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12-12-2007, 09:13 PM
Anyone ever have any motor troubles out of there ltrs?? i have a 06 and it makes a funny nose in the top end and smokes a lil?? could a dirty air filter cause this?

12-13-2007, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by 400ex18
Anyone ever have any motor troubles out of there ltrs?? i have a 06 and it makes a funny nose in the top end and smokes a lil?? could a dirty air filter cause this?

Do you ride with a dirty air filter? If so then yes, over time it will destroy your top end. Clean your air filter atleast after every day of riding!!! Its just as, if not more important than changing your oil often.

tanner 222
12-15-2007, 12:44 PM
ya that could be your problem. i clean my air filter everytime i ride and when im racing i clean it after every moto. and for smoking i'd say its just normal cuz mine smokes a bit too when i give it a big shot of throttle

12-15-2007, 08:05 PM
well no i have not rode it that long with a dirty filter!! i just bought it and it had the dirty filiter and has never had a oil change! but i got the oil changed and air filter clean and seems to be fine!! but still makes a wired nose in top sounds like somthin viberating?:confused:

12-16-2007, 04:54 AM
Unless it was especially muddy out or something, i think cleaning it after every day of riding might be a bit excessive. Unless you're a hard core racer.

Just dot he simple things like change the oil, clean the filter, and adjust the valves and see how it performs.

12-16-2007, 02:59 PM
I'm by no means a hardcore racer but I do ride in some nasty dust more often than not. Plus, if you let a filter set for a long period of time the oil will dry up a bit and lose some of its tackiness even if its left clean. Better to be on the safe side than the alternative.

12-18-2007, 02:27 PM
yeah... dust is the worst enemy of your motor. I even clean mine after every ride (I ride alot). and we just tore my motora\ apart for the winter rebuild and the piston was scarred and nasty STILL, even with all the care I give it