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View Full Version : The Off Season

11-11-2002, 02:57 PM
Ok here in Ny its getting pretty cold and all of the tracks are starting to close. i was just wondering what you guys do in the off season to keep sharp for future racing. I guess ill still ride when it snows and stuff but as for jumps theres not much i can do..well i was just interested in what you guys would suggest..thx

11-11-2002, 05:06 PM
work out, that is all i can say, hit the weight room and do a little running...

don't get lazy, eat well, ride in the winter in the worse conditions, i ride in mud, and i got a track too so i usually disc it all up so when it frezzes it is a huge whoops section with the jumps still there and practice at -5 degrees f .....

that is all what i can say, and that is what i do...

good luck


11-11-2002, 05:13 PM
I ride all winter...........:cool:

11-11-2002, 07:26 PM
i plan on ridin as much as i can. theres no better way to be in shape for racin then to practice on the quad. but if u cant get out or theres too much snow then exercise and eat right.