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View Full Version : ahh makes me mad

Ruby Soho
12-05-2007, 06:57 PM
so me and my friend are rebuilding our quads, and his neighbor does powdercoat, we were going to get our stuff done. he says it would be cheap, and making it sound next to nothing. we asked for an estimate a few times but he kept just saying stuff like "im not going to charge you guys much at all.. i dont want your guys money". we stripped the paint off the mojave frame because he said we'd save most money buy doing that. didnt do my frame yet, and he called tonight saying it would be 200$ each. i know, its a good deal for a frame, parts, subframe etc.. but i dont have 200 to spend, i was expecting like 50-100$. and he tells us this the night before were going to get it done. kinda pissed me off..

im glad i didnt jump right into stripping the paint off my frame cause im not going to get it done for awile now.

sorry for it being so long guys, needed to kinda vent alittle bit.:chinese:

12-05-2007, 07:05 PM
Ask for cash for Xmas....;)

Ruby Soho
12-05-2007, 07:09 PM
my xmas stuff is already ordered.. bunch of parts and gear haha

12-05-2007, 08:50 PM
Yeah.. I would have forced him to give me an estimate before doing anything.

I paid 200 bucks to get my subframe, hubs, swingarm, clutch and valve cover, engine mounts, two rims, and a bunch of other little parts..


12-05-2007, 09:07 PM
for 200 he better be doing every little part..

12-05-2007, 09:42 PM
$200 isn't bad, but it's certainly not a "great deal", especially if you are stripping all the parts yourself.

Ruby Soho
12-06-2007, 09:46 AM
the parts that were getting done was:

frame, sub frame, bar risers, exhaust sheild, brake pedal, fender brackets, subframe brackets, chain gaurd and some other little stuff.

all the small parts i had removed the paint from but they're all aluminum (besides the brake pedal) i think i might polish them...

i think he's kind of bull****ting us because he said it would be around 1200 if we just gave him the stuff and he had to strip it. which seems like BULL, most people dont put that much money into paint on a quad...

12-06-2007, 09:52 AM
probably should have asked before you just assumed

Ruby Soho
12-06-2007, 09:54 AM
well i did ask, i was like "how much do you think its gonna be around?" "i dont have much money to spend.. so if this is gonna be alot i dont think i can do it i have to spend my money on more important stuff"

he kept just hinting and avoiding the subject.

ill see how much he wants for the subframe and little parts i guess..

oh well atleast my frame didnt really need it

12-06-2007, 09:59 AM
seems like you guys, or at least your friend, were tricked. avoiding an estimate until he knows your frame is stripped and you cant really do anything else was probably exactly what he was planning. sounds like a shady guy.

12-06-2007, 11:06 AM
200 isn't all that far fetched.

2 hrs labor and powder. Sounds pretty fair to me.

Wouldn't that amount of work normally run about $400+
He will still have to blast and prep before he powders. Steel instantly will begin to oxidize once the paint is removed, just from the moisture in the air, even if you can't see it.

Could always ship if off to Pappy when his back is better again. ;)

12-06-2007, 11:34 AM
If you were expecting 50 to 100 then you should have told him that upfront. He should have gave you a price but you shouldn't have assumed one either.

Ruby Soho
12-06-2007, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by chris46250r
If you were expecting 50 to 100 then you should have told him that upfront. He should have gave you a price but you shouldn't have assumed one either.

true, very true.

oh well, im happy i didnt strip my frame. just feel kinda bad for my buddy

12-06-2007, 12:43 PM
spray paint... mine has held up perfectly for about 3 years now. it just takes the correct procedures, and a little bit of caution. ie: dont submerge your quad in a pool of gas. ;)

12-06-2007, 12:57 PM
Your friend should take it somewhere else just so that guy doesn't get his money.

12-06-2007, 01:15 PM
You get what you pay for. For a solid color on those parts, I would charge under $250 and that would include all stripping, prep and powder work. This is exactly why we dont allow any schmo to just put up a post that they do this kind of work because when you think about the money your sending in parts alone, you had best be damn sure your dealing with someone who wont disappear and that you get your parts back coated in a quality manner.

And powder isnt cheap, some of which is going for over $40 a pound now....so don't always expect a low quote. Doing it right comes at a price....ofcourse there is always the trusty spray paint...lol

12-06-2007, 01:37 PM
Pappy just curious, how many pounds of powder does it take for a typical fourwheeler frame and subframe, say 450r or 250r?

12-06-2007, 03:42 PM
it varies with the type of powder, how well your equipment works and even the humidity on the day its shot. i usually figure 3 pounds of a color but i usually do more then just a frame and sub for folks(or im doing multiple jobs at once). my equipment will start giving me problems if im down to low in the hopper (usually as i reach the 1/2 pound mark.) the color can make a big difference as well as some colors require a double coat to assure full coverage and then the part as in the configuration of how its built can use more or less powder etc.

i usually have 5 to 55 pound boxes of popular colors depending on the time of year and the color, other colors i may order in as required because powder has to be kept between certain temps or it will go bad. and i do prime 99% of what i coat so i add that to my powder usage as well, but charge no more for it.