View Full Version : Shipping damage and dust on frames

01-15-2008, 08:35 PM
Over the holiday's I had 2 frames receive damage in transit. Next year I will not ship around Christmas...period.

Now the dust. I have seen a few pictures from folks that were asking about dust on the frames after they opened the packages. I can only explain it like this....

Your frame is coated inside with mud and rust. When it goes through the burn off process and to a certain extent regular media blasting, the exterior of the metal is clean as a whistle. Prior to coating and final prep, I blow out the frames from various places to get as much media/dirt/rust out of the frame and boy does the dirt and dust fly. After curing your frame, the dirt/mud/rust that was inside the frame has now under gone a cure cycle and dried. At this point I usually stand the frame on end and see if anything wants to come show itself etc. The frame is then packaged and shipped, and the ONLY way this much dust and dirt is escaping from the inside of your frame is from the shipping companies ROLLING them over and over. I will start blowing out the frames after curing and start putting more warning /fragile stickers on the boxes but I can not control completely the stuff thats IN your frame tubes or how the shipping companies treat the boxes (although I have damn near strangled one DHL driver)

As always, any problems let me know and I will address them the best I can. I dont mean this to scare off business, but more to inform you so you are not freaked out if you happen to have this happen to your frame when shipped. I ship on average 500 frames anually and this season only had 3 that recieved transit damage, but when we ship items this big there can always be issues no matter how we package them.

thanks !