View Full Version : Impounded in Manorville

12-12-2007, 01:51 PM
Public Safety busted us Sunday, anybody know what this is going to cost? The cop said it was $750.00 to get my banshee out of impound.
Anybody else nailed this weekend?

12-13-2007, 08:16 AM
Is this manorville LI?

12-13-2007, 08:27 AM
Im in Staten Island NY, and its a $500 fine for impoundment, but the kicker is you must show proof of insurance, and registration in order to get it from the impound yard.

12-13-2007, 11:16 AM
Yea, LI and I dont have either.

12-16-2007, 09:23 AM
Did you get it back yet?

I tell the guys I ride with to keep them insured and registered as it is cheap and may allow us to walk if something goes sour.

12-16-2007, 10:13 AM
i hate to say it like this, but if your riding on long island, ESPECIALLY in manorville, you CANNOT stop for cops.....its tough when you have a truck parked but even then, you have to strategically park knowing that a chase is possible....#1 reason why i only ride from my garage now....if a cop wants to bust me and my boys, we are going to make them work for it because i've heard the impound story one too many times...i used to ride out off exit 56 by the hotel. if you've ever been there you know how everyone parks RIGHT next to the pit in the industrial park. i was the only one to park wayyy off in the corner as far away from the pit as possible. sure enough, sting operation comes in and blocks off the pit and gets everyone sitting in the parking lot....except me. it sucks that it happened to you and its crazy that this junk is still going on like it us, but you just have to be prepared for this stuff.

im not positive on exact cost but people have told me it gets to be over $1,000 once they start adding in all of the tickets that you will be receiving.(and trust me, they will nail you for whatever they can)

12-16-2007, 01:27 PM
Being a parent and a former fireman: I would never recommend to run.

But as a consumer and a hater of BS laws, I would run myself.

I am soo sorry that you guys have to pay a 1000.00 for a fine for doing something like riding a atv.

Yes there are laws and I understand them, but I am sure that you can get busted smoking crack and get a much lower fine.

I dont recommend smoking crack either.

I continue to support local clubs that lobby for ability to ride and I recommend that every one of you guys do the same..

It sounds like you guys need a place that is legal to ride. If the state allows the sale of an atv and charges a sales tax. Collects fees for the registration of atvs then it is that states duty to create a place to use such product.

12-16-2007, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by willb
Being a parent and a former fireman: I would never recommend to run.

But as a consumer and a hater of BS laws, I would run myself.

I am soo sorry that you guys have to pay a 1000.00 for a fine for doing something like riding a atv.

Yes there are laws and I understand them, but I am sure that you can get busted smoking crack and get a much lower fine.

I dont recommend smoking crack either.

I continue to support local clubs that lobby for ability to ride and I recommend that every one of you guys do the same..

It sounds like you guys need a place that is legal to ride. If the state allows the sale of an atv and charges a sales tax. Collects fees for the registration of atvs then it is that states duty to create a place to use such product. yea man it got REAL crazy here on long island....suffolk county PD has been known to land choppers in the sandpits, have 5-10 flatbed trucks waiting at the entrance, and impound 40-50 bikes at a time...you could drive along our main highway on a given weekend and it wouldnt be unusual to see a caravan of flatbed police trucks loaded to the brim with quads heading down to the impound yard, each quad totalling easily over 1,000 worth of fees/tickets. JUST for riding in a sand pit.

thats why if you were to go check out some of the main known spots that were once packed with 100 riders on a nice weeked a few years ago, they are now overgrown ghost towns. people just gave up....we had clubs, we spent damn near a decade of work with the county/govt. to get something but still nothing. i think most people just lost all hope and either 1. sold out or 2.kept riding and risked it. i myself sold my 450r and got a street legal dual sport.

all i know is when i see a cop, im headed the opposite way and im wfo, no looking back....its not that i like to break the law or play with enforcement, its just not worth it anymore, even if they werent intending to impound, the chance is too great.

all of that being said, we STILL ride every weekend

im lucky though, i can ride from my driveway and get to a fantastic riding area that only a very small amount of people know about. no more well known l.i. riding spots for me :D

12-16-2007, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by willb
It sounds like you guys need a place that is legal to ride. If the state allows the sale of an atv and charges a sales tax. Collects fees for the registration of atvs then it is that states duty to create a place to use such product.

Good point. :D

This is why club involvement on some level is beneficial to all.

12-16-2007, 03:03 PM
I used to live on LI, never had a quad until I moved up to NH.

Any way, a friend from LI just called, me he tells me there is a legal place to ride in Medford on Horse block rd, Im curios about that, can any one confirm that, I still go down for visits, maybe Id bring it down some time and ride with him.

12-16-2007, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by DANVAN
I used to live on LI, never had a quad until I moved up to NH.

Any way, a friend from LI just called, me he tells me there is a legal place to ride in Medford on Horse block rd, Im curios about that, can any one confirm that, I still go down for visits, maybe Id bring it down some time and ride with him. only place around there that i know of is the yaphank mx track on horseblock rd. im personally not into the mx scene much....the track seems to get very crowded since its the one legal place and its quite expensive to ride there as well...id rather spend the day riding hillclimbs, railing sand berms, riding through the woods and doing wheelies through the feilds...may be worth a try though, i heard they redid it and its more quad freindly.

12-16-2007, 05:00 PM
That must be the place, yaphank is just down the road from medford and he said it was a track.
Im not into mx either, Im into all the trail riding thats up here.

12-16-2007, 05:10 PM
I feel bad for you guys.

I am an old compared to most (mid 30's:rolleyes: ). I have places to ride; 100's of acres in my family plus much much more with friends. I still write letters and send emails to our government.

I feel bad for our youth, the world has drastically changed.

You can tell your LI mayor, governor, police chief, etc. that if my kid was only riding and not doing anything else wrong- in this day and age--- I will gladely pay the 1000.00 as I toss my kid back his quad keys, while giving the cop the middle finger. Yelling see you next week dick........

Keep my kids safe and off drugs, hell a grand is cheap, but you cant get your local politician, tree huggin, left wing official to think that way.

Myself and Erac on this board have been best friends since we were little kids. We grew up in eastern Ohio. I started riding dirtbikes at seven. Ross started around 12, I think.
We lived 10 miles apart and only had to start up and open our garage doors to ride. We rode almost everyday.

Our parents knew we were always 4 gallons away.:p

12-17-2007, 08:00 AM
I was told if I ran i could have been arested, who needs that crap!
Cops are oll over the place these days THEY HAVE QUADS!!!
Whats a dual sport?
I'm trying to get my quad back this week, my parents want it sold.

12-17-2007, 12:51 PM
you dont get arrested if you dont get caught.....plan your "escape route" beforehand so if the cops roll up you know what to do...although i havnt encountered cops on quads yet, im sure they probably arent the quickest riders out there. like i said, i only ride from my garage now and i know the trails by heart so it makes it fairly nice for me....i dont have troubles with cops at my spots anyway.

a dual sport is a street legal dirtbike....its fun and its awsome being able to ride around on the roads without getting in trouble, but for off-road riding nothing beats a nice quad.

honestly, manorville isnt worth riding in unless you know the trails VERY well and have an easy way to escape once the cops come...i've heard of them impounding over there for years now. where abouts in manorville were you riding when you got caught? my good friend lives over by the horse farms and says he hears kids riding back there constantly.

08-01-2008, 09:06 AM
We just got chased again today, three cops are looking for us.

08-06-2008, 04:34 PM
my bro is Suffolk Cty PD, does this mean I need to ask him where this sand pit is?? I'm from NJ & he hasn't mentioned it to me. -lol

Originally posted by ny300exrider
yea man it got REAL crazy here on long island....suffolk county PD has been known to land choppers in the sandpits, have 5-10 flatbed trucks waiting at the entrance, and impound 40-50 bikes at a time...you could drive along our main highway on a given weekend and it wouldnt be unusual to see a caravan of flatbed police trucks loaded to the brim with quads heading down to the impound yard, each quad totalling easily over 1,000 worth of fees/tickets. JUST for riding in a sand pit.

10-02-2008, 01:45 PM
We had he hunters pissed off today- **** them too

10-03-2008, 11:15 AM
Where I ride in NJ its state/county game land with trails al lover it, alot of its land no one can access without an atv from the main trail. No one has every bothered us tho.

I have ran from the police before, nothing like flying down the roads to get back to a safe spot and wait it out. Cause they can and will nail you with it in your truck.. I for one never parked close, always way to far.

But the trails I ride today, even if they came they cannot get thier cruisers of durangos in there b/c of the sand-need a real 4wd truck and even then they cant get into most of the trails as they are to tight.

If I did get impounded the kicker is they would call the tow yard I work for and the guy would load up my atv and say it "fell off" during transport about 3 blocks later lol. BTDT.

09-03-2009, 01:56 PM
I don't live in Manorville, but I am often faced with these types of issues. After an ATV fatality in Lee County FL, the sheriff delcared that ATVs cannot ride on public property...period. That goes against the state ATV law. ATVs are now hated by cops.

We have learned that you MUST NOT STOP!!! unless the cop is driving an ATV (they currently have three). They will impound your ATV, and stick you with as many tickets, and charges as they can.

Cops will do many things to catch you. Their prime strategy is to nail you when you are stopped, or wait at the entrance to the local trails, and bag you there. They will also try to follow you unnoticed, and then strike when you lead them to your house. The easiest thing to do is the head off road. They will not follow you off road in a regular cruiser or patrol car. They aren't going to ruin their suspension, and dent up their car just to chase an ATV, even if they caught you. They won't risk it.

My advice is to just ignore them, and if they chase you just keep going to your trails or plan an off road escape route. The trucks will follow you off road, but can't chase you on narrow trails. Be aware of local anti-ATV people. They are sworn butt heads, and cannot be reasoned with. They WILL call the cops, and they WILL take measures against you.

I have had them set up traps, and block off trails. It sucks, so be weary of them.

09-11-2009, 09:57 PM
As a former state trooper, I will tell you that if you ever do decide to run, don't ever look back. If you DO get caught, don't answer any questions. Don't give them any evidence to use against you. You will get your quad impounded and get a bunch of tickets, but the less you give them to use against you the better off you will be.

My thinking...if you don't know you are being chased, it's not a chase, therefore, setting you up for a defense in a flee and elude case. You never heard any sirens, never saw any lights, and you certainly would have stopped had you known they were following you in an attempt to stop.... :)

white tails
09-14-2009, 03:15 PM
where i live its legal to drive atvs on the road.(i love living in a small town) i bet i see 8-10 atvs each day. as long as your not raising hell they wont say anything to you. but we asked the chief and he said if you go in the country the sheriffs can get you but i never had any problems

11-11-2009, 06:43 PM
as I mentioned in my other post, they will try and nail you when you are stopped

they did to me. Cops have their own quads now, Polaris 500 sportsman. I was stopped talking to my friend on a dirt bike when he had been stalking us from a distant. he caught us doing nothing so he tried to pin us with three felonies! He claims we cut multiple fences, and let cows out that supposedly kill people. (property isn't closed) I lost my quad, and when I got it out I had to sell it to pay for expenses. I am only 14 so I wasn't charged thankfully.

BE WARNED!!! a cops word is gold. anything they make up is the "truth"