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stupid driver
11-12-2002, 07:00 PM
did anyone watch that thing on good morning america about kids on quads. a cupple beople said that they were sayin how all these kids are killin themselves on them, and they showed a few videos of people wreckin. y do some people hate our sport so dam* much?:mad:

11-12-2002, 07:07 PM
I saw it. There was actually a lady from some safety commity defending the ATV industry saying they are covering all the safety issues that they can. It really sucked when they took their hidden cameras into some dealerships and the dealers were trying to sell them these big quad for their kids. Thats just not right. I hope those guys were fired that day!!!

11-12-2002, 07:24 PM
wow, u guys can watch good morning america, im sleeping in class when that comes on lol

11-12-2002, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by EXracer8601
wow, u guys can watch good morning america, im sleeping in class when that comes on lol
when your wife works nights and you have an 8 month old to feed and a 9 year old to get ready for school...You're up at all kinds of different times. I probably get more sleep at work than at home.

11-13-2002, 05:39 AM

11-13-2002, 08:18 AM
I didnt see it, but I heard about it.Of course you notice more kids getting hurt, more people are buying now days..But statistically......the age for the most accidents was 18-25 yr. olds THis stuff really burns my butt!!They need to look at the whole picture:grr :mad:

11-13-2002, 09:10 AM
The popularity of sport quads in general is on an up swing, so like you said, Quadjunkies, they need to look at the whole picture.

11-13-2002, 09:37 AM
yea they need to look at how many quads were sold and how many accidents.

11-13-2002, 10:11 AM
Well, and failed to metion that most accidents were lil kids on really big quads, Ive seen it before over and over,they arent getting hurt on the minis some of the paternt need to supervise a little better,:( Not all kids are good enough to ride the bigger stuff, my Daughter in mature enough and rides well enough to ride a bigger quad,with supervision..My son on the other hand,is too irresponsible .there are so many factors involved,lots of these accidient dont have to happen with the right precautionss taken, but there will be accidents .just like learning to ride a bike,oh they didnt do a statisitc on that one did they!!!

11-13-2002, 10:19 AM
its like anything else. at the race last sunday....i saw a kid maybe 12 giving 2 other kids....(about the same age so thats 3 of them on the seat) on a banshee:( and i see kids whose feet barely touch the pegs riding quads that they shouldnt be on. i dont agree with the age limits......but i do agree with parents showing a little common sense.

11-13-2002, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by PAPPY
its like anything else. at the race last sunday....i saw a kid maybe 12 giving 2 other kids....(about the same age so thats 3 of them on the seat) on a banshee:( and i see kids whose feet barely touch the pegs riding quads that they shouldnt be on. i dont agree with the age limits......but i do agree with parents showing a little common sense. I agree totally...;)

stupid driver
11-13-2002, 11:42 AM
a few people give the whole thing a bad name. it will always be like that. nothing us responsible riders can do.

11-13-2002, 11:49 AM
i miss all the good shows :grr probably cause i start my job at 3:30am :rolleyes: read my sig....ama says quading is safer than organized sports..:macho

11-13-2002, 11:56 AM
Schit......Monkey bars are more dangerous than ATV's.......but they are nearly every playground you see.

11-13-2002, 12:07 PM
This stuff really gets me nuts, and I mean both sides of it. :grr

I saw that too papy and have a clear picture of those three kids on the shee (it was a modded shee too) and remember laughing to myself what kind of an arse hole would let their kid do that crap. I know I would only hear from their parents that its just in the parking lot bs etc but not one of them had a helmet and the only one tall enough to reach the pegs was on the back and his feet were bouncing off the tires. :grr

Now I know there is a lot of pressure from the "stupid parents" groups and even the medical field, but when the majority of serious injury and fatality involve either kids on much too large machines or riders with out proper safety gear how can you blame the machine for anything. It like blaming the bullet for going out of a gun, plain stupid.

On more than one occasion I have talked with dif dr's about the quad and dirt bike related injuries and from what I can decifer there are many more lower extremetie injuries on the quads due to the design of the machine. All the other injuries I have been told of seem to have no favor to bikes or quads but more to safety equipment and stupidity.

But there is one serious problem with both quads and bikes when the younger riders are involved and thats cause there are way too many stupid parents out there (how dare I say that :) ). You know them you see them everyday, on the highway swaying lane to lane while talking on their cell phone or in the store being embarassed or harrassed byt their own children into doing things they dont want to.

OK I am gettting at two big problems there and the first is that everone is in a friggin rush and doesnt have enough time to care for things properly. How many of the parents of a child that was hurt riding without a helmet do you think would tell you that they wouldnt let him or her ride without one? The second is that way too many people think that thier kid is their friend, well we all should have good relationships with our kids but way too many are afraid to upset their little prescious cause he or she might get mad at them, and thats both crazy and wrong. So if junior doesnt want to waer his helmet etc be a hero and ground the little bugger after you beat the friggin "time out" out of his system, in the long run he will thank you for it plus its your responsiblilty to be a parent not a friend.

And a warning for the next wise arse know it all who gives me crap when I tell them to put their damn helmet on I think I am just gonna take you out on the next pass so that way you family wont be able to sue the landowner when you kill yourself.

Sorry for the rant but now I feel much better :D

11-13-2002, 12:14 PM
i can remember the dark days ....late 80's early 90's when this stuff was an everyday issue on the news. i hope this isnt the start of another round of atv bashing in the media.

i agree 440ex4me......i watch darwin award winners everyday:rolleyes: it amazes me that some of these people can even tie thier shoes :p