View Full Version : What is this restrictor on the airbox?

12-26-2007, 10:20 PM
I had to remove both of my kids filters to clean them. I read somewhere that there is a restrictor on the airbox lid. I didn't find one.
The airbox lid has a round opening and it is open to the world. No wonder the filter was plugged with dust. I;m not talking about take it and shake it dust. I mean, caked on, oil soaked, sticky like cake frosting dirty.

Is the restrictor SUPPOSED to be on there?

double d 1
12-27-2007, 06:42 AM
when you buy then new there is a black cap that fits over that round hole and that cap has a smaller hole on it. its suppose to restrict the speed. they usually wont run right with that restictor cap on. i have to clean my sons after every ride.

12-27-2007, 09:44 AM
After every ride? That cleaner is not cheap! That's a lot of money to clean it after every ride.
I think it was like 12bucks for the can of cleaner and oil.

Since I bought these bikes brand new I can only assume that the dealer removed the restrictor before delivering them to me.

12-27-2007, 10:02 AM
Don't buy that cleaner go get a gal. of purple power and use that. And just use a little oil if any.

Mike Kozura

12-27-2007, 11:25 AM
yes, clean it after EVERY ride. or atleast every 2 hours of ride time if you ride less then that at once.

it is a cheap insurance policy that your motor is going to breathe clean!!

double d 1
12-27-2007, 03:39 PM
i use dawn dish soap to clean mine, and bel-ray filter oil. that quart of filter oil will probably last me a life time, only takes about a cap full, maybe a little more.

01-04-2008, 09:05 PM
I use twin airs cleaner and the bel ray filter oil... they will last years. you can reuse the twin air cleaner. used to do the dish soap but the twin air cleaner is real amazing and I hear the uni cleaner is awesome too.

01-08-2008, 10:03 PM
When I was using foam filters I always had two, one as a spare. After cleaning them thourghly with soap and water, usally dawn dishwahing or Tide laundry. I would use a shop vac and suck they dry, from the outside so that any dirt that may be trapped in the little tiny holes of the foam would be pulled out. Then when they were completly dry I would put them into a gallon size ziploc bag with what ever filter oil was the flavor of the month, not a lot of oil but enough to coat the filter well, then close the bag and start massaging the oil into the filter. Get it well coated then open the bag and grab the filter and squeeze out all the excess oil back into the bag. Done with the first one throw the second one in and repeat. Then leave the second one in the bag (closed) so it stays nice and clean till I need it. This is a great way to always have a clean filter while out racing in the dust or spending a weekend out with the guys and gals kickin' it.