people own a shot gun or rifle, like my family. i think target practice would have a new definition once they came over...

haha it def would lol

01-19-2008, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by kawiefan
same here. we live in the middle of hillbilly country too. some are straight up goons

im a straight up goon haha

01-19-2008, 01:22 PM
plus if u really think about it, they would never come because we got crazy rednecks like myself and this guy haha

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/eNAohtjG14c&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/eNAohtjG14c&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

01-19-2008, 01:29 PM
"to hot!"....and its been on fire for 2 minutes.:rolleyes:

That isnt so much craziness...just stupidity:chinese:

None the less. Johnny Jihad wouldnt come near that guy...:macho:

01-19-2008, 02:44 PM
i personally dont think it would ever come over here. At least not an actual war. About the only thing that has a chance of occuring is an air strike of some sort. thats it.

01-19-2008, 03:13 PM
im pretty sure that they wouldn't make it to the point of war. we would know something was up if a butt load of towel heads started showing up. all across the u.s

01-19-2008, 03:32 PM
It will never come to war they are cowards, they will blow up busses and malls but they don't have the nuts for a straight up fight :mad:

01-19-2008, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by kawiefan
we would know something was up if a butt load of towel heads started showing up. all across the u.s

I geuss you havent been far from your hometown, they are already everywhere.

1st....any country capable of mounting a ground attack on the continental US would lead with a nuclear strike.

2nd...there isnt any army really capable of mounting a ground campaign on the continental us. (who the chinese? russia? I would think they would be sunk long before their Navy got very far, and if by air they would be shot down. 9/11 was covert and small scale, in order for an invasion force to be mounted it would have to be so massive they could not mount it without us knowing it and responding)

3rd....while most of the richest nations(where towel heads are created) are in the middle east , they also happen to be our allies wether they want to publicly admit it or not. Iran, Syria, etc have no way of attacking us other then their support of terrorism.

Funny, we can play "what if" all day thanks to our military doing what many call unjust actions across the globe.

(personally, i think outsiders have and are doing more damage in the country now without even firing a shot!)

01-19-2008, 03:59 PM
we really dont have any where we live except at one gas station.

Pappy your right. we really dont get much out of pa much

01-19-2008, 05:36 PM
id sit in my family room with the 308 and a 357 mag and wait for em to come down the driveway

01-19-2008, 05:52 PM
i'd steal some burlap sacks from the warehouse at my job, make me some sniper suits, and sit out in the foothills up here and pick em off Bob Lee Swagger style with my 270

01-20-2008, 12:53 AM
seriously the likely hood of that happening is so remote and logistically "almost" impossible. More realistic is war from within, civil dissent, class, pollitical or religious revolution something along the lines of the civil war, in which case you could be fighting your nieghbour.

01-20-2008, 06:52 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I geuss you havent been far from your hometown, they are already everywhere.

(personally, i think outsiders have and are doing more damage in the country now without even firing a shot!)

I think we are in a 50 year war with Mexico right now and don't know it. We will be taken over without a shot being fired.

01-20-2008, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by Anvil
seriously the likely hood of that happening is so remote and logistically "almost" impossible. More realistic is war from within, civil dissent, class, pollitical or religious revolution something along the lines of the civil war, in which case you could be fighting your nieghbour.


IMO, we're already a country divided..
-our military is stuck in iraq, the least likely of all terrorist harboring countries capable of inflicting damage..
-Duh-bya & Co. are kissing the arses of probably the worst of human rights oppressors and the chief suppliers of terrorists..
-while the rest of our govt.(owned by big business) is exporting the economy, while bringing in illegals to mow their lawns at a discount price..

your children had better be learning spanish, otherwise they wont be able to communicate with the ones taking theirs and their parents jobs.

sure there's not a mass military force on our door step, but if they sit and wait long enough, we'll economically collapse ourselves.

china is kicking our butts without even holding a gun.. our own military is currently financed by china..

wake up people.. the world is far bigger than your back yard.

01-20-2008, 07:12 AM
99% of the citizens in this country think the world stopped changing when they were born and the US is safe forever. History tells us that isn't so. People can't comprehend that they are a part of a changing landscape.

01-20-2008, 10:54 AM
Any attempt at an outright invasion of the U.S. would be suicidal and logistically impossible at this time.

We're being destroyed from the inside by our own government and the vast majority of Americans are too stupid to see that. As long as they have thier American Idol and weekend ballgames, they simply don't care. The current crop of presidential candidates on both sides are downright repulsive and it will not get better any time soon.

I'm gonna write in Ronald Reagan when I vote this November! :devil:

01-20-2008, 11:40 AM
this thread make me LOL "what if 100,000s of them came" man.... terrorists are defined by their actions, not skin color, dress or geographic origins..... those hundreds of thousands of terrorist that "first off no one would be stupid enough to invade the U.S." are already here, we just call em neighbors, friends/buddy's/pals, we call them americans and we also call them immagrants. we call them mexicans and mexican immigrants and we call them canadians and canadian immigrants.

the other part that makes me laugh is i guess now a-days when you buy a weapon it means the combat training is automatically downloaded into your head, or that hunting = combat LOL, this aint call of duty 4 or rambo, no one is standing there waitint to get shot, you are not special forces cause you have the highest ranking score on rainbow 6, you are an untrained indivual with a gun fighting trained individuals..... and further more, blockading yourself in..... and without communication from your neighbors and the us military..... how exactly do you think you are going to distinguish friend from foe

01-20-2008, 12:36 PM
The only war that will actually happen on U.S soil would be a war from within! The people have the right to overthrow the government and regain control. Personally I cant friggen wait for it to happen either! Our government has been way out of control for quite a while now and I honestly cant wait for a revolution! lol, ive been stock piling guns and ammo now for the past 6 months. My latest addition is a Saiga AK 47 style 12 gauge mag shotgun with 20 20rd mags;) and I have 1000 slugs to go with it!

Anyone that doesnt believe its comming is out of their minds! Everyday more and more freedoms get taken away and our economy is crashing. Most Americans could tell you everything that Brittany Spears did last night at the club, but know nothing about the bill that was recently passed that would allow the President of the United States of America to over ride the constitution overnight and declare martial law on this great country. Overnight the good ol USA could become Cuba!

In Bushes own words "the Constitution of the United States is just a God Damnn piece of paper, I RUN THIS F-EN country"! Also most people no nothing about the United States of America identification card that all U.S citizens are required to obtain and carry by the end of May 08. This is the beginning of America moving towards a cashless society too! In the works are plans for this card to receive a gps device, and one in each one of our bodies. In the near future you will not be able to purchase groceries or gasoline for your car without this card.

Total control is what the government wants, and they say its just to keep us safe lol. If not having any freedom is what it takes to stay safe I say bring on the danger. Because I would rather be free and in danger than to have my government tell me what I can and cant do in every aspect of my life.

01-20-2008, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by pred174
I think i this would be enough to send them back to there sand box.

haha looks like all the signs where I live.

01-20-2008, 12:59 PM
#3 for me, id take out my brothers 84 4x4 blazer. Then have a bunch of my friends in the back with their guns, me driving and them shooting. We would be unstopable.

01-20-2008, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
The only war that will actually happen on U.S soil would be a war from within! The people have the right to overthrow the government and regain control. Personally I cant friggen wait for it to happen either! Our government has been way out of control for quite a while now and I honestly cant wait for a revolution! lol, ive been stock piling guns and ammo now for the past 6 months. My latest addition is a Saiga AK 47 style 12 gauge mag shotgun with 20 20rd mags;) and I have 1000 slugs to go with it!

Anyone that doesnt believe its comming is out of their minds! Everyday more and more freedoms get taken away and our economy is crashing. Most Americans could tell you everything that Brittany Spears did last night at the club, but know nothing about the bill that was recently passed that would allow the President of the United States of America to over ride the constitution overnight and declare martial law on this great country. Overnight the good ol USA could become Cuba!

In Bushes own words "the Constitution of the United States is just a God Damnn piece of paper, I RUN THIS F-EN country"! Also most people no nothing about the United States of America identification card that all U.S citizens are required to obtain and carry by the end of May 08. This is the beginning of America moving towards a cashless society too! In the works are plans for this card to receive a gps device, and one in each one of our bodies. In the near future you will not be able to purchase groceries or gasoline for your car without this card.

Total control is what the government wants, and they say its just to keep us safe lol. If not having any freedom is what it takes to stay safe I say bring on the danger. Because I would rather be free and in danger than to have my government tell me what I can and cant do in every aspect of my life.
amen. we need to get those *******s out of there. at the least we need a president that knows what "blue collar" really means. everyone of those SOBs were fed with a golden spoon all their life and don't know the first thing on what to do to fix this country.

i can't wait for the revolution to happen!!!!!!!!

01-20-2008, 02:10 PM
see what i mean ^^^ those 2 morons are terrorists and they dont even know it LOL

01-20-2008, 02:12 PM
i already joined the marines so i guess id be ramboin it up in the states

01-20-2008, 02:14 PM
The only war that will actually happen on U.S soil would be a war from within! The people have the right to overthrow the government and regain control. Personally I cant friggen wait for it to happen either! Our government has been way out of control for quite a while now and I honestly cant wait for a revolution! lol, ive been stock piling guns and ammo now for the past 6 months. My latest addition is a Saiga AK 47 style 12 gauge mag shotgun with 20 20rd mags and I have 1000 slugs to go with it!

Anyone that doesnt believe its comming is out of their minds! Everyday more and more freedoms get taken away and our economy is crashing. Most Americans could tell you everything that Brittany Spears did last night at the club, but know nothing about the bill that was recently passed that would allow the President of the United States of America to over ride the constitution overnight and declare martial law on this great country. Overnight the good ol USA could become Cuba!

In Bushes own words "the Constitution of the United States is just a God Damnn piece of paper, I RUN THIS F-EN country"! Also most people no nothing about the United States of America identification card that all U.S citizens are required to obtain and carry by the end of May 08. This is the beginning of America moving towards a cashless society too! In the works are plans for this card to receive a gps device, and one in each one of our bodies. In the near future you will not be able to purchase groceries or gasoline for your car without this card.

Total control is what the government wants, and they say its just to keep us safe lol. If not having any freedom is what it takes to stay safe I say bring on the danger. Because I would rather be free and in danger than to have my government tell me what I can and cant do in every aspect of my life.

This guy has obviously watched way too many futuristic movies.... we will never have a totalitarian government unless we are taken over... you really need to come out of our stockpiled hole

01-20-2008, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
lol, ive been stock piling guns and ammo now for the past 6 months. My latest addition is a Saiga AK 47 style 12 gauge mag shotgun with 20 20rd mags and I have 1000 slugs to go with it!

whoops, i forgot the tuna and bread..

Originally posted by criminalpoet
Most Americans could tell you everything that Brittany Spears did last night at the club, but know nothing about the bill that was recently passed that would allow the President of the United States of America to over ride the constitution overnight and declare martial law on this great country.

did you know she may be pregnant?

Originally posted by criminalpoet
In Bushes own words "the Constitution of the United States is just a God Damnn piece of paper, I RUN THIS F-EN country"!

that was me and i was talking about the koran..

Originally posted by criminalpoet
In the near future you will not be able to purchase groceries or gasoline for your car without this card.

good, i hate to carry all the cash required to fill my tank these days!.. people get shot for less..

sadly, alot of that is true..
the popular media tends to be the only viewpoint of many people. but that tends to be true in any country..

implanted electronic id's in the military will be soon, if not already. soon perhaps newborn children..
currently newborns already undergo alot of "unauthorized" tests. nothing harmful(aids, drugs, etc.), just not directly authorized by the parents.

im not against a "citizenship card", particulary if it can act like a driver license/ hunting license/ credit card/ etc.

01-20-2008, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Sjorge300EX
i personally dont think it would ever come over here. At least not an actual war. About the only thing that has a chance of occuring is an air strike of some sort. thats it.

i highly doubt an air strike, i'd put my money on suicide bombers

01-20-2008, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Prey
see what i mean ^^^ those 2 morons are terrorists and they dont even know it LOL

I guess im a terrorist because I disturbed your ignorant pattern of thought? I challenge you to prove me wrong!

01-20-2008, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by brendn35
The only war that will actually happen on U.S soil would be a war from within! The people have the right to overthrow the government and regain control. Personally I cant friggen wait for it to happen either! Our government has been way out of control for quite a while now and I honestly cant wait for a revolution! lol, ive been stock piling guns and ammo now for the past 6 months. My latest addition is a Saiga AK 47 style 12 gauge mag shotgun with 20 20rd mags and I have 1000 slugs to go with it!

Anyone that doesnt believe its comming is out of their minds! Everyday more and more freedoms get taken away and our economy is crashing. Most Americans could tell you everything that Brittany Spears did last night at the club, but know nothing about the bill that was recently passed that would allow the President of the United States of America to over ride the constitution overnight and declare martial law on this great country. Overnight the good ol USA could become Cuba!

In Bushes own words "the Constitution of the United States is just a God Damnn piece of paper, I RUN THIS F-EN country"! Also most people no nothing about the United States of America identification card that all U.S citizens are required to obtain and carry by the end of May 08. This is the beginning of America moving towards a cashless society too! In the works are plans for this card to receive a gps device, and one in each one of our bodies. In the near future you will not be able to purchase groceries or gasoline for your car without this card.

Total control is what the government wants, and they say its just to keep us safe lol. If not having any freedom is what it takes to stay safe I say bring on the danger. Because I would rather be free and in danger than to have my government tell me what I can and cant do in every aspect of my life.

This guy has obviously watched way too many futuristic movies.... we will never have a totalitarian government unless we are taken over... you really need to come out of our stockpiled hole

LOL! The bill has already been passed buddy! Where have you been?

01-20-2008, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by <DRS>GPF

good, i hate to carry all the cash required to fill my tank these days!.. people get shot for less..

im not against a "citizenship card", particulary if it can act like a driver license/ hunting license/ credit card/ etc.

Thats fine and dandy! But do you know how this is going to affect private trade? Think about it! In a cashless society all of your funds and financial transactions will be monitored by the government. Every penny you spend, every dime you make, how are you going to sell private property when cash no longer exists? How long do you think it will be before the government puts a tax on everything that we can now consider to be private trade?

Give them an inch they will take a mile! Already have!

01-20-2008, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by kawiefan
same here. we live in the middle of hillbilly country too. some are straight up goons

amen to that man if u dont live on a no maintence road in pa its like ur a city slicker to me lol.

01-20-2008, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
Thats fine and dandy! But do you know how this is going to affect private trade?

dont know. i expect people will adjust.. "yo buddy.. ill trade you 2-packs of kools for that bushel of corn.."

Originally posted by criminalpoet Think about it! In a cashless society all of your funds and financial transactions will be monitored by the government.[/b]

pretty much the way it is now in the modern world.

Originally posted by criminalpoet
Every penny you spend, every dime you make, how are you going to sell private property when cash no longer exists?[/b]

ill use paypal..

Originally posted by criminalpoet
How long do you think it will be before the government puts a tax on everything that we can now consider to be private trade?[/b]

farmers will find a way out of it regardless

Originally posted by criminalpoet
Give them an inch they will take a mile! Already have! [/B]

funny, i know a lot of people who are already guilty of taking advantage of me, my friends or "the system"..
perhaps they should pursue a career in politics, at least they all be in one place.

01-20-2008, 06:12 PM
you guys sound like a bunch of anarchists... you dont trust the government but you go around and spend government money everyday.... which is backed by FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT...Our constitution is the longest lasting constitution EVER all of our rights wont be taken away overnight..

01-20-2008, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
I guess im a terrorist because I disturbed your ignorant pattern of thought? I challenge you to prove me wrong!

it got nothing to do with me..... its got everything to do with you being too stupid to understand simple word definition....

01-20-2008, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Prey
it got nothing to do with me..... its got everything to do with you being too stupid to understand simple word definition....

ter·ror·ist /ˈtɛrərɪst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ter-er-ist] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.
4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.
–adjective 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of terrorism or terrorists: terrorist tactics.


I am not a member of any group,
I do not terrorize anybody,
I am not a member of any political group,

I am merely a guy on an ATV message board with a free spirited opinion! So in all actuallity it is "you being too stupid to understand simple word definition". Anyone that would label another as a "Terrorist" just because of a FACT BASED opinion is truely ignorant!

01-20-2008, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by 450r51
first off no one would be stupid enough to invade the U.S. and if they did once they hit the south thats where they would stop because rednecks are crazy!

What happens if China invades us? Their standing army is more than our population.

01-20-2008, 07:43 PM
China has already invaded with cheap products that we are addicted to.

01-20-2008, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
ter·ror·ist /ˈtɛrərɪst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ter-er-ist] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person, usually a member of a group, who uses or advocates terrorism.
2. a person who terrorizes or frightens others.
3. (formerly) a member of a political group in Russia aiming at the demoralization of the government by terror.
4. an agent or partisan of the revolutionary tribunal during the Reign of Terror in France.
–adjective 5. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of terrorism or terrorists: terrorist tactics.


I am not a member of any group,
I do not terrorize anybody,
I am not a member of any political group,

I am merely a guy on an ATV message board with a free spirited opinion! So in all actuallity it is "you being too stupid to understand simple word definition". Anyone that would label another as a "Terrorist" just because of a FACT BASED opinion is truely ignorant!

modern definition on terrorist: any group or person who supports, promotes or acts with the threat or act of violence in support of religous or political ideals....

that is you 1/2 wit, no matter what your self opinion is, guess you missed the key word "usually", again .... too stupid for simple word definition

01-20-2008, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by brendn35
you guys sound like a bunch of anarchists... you dont trust the government but you go around and spend government money everyday.... which is backed by FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT...Our constitution is the longest lasting constitution EVER all of our rights wont be taken away overnight..

LMAO! More like the government goes around spending all of OUR money lol. They took 14,000 bucks from me last year and im only getting 1000 back! I dont have welfare or medicade or any other type of government assistance, I work for mine! And as a part of all of the "Anti Terrorist" laws being passed Bush did indeed get a bill passed that would allow him to single-handedly, without approval of congress, to override the constitution and declare martial law on this country.
President Bush has signed Executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law and suspend habeas corpus this gives him dictitorial power over the people......With no checks and balances. Executive order 11921 provides that the president can declare a state of emergency that is not defined, and Congress cannot review the action for 6 months. Executive order #10990 allows the government to take over all modes of transportation. Executive order #10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media. Executive #10997 allows the government to take over all electrical, power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals. Executive order #10998 allows the government to take over all food resources and and farms.

Wake up people and start reading between the lines! Some call me paranoid but I choose the words well informed instead.

01-20-2008, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Prey
modern definition on terrorist: any group or person who supports, promotes or acts with the threat or act of violence in support of religous or political ideals....

that is you 1/2 wit, no matter what your self opinion is, guess you missed the key word "usually", again .... too stupid for simple word definition

I am not promoting, im discussing! Nor am I threatening anyone or anything with the act of violence in support of religous or political ideals. I am merely an American who is CHOOSING to exercise my rights given to me in the first place by MY government. You look ignorant yet again lol!

01-20-2008, 08:29 PM
come on, this is enough. Mods?

01-20-2008, 08:42 PM
it's fun watching ppl argue

01-20-2008, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
The only war that will actually happen on U.S soil would be a war from within! The people have the right to overthrow the government and regain control. Personally I cant friggen wait for it to happen either! Our government has been way out of control for quite a while now and I honestly cant wait for a revolution! lol, ive been stock piling guns and ammo now for the past 6 months.

Originally posted by criminalpoet
I am not promoting, im discussing! Nor am I threatening anyone or anything with the act of violence in support of religous or political ideals. I am merely an American who is CHOOSING to exercise my rights given to me in the first place by MY government. You look ignorant yet again lol!

yup, you are totaly right you freakin moron, way to back pedal, but everyone sees your words and unsterstood your message....

nice to see you are not only stupid but lack the backbone to stand behind your own words.... puzz

OBTW you are given no rights to communicate threats of crime nor the rights to exercise crime you retard

01-21-2008, 01:52 AM
YOUR government.... the one that you're bashing remember

01-21-2008, 06:13 AM
Originally posted by coreymx58
Well me and my dad are die hard hunters and gun fans, so we have about i think its 37 guns. I would come meet up with ya and pick off them towel heads with yah haha. Plus my dad was in the marines so i guess that would help a lil haha. I dont think they will ever come to the us, and if they do, they will get wooped pretty bad

haha yah most of the Pa/ohio guys have lots of guns, especially Pa.

Hell man some of those older guys can pop a shot off from 1000 yards away! haha it's pretty funny when they carry a wind chart.

Seriously, I'd probably stay with my family/keep going to school just so I could finish and get a degree, but if we were in serious need of armed forces, I'd probably join.

01-21-2008, 06:28 AM
Well ya see this is what we do:

We Have the CIA to tell the south that the Terrorist acualy killed Elvis!

You know how many four wheel drives and shot guns would be up there *** then :D

No, id probably join the air force or navy, and become a fighter pilot, always wanted to do it but....yeah

01-21-2008, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
LOL! The bill has already been passed buddy! Where have you been?

HR 1522 was passed by the democratic majortiy congress, FYI. You can blame Bush all you wan't but he's not the lawmaker. He also signed off on it knowing full well that Clinton will probably be in office next year.

The line item in there allowing the president to activate the National Guard without the govenors consent is in direct response to hurricane Katrina where the govenor did not activate the National Guard until things got way out of hand.

Here's the portion of the bill that is in question.


(a) Use of the Armed Forces Authorized-

(1) IN GENERAL- Section 333 of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:

Sec. 333. Major public emergencies; interference with State and Federal law
(a) Use of Armed Forces in Major Public Emergencies- (1) The President may employ the armed forces, including the National Guard in Federal service, to--

(A) restore public order and enforce the laws of the United States when, as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition in any State or possession of the United States, the President determines that--

(i) domestic violence has occurred to such an extent that the constituted authorities for of the State or possession are incapable of maintaining public order; and
(ii) such violence results in a condition described in paragraph (2); or

(B) suppress, in a State, any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy if such insurrection, violation, combination, or conspiracy results in a condition described in paragraph (2).

(2) A condition described in this paragraph is a condition that--

(A) so hinders the execution of the laws of a State or possession, as applicable, and of the United States within that State or possession, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State or possession are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection; or

(B) opposes or obstructs the execution of the laws of the United States or impedes the course of justice under those laws.

(3) In any situation covered by paragraph (1)(B), the State shall be considered to have denied the equal protection of the laws secured by the Constitution.

(b) Notice to Congress- The President shall notify Congress of the determination to exercise the authority in subsection (a)(1)(A) as soon as practicable after the determination and every 14 days thereafter during the duration of the exercise of that authority.'.

01-21-2008, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by Prey
yup, you are totaly right you freakin moron, way to back pedal, but everyone sees your words and unsterstood your message....

nice to see you are not only stupid but lack the backbone to stand behind your own words.... puzz

OBTW you are given no rights to communicate threats of crime nor the rights to exercise crime you retard

if anybody in this thread is a moron its you. you want to talk about him not backing his words up, i'll bet he votes and does what he can to move the world in the right direction. what do you do besides sit at your computer and yell at people who can't even hear you.

01-21-2008, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by trxwannbe
if anybody in this thread is a moron its you. you want to talk about him not backing his words up, i'll bet he votes and does what he can to move the world in the right direction. what do you do besides sit at your computer and yell at people who can't even hear you.

absolutely nothing i guess LOL, but way to try and call me out when you dont have a freakin clue what you are talking about.

and i am the moron LOLOLOLOL I am also the guy who sits in the corner keepin my mouth shut in the bars after the races too LOL in case you wanted to know, i also do a lot of cowering down cause i am afraid of conflict.....

but unlike you, i am smart enough to know "move the world in the right direction" is very relative the the speakers opinions.... i guess you are not aware of that

01-21-2008, 10:35 AM
if anybody in this thread is a moron its you. you want to talk about him not backing his words up, i'll bet he votes and does what he can to move the world in the right direction. what do you do besides sit at your computer and yell at people who can't even hear you......
.................................................. .................................................. ..

Who exactly are you directing this towards?

01-21-2008, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by Prey
absolutely nothing i guess LOL, but way to try and call me out when you dont have a freakin clue what you are talking about.

and i am the moron LOLOLOLOL I am also the guy who sits in the corner keepin my mouth shut in the bars after the races too LOL in case you wanted to know, i also do a lot of cowering down cause i am afraid of conflict.....

but unlike you, i am smart enough to know "move the world in the right direction" is very relative the the speakers opinions.... i guess you are not aware of that

you'd be surprised what i'm aware of my friend. such as the fact that avoiding conflict is not how you get something done with our government. it seems to get anything done in our country at all conflict has to be created. and i'm not calling you out i was just slightly disgruntled by you going off and calling names because you didn't like what someone had to say.

01-21-2008, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by brendn35

Who exactly are you directing this towards? [/B]

The person who's post he quoted, Prey.

This is an interesting convo. I've enjoyed reading both sides.

01-21-2008, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by trxwannbe
you'd be surprised what i'm aware of my friend. such as the fact that avoiding conflict is not how you get something done with our government. it seems to get anything done in our country at all conflict has to be created. and i'm not calling you out i was just slightly disgruntled by you going off and calling names because you didn't like what someone had to say.

i do not support an armed revolution, i think that anyone who does is either very stupid or a suicidal maniac. A revolutionary idea that is bred by violence breeds violence and there are literally hundreds of example of this throughout history.

it appears to me you are not nearly as aware as you give yourself credit for

every sailor, soldier and airman dating as far back as i know took an oath, to defend this nation, its constitution and to follow the orders of the president and the officers appointed over them against ALL enemies... foreign and DOMESTIC

any armed revolution would be met swiftly and effectively with the most intelligent, most well equipped, most dangerous military the world has ever seen, this is not Guatemala where a couple of armed rednecks have a prayer, it would not be a civil war... it would be nothing short of a bloody tragedy

01-21-2008, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Prey
yup, you are totaly right you freakin moron, way to back pedal, but everyone sees your words and unsterstood your message....

nice to see you are not only stupid but lack the backbone to stand behind your own words.... puzz

OBTW you are given no rights to communicate threats of crime nor the rights to exercise crime you retard

Damn your still here cupcake?! LOL! Has nothing to do with backbone, ive proven you wrong in my every single response lol.We are merely having a discussion, not taking any kind of action, and I have obviously backed up my opinons with facts, unlike you. While you sit here with a twisted sense of perception, backing up your words with nothing but YOUR opinion, I sit here picking you off from 2000 miles away with facts. And thats a fact lmao!
BTW, in the Constitution it clearly states that "We The People" have the power and that "We The People" have the right to over throw the government if they step to far out of line. Why do you think that militias exist? Their the ones ensuring that we dont loose certain freedoms that were given to us when this great country was founded. So in fact I have been "given the right". Also Mr.Word Definition man, a "crime" is an act of doing something illegal! Exercising my rights as an american is not illegal.
Stop trying to twist other peoples words to work in your favor! It may work on other people but its not going to work with me. I live for debate and debate well! Do you know why your loosing this debate? Its because you made the "1/2 wit" statement accusing me of being a "Terrorist". That was an untruth and when your entire arguement is based on an untruth you will ultimately loose. Its called intellectual suicide lol. Cant prove a lie my little buddy, it is what it is!

01-21-2008, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Prey
i do not support an armed revolution, i think that anyone who does is either very stupid or a suicidal maniac. A revolutionary idea that is bred by violence breeds violence and there are literally hundreds of example of this throughout history.

it appears to me you are not nearly as aware as you give yourself credit for

every sailor, soldier and airman dating as far back as i know took an oath, to defend this nation, its constitution and to follow the orders of the president and the officers appointed over them against ALL enemies... foreign and DOMESTIC

any armed revolution would be met swiftly and effectively with the most intelligent, most well equipped, most dangerous military the world has ever seen, this is not Guatemala where a couple of armed rednecks have a prayer, it would not be a civil war... it would be nothing short of a bloody tragedy

You Said

i do not support an armed revolution, i think that anyone who does is either very stupid or a suicidal maniac. A revolutionary idea that is bred by violence breeds violence and there are literally hundreds of example of this throughout history.

My Response

Yea one such example is the movements brought forth by men like Malcolm X! Other movement would also include the present day country that we call home! Sorry buddy, but if you think that any one country can have peace without war your insane! Freedom is fought for and payed for in blood and thats a fact! Thats why human history is filled with nothing but war, when is the last time in history that there were no wars being fought. Your opinion is not very well thought out and totally delusional.

Our freedom from other countries was fought for and payed for in blood through war, THATS A FACT! Afican Americans freedom and equality was fought for and payed for in blood through war, THATS A FACT! Iraq's freedom right now is being fought for and payed for in blood through war, THATS ANOTHER FACT! And the list goes on and on throughout every period of history.

You Said

every sailor, soldier and airman dating as far back as i know took an oath, to defend this nation, its constitution and to follow the orders of the president and the officers appointed over them against ALL enemies... foreign and DOMESTIC

My Response

The key words in your post are "to defend this nation, its constitution" Well my friend our constitution is being trampled on and used as a piece of toilet paper! This is exactly what im talking about. From the government being able to tax your wages from labor to being able to search your home and tap your phones without a cause. Innocent till proven guilty? Hell, not that I can tell. And these are just a couple of examples too, I could post 10 more pages of examples of how our government deprives American citizens of their "constitutional rights".
I view it kinda like how I view the Bible. The Bible says to obey your government, but only as long as they are obeying the infinite laws of the Bible. Just because the government says that a woman can have an abortion it doesnt make it right. See what im saying! Its not like I dont like my government for NO GOOD reason, I have many. But everything can be fixed, it just has to first be acknowledged.

You Said

any armed revolution would be met swiftly and effectively with the most intelligent, most well equipped, most dangerous military the world has ever seen, this is not Guatemala where a couple of armed rednecks have a prayer, it would not be a civil war... it would be nothing short of a bloody tragedy

My Response

Not nesessarily my friend! Hypothetically speaking, if you were in the Marines or whatever, and were called upon to kill other American's in a "Civil War" would you serve? If you answer is yes then your a bigger pile of dunn than anyone here that youve pointed fingers at. What you are failing to realize is that ALL of our troops have their familys living right here on U.S soil. With that being said, how many of our troops are going to be willing to kill their own friends and family and countrymen. More than anyone our troops know how F-ed up our government has become as they have fallen, and are falling victim to the governments decisions as we speak. "Bloody tragedy", I think not! Our troops arent mindless animals that would give their loyalty to there twisted and crooked government over the lives of their own familys.

01-21-2008, 05:28 PM
you have not proven me wrong once.... youre not very bright, you back pedal, you dont have grasp of simple words and your debating skills are weaker than my 9 year old daughters...

you idiot LOLOLOLOL ahahahahahaha, the DoI was the dcument stating our freedom and why we wanted freedom from britian LOLOL, it grants you no rights LOLOLOLOL if it did the founding fathers who wrote it would have been in deep poo as the very 1st line of the 2nd paragraph states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal".... how many of the founding fathers were slave owners, what year was slavery aboloished, what year were black aloud to vote, what year were their civil rights established.... no moron, your rights are provided to you via the ammeded right of the constitution of the US,

The term militia is commonly used today to refer to a military force composed of ordinary citizens to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service,in times of emergency; without being paid a regular salary or committed to a fixed term of service. Legal and historical meanings of militia include ~ this has nothing to do with defending the magic rights you think you have.

crime is the act or threat of violating a rule or a law dummy (see in your last post, you didnt understand malitia or crime, yet try to talk to their definition LOL you idiot)

01-21-2008, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
Not nesessarily my friend! Hypothetically speaking, if you were in the Marines or whatever, and were called upon to kill other American's in a "Civil War" would you serve? If you answer is yes then your a bigger pile of dunn than anyone here that youve pointed fingers at. What you are failing to realize is that ALL of our troops have their familys living right here on U.S soil. With that being said, how many of our troops are going to be willing to kill their own friends and family and countrymen. More than anyone our troops know how F-ed up our government has become as they have fallen, and are falling victim to the governments decisions as we speak. "Bloody tragedy", I think not! Our troops arent mindless animals that would give their loyalty to there twisted and crooked government over the lives of their own familys.

i do serve, i dont personally care what you think of me.... unlike you i have spent the last 16 years of my life which is nearly 1/2 of my life in support of what i believe is right.... no matter what you think is right...

with those words, i have to assume you think every man and woman that died in the civil war was a pile of poop, i have to assume this revolution you are stock piling guns for, your just pointing them and dont intend on shooting anyone.

simple fact is, as i tried to tell you before, enemies are defined by their actions, not skin color, race, religion, where they were born or the language they speak, if my commander and chief at some point (which i hope doesnt come) declares an armed revolution a military threat, you better hope your not the retarded redneck with a hunting rifle standing in front of my gau.... cause you can KYA goodbye.

see what you dont wanna, say, dont know or you wont admit is that any revolution that uses force is not only a danger the the gov't (which are civilians and family members ... this thought never came to you did it) they are also a danger to anyone who does not support their movement such as my family ....

01-21-2008, 06:04 PM
Wow. I didnt think a simple question would start an internet pissing match.

Funny to read though:devil:

The mods will stop this eventually.:ermm:

01-21-2008, 08:15 PM
you idiot LOLOLOLOL ahahahahahaha, the DoI was the dcument stating our freedom and why we wanted freedom from britian LOLOL, it grants you no rights LOLOLOLOL if it did the founding fathers who wrote it would have been in deep poo


I agree with you prey.. obviously someone didnt brush up on their history before they started ranting and raving about the government. The d o i doesnt mean anything to us now its only a piece of history of how we came together... Some of you should realize the constitution was brought to be because the decleration of independance wasnt progressing the 13 states in any way.

01-22-2008, 03:31 PM
Back to the question at hand, I know exactly what I'd do. I live in Canada, but would have no problem crossing the border to help. I wouldn't join the military. I'd try to find something worth shooting, with a few small side-arms. AR15 with a scope, laser, silencer, and something for long range with a suppressor & tri-pod. A few M9's, extra clips, combat knives, night vision, camo attire and some good boots, and like minded people, are the things I'd want in a crisis like that. For all those who say it's impossible, it's just improbable. I don't think it would ever happen. If it did, I'd lock & load, simple as that. Who wouldn't? Most people have guns and aren't afraid to shoot raggies.

01-22-2008, 06:19 PM




01-22-2008, 06:19 PM




01-22-2008, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by 440bigborekit




Repressed anger?

I love my country. I support the troops and im grateful for thier sacrifice. What I dont support is a money hungry president who neglects his own country and finances a war so he can line his own pocket.

Calling those of us with guns "trigger happy rednecks" is just a gross generalization, and a bad one at that. I can promise you, if Johnny Jihad and hajjie decide to come over here, I'll be waiting on the shoreline with a 30-06, taking my sweet time, splattering thier sh*t all over the decks of thier ships.:macho

01-22-2008, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Prey
you have not proven me wrong once.... youre not very bright, you back pedal, you dont have grasp of simple words and your debating skills are weaker than my 9 year old daughters...

you idiot LOLOLOLOL ahahahahahaha, the DoI was the dcument stating our freedom and why we wanted freedom from britian LOLOL, it grants you no rights LOLOLOLOL if it did the founding fathers who wrote it would have been in deep poo as the very 1st line of the 2nd paragraph states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal".... how many of the founding fathers were slave owners, what year was slavery aboloished, what year were black aloud to vote, what year were their civil rights established.... no moron, your rights are provided to you via the ammeded right of the constitution of the US,

The term militia is commonly used today to refer to a military force composed of ordinary citizens to provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service,in times of emergency; without being paid a regular salary or committed to a fixed term of service. Legal and historical meanings of militia include ~ this has nothing to do with defending the magic rights you think you have.

crime is the act or threat of violating a rule or a law dummy (see in your last post, you didnt understand malitia or crime, yet try to talk to their definition LOL you idiot)

LMFAO! Yea I meant Constitution but was thinking DOI from a previous post hehheh! Anyways its fixed and doesnt change the Fact at hand that the people do have the right to overthrow the government in certain circumstances. Also, I defined the word "Crime" as doing something illegal, which can be defined as "violating a rule or law", "dummy", which would be identical to the definition you wrote, moron lol, just written in less words for greater efficiency. And, AND, as far as what I said about militia protecting our rights is true too! Here is 1 of many definitions.
"a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government."

Key words to follow there are "defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT"!. What I said word for word was "Why do you think that militias exist? Their the ones ensuring that we dont loose certain freedoms that were given to us when this great country was founded". You show me EXACTLY WHERE I AM WRONG BY DEFINITION! Next time sharpen your dart before you try to pop someone elses balloon. Thanks for the 1 correction that you did call me out on though! Even though the contents are more important and more of the focus than the title itself lol.

01-22-2008, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by 440bigborekit




Nobody what-so-ever said that they hate the country, but rather we are just discussing, in detail, our disgust for how OUR government operates in such an un-ethical and un-CONSTITUTIONAL manner. It is a fact that this country used to be a country where the government served the people. Now its a country where the people serve the government. Compare some of these new anti-terrorist laws/bills being passed with what the Constituion guarantees us with in terms of individual rights and youll see what I mean.

01-22-2008, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by criminalpoet
LMFAO! Yea I meant Constitution but was thinking DOI from a previous post hehheh! Anyways its fixed and doesnt change the Fact at hand that the people do have the right to overthrow the government in certain circumstances. Also, I defined the word "Crime" as doing something illegal, which can be defined as "violating a rule or law", "dummy", which would be identical to the definition you wrote, moron lol, just written in less words for greater efficiency. And, AND, as far as what I said about militia protecting our rights is true too! Here is 1 of many definitions.
"a body of citizens organized in a paramilitary group and typically regarding themselves as defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the federal government."

Key words to follow there are "defenders of individual rights against the presumed interference of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT"!. What I said word for word was "Why do you think that militias exist? Their the ones ensuring that we dont loose certain freedoms that were given to us when this great country was founded". You show me EXACTLY WHERE I AM WRONG BY DEFINITION! Next time sharpen your dart before you try to pop someone elses balloon. Thanks for the 1 correction that you did call me out on though! Even though the contents are more important and more of the focus than the title itself lol.

hey doctor DoI, how long on google did it take you to find out you are full of poop...... and the constitution makes no provisions for overthrowing the gov't, it only allows you peacable assembly... nothing more, you are wrong moron....

militia devlopment is covered by the dick act of 1903.... please indicate to us where in the dick act you as a civilian are authorized to pick up a gun to oppose the federal gov't for any purpose.... wrong again goofy.....

lastly, could you site some specific examples of how this administration "trampled on the constitution", you wanted to open your mouth about it, lets see you back it up......

01-22-2008, 09:15 PM
No where does it say that we can overthrow the government and if that impossibility did ever happen the result would be horrible and no one would like it... Everyones got a problem with this countrys government and military and it disgusts me...Go live in Russia or China and really deal with a totalitarian government or maybe you can thank some veterans or think about the framers of the constitution that fought for the right for people to post these remarks about our so called government.

01-22-2008, 09:16 PM
******* so called HORRIBLE************