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01-08-2008, 05:40 AM
Where's all the talking smack Ohio State fans now!?!??! :blah: :eek:

LSU proved it last night, that was an awesome display of a well coached talented team!!

01-08-2008, 05:43 AM
ehh suck it easy, i hate lsu.

haha just kiddin, but seriously though i hate lsu

01-08-2008, 09:35 AM
We are still laughing at the retarded Penn State fans like you that got beat by OSU this year. Hey maybe Penn State will reach a title game sometime this decade. And for being picked third in the big ten and not having a shot to be in a bowl game, I would say its been a pretty good year. Also Ohio State gave the game away with penalties and dropped passes.

01-08-2008, 10:36 AM
We'll still graduate a higher percentage of players than you this year though!

I still don't see how this can be considered a good year for OSU? You guys didn't play anyone decent until Michigan, and they where beat up.

If there was a playoff system in place, we wouldn't have seen OSU in the title game...I guarantee it!

Tommy 17
01-08-2008, 03:52 PM
typical ohio state chokeeye comment there woodsman... you all talk so much smack and can't back it up for crap:o :rolleyes:

01-08-2008, 08:14 PM
hey cop292 where ya at now buddy? i recall you talkin alot of smack about lsu in this thread when they lost to kentucky. http://www.exriders.com/vbb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=325345
ha all in good fun man ;)

01-08-2008, 08:42 PM
SEC never gets any respect.

LSU walked all over Ohio State in the Championship game.
SEC won all of it's bowl games but two.
There are two SEC teams in the top 5.
And don't forget the number of SEC teams in the top 20 .

01-08-2008, 09:23 PM
Am I missing something by having Penn State fans putting in their two cents about OSU? When was the last time you were in the championship game??? But hey since you haven't been there anytime this century, go ahead and slam Ohio State who has been there three times and one once. If you want to win or play for a championship game go to USC, LSU or Ohio State.

01-08-2008, 09:40 PM
ok, OSU has one more national champ than PSU.... so show me how that makes them SOOO much better?

781-343-43 Psu overall record
787-301-53 Osu overall record

WOW!! THEY HAVE 6 MORE WINS THAN PENN STATE.. i see what you mean now :rolleyes:

01-09-2008, 04:48 AM
Props to LSU! They outplayed OSU and deserved to win. To "Tommy17" the PSU fast food engineer. What happened at the "white out" I mean WIPEOUT this year. Were you there or stuck on the deep fryer?

01-09-2008, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by Heybo
SEC never gets any respect.

LSU walked all over Ohio State in the Championship game.
SEC won all of it's bowl games but two.
There are two SEC teams in the top 5.
And don't forget the number of SEC teams in the top 20 .

Ok, well the big 12 has 3 teams in the top ten, so apparently they are the best conference following your logic!

01-09-2008, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by woodsman250r
Am I missing something by having Penn State fans putting in their two cents about OSU? When was the last time you were in the championship game??? But hey since you haven't been there anytime this century, go ahead and slam Ohio State who has been there three times and one once. If you want to win or play for a championship game go to USC, LSU or Ohio State.

I just don't like OSU, so yeah, you will hear my two cents whenever ya'll loose! :devil:

I think it's the sleeveless sweater!!

Tommy 17
01-09-2008, 09:27 AM
Originally posted by cop292
Props to LSU! They outplayed OSU and deserved to win. To "Tommy17" the PSU fast food engineer. What happened at the "white out" I mean WIPEOUT this year. Were you there or stuck on the deep fryer?

hell no i sold my ticket for 1200$ to some stupid osu fan:p

btw since I'm this fast food engineer I'd love to see what your job is. We'll see whos makin more money soon:D. Atleast when I bust on yinz what I say is real not just random crap that a 8th grader would say. You can't bust on me about something that i really do:p loser:o

01-09-2008, 10:29 AM
IMO Ohio State had an easier schedule than some of the other teams, they should not have even been the bowl

01-09-2008, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by cbrooks118
IMO Ohio State had an easier schedule than some of the other teams, they should not have even been the bowl

Thank you!! My point exactly...

01-09-2008, 02:17 PM
i went to the game and i do have to say it was awesome....it was good to see ohio fans out and about in New Orleans ...
also the fans were very respectful. but the game was great lsu is the first team to when 2 BCS national championships...got to admit ohio just got out played...
ill post pics later

01-09-2008, 03:07 PM
What really sucks and no offense to LSU fans is that a two loss team won the National Championship.

01-09-2008, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
What really sucks and no offense to LSU fans is that a two loss team won the National Championship.

you also got to realize those two teams we lost to werent just blow off teams. they were decent teams and both games lasted until TRIPLE overtime.

01-09-2008, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by tp300ex
i went to the game and i do have to say it was awesome....it was good to see ohio fans out and about in New Orleans ...
also the fans were very respectful. but the game was great lsu is the first team to when 2 BCS national championships...got to admit ohio just got out played...
ill post pics later

how come i didnt get an invite you arse hole??!?

01-09-2008, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by YZrida
you also got to realize those two teams we lost to werent just blow off teams. they were decent teams and both games lasted until TRIPLE overtime.

Guess I just mean there really isn't one team that stood above all others this year like in years past. There really isn't any excuse for the top team in the country to have lost to a team outside of the Top 25 in late November. This was just a strange season. Wasn't it like 7 #2 teams that got beat by unranked opponents.

01-09-2008, 04:10 PM
I am also not sure how Missouri moved up at all from beating a team that didn't even finish in the Top 25. What a joke. In the end, you can only assume who is #1. You really can't figure out the rankings after that. Why no BCS rankings after the bowl games?

bayou boy
01-09-2008, 07:42 PM
another 2 boring bowl blow outs were the sugar bowl and the rose. i would have liked to see georgia and usc play and let hawaii play illinois

01-09-2008, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
I am also not sure how Missouri moved up at all from beating a team that didn't even finish in the Top 25. What a joke. In the end, you can only assume who is #1. You really can't figure out the rankings after that. Why no BCS rankings after the bowl games?

Because Missouri beat the crap out of Arkansas, who beat LSU at LSU. So that must mean that Missouri should be the number one team! Oh no, Missouri got the crap kicked out of them, twice no less, by OU. That must mean then that OU should be number one. Obviously!!

The big 12 is the best conference, hands down!! 4 teams finished in the top 10, no question!!

01-09-2008, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Rulz
Because Missouri beat the crap out of Arkansas, who beat LSU at LSU. So that must mean that Missouri should be the number one team! Oh no, Missouri got the crap kicked out of them, twice no less, by OU. That must mean then that OU should be number one. Obviously!!

The big 12 is the best conference, hands down!! 4 teams finished in the top 10, no question!!

Again, I ask...how in the world did Missouri get to play Arkansas in a bowl game? Arkansas didn't even finish top 25. And by your logic, Appalacian State could be the #1 team in the country.

01-10-2008, 05:30 AM
The big 12 ends up having atleast 3 or 4 crappy teams in it the sec never has a crappy team cuzz any one of the teams in the sec can come out of no where and beat the **** out of a no.1 team

Tommy 17
01-10-2008, 09:41 AM
The thing that I love about college football is that any team can win at anytime. With the size of the players getting so big now that even teams such as Central Florida, Southern Florida, Akron, Cincinatti, Rutgers, Kentucky, Applachian State, and many others can now win and thats what makes college football so awesome. Teams like Notre Dame with a QB who is next to god can't win a game! I dunno how many penn state games I've been to that we were playing schools we were supposed to kill and the entire student section was wanting to pull our hair out because a no name team was playing right with us. Then when we play a big name team thats supposedly gonna kill us we hang with them or win:o

But the one thing that pisses me off the most about college football is this... and its 3 schools fans. If you joke about any other colleges out there you can throw a cheap shot or 2 joking around and the fans accept it and throw one back right outta clean fun, But USC, Ohio State, and Miami the fans SUCK! They can't take any jokes and start crying, *****in, and being rude the min something is said about their heavenly sent can't do nothing wrong football team who god literally put on the playing field for these *****s to worship. Ohio State is the worst... go to Penn State a week before the game and everyone there knows OSU is gonna beat us, we know they are a better team usually and it'll take a damn good game such as 2005 to pull off the win but we still support our team. Not osu if they loose look out here comes the crying and defending of their team who can't take a simple joke busting on them:o

sorry I had to get that rant off... I know alot of people feel the way I do and I've been wanting to say it for a few years on here.