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View Full Version : HaRLEY's anyone??

11-08-2002, 10:13 PM
Don't get me wrong, my passion is my 400ex, but I also just bought a Harley this past June....this thing is just as addicting!!!..Anyone have any pics of their scooters?? It's getting cold here soon in the Windy City and I have to say bye to the Harley for about 5mos....that's when me and the 400 catch up on missed time!!!:square

11-08-2002, 10:17 PM
For some reason, I just hate HARLEYS!!!! I like street bikes 10x times better...:D

11-09-2002, 06:00 AM
no offense but i cant stand harleys. You might not be one of the typical harly rider so dont take offence to this its just my opinion. But we have a bike week here in nh and let my tell you we get almost no sleep bacause harlys are everywhere with there straight pipes. There is my first thing why dont the environmentalist or cops bick on them for there exaust instead they come after the little car and trucks whos exaust are 1/2 loud. THe cars and trucks though do the pipes for profornace and a little bit of the sound but when your a harley rider i think they just go for the loudness. It kind pisses my off the the cops around here just let them go with that issue but what ever noting i can do about it id much rather hae a street bike alot more fun

11-10-2002, 09:46 AM
i hate harleys too. i try to not complain about them being loud because i know from the factory they aren't (but how many people keep them that way?). why buy an overpriced motorcycle that doesn't run good and has crappy power. your buying a name when you buy a harley. i prefer to spend my money on somethin that runs good. if i was to buy a cruiser motorcycle it would probably be a honda. i'm not a honda man by any means but hondas motorcycles are just so nice. my neighboor has a sweet valkarie and and the vtx is sweet too. the only decent harley i can think of is the new v-rod but those are just ugly looking if you ask me.

11-10-2002, 10:14 AM
you guys hate them for an image they dont have, if u dont like it then dont say anything!

11-10-2002, 10:18 AM
Exactly don't say anything if you don't like them. Between my dad and my 2 ucles there are 7 harleys in the family and they all run fine. Saying a pipe is just for sound is gay. Thats the same thing as adding a pipe to a 400ex then. My cousin put 7000 miles on a buell this summer with no problems. Guess what that motor is made by harley too. I'm not gonna own a harley. There not my type of thing, but there definately is nothing wrong with them. All you people complaining about the sounds of the harley are hypocrits. There is no problem with 400ex's being loud but there is with the harleys?

11-10-2002, 10:25 AM
Thanks JR, we own a few harleys in our family, and my dad has one. I am really considering selling my 400ex for a Buell. our harley has about 9k miles with ZERO problems

11-10-2002, 10:53 AM
The new harleys are so much better than the older ones words can no explain. I like seeing all done up custom painted harleys. I think they look cool. If i was going to buy a cruiser it would have to be a custom chopper from WCC.


11-11-2002, 01:47 PM
I got a 96 Softail custom. Believe me, it doesn't suck. It does't leak or break down. It runs just as good as the rice rockets, although it's much slower. Alot of people don't like them because they can't afford them. Don't get me wrong, I like the Jap bikes, too. I would probably be dead if I had a crotch rocket. Scary fast!

11-11-2002, 01:50 PM
Ummmmmmm i think thats why they said that it was there opinoin and to take no offense to it.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-11-2002, 01:53 PM
Most people that bash them probably never have rode one in their life. Ride one you might like it..

11-11-2002, 02:02 PM
I rode one and personally didnt like it.

11-11-2002, 02:21 PM
I'm biker trash
83 shovel head:devil

11-11-2002, 06:00 PM
I'm not offended. To tell you the truth, I could care less what the other guy is riding, as long as he's riding. I think it's hard to have an opinion on a Harley if you don't own or ride one.

11-11-2002, 07:36 PM
haha ah yes the classic defensive harley riders always get angry when somebody says they don't like harleys. saying if i don't like them not to say anything is dumb. if you don't like terrorists don't say anything then either. i'm sure i'm entitled to my opinion on this forum and my opinion is harleys are over priced pos's. they way they have their v-twin motors developed is horrid. i don't remember the exact problem but it has something to do with the air fuel mixture having to go through one cylinder to get into the next cylinder. this is what creates the distinctive harley sound but this is also what creates many of the problems with harleys and the reason why it takes a ton of cash to get the motors to have around 100 hp which is considered a lot. i do realize the new harleys are much better than the old ones. and i also realize the power benifits of adding an aftermarket pipe (if you read my post you'll notice i didn't attack harleys for being loud, but also note i'm not a fan of loud quads either, i find them annoying and some are just unnessisarily loud) so please excuse me for hating harleys, if you like them be my guest to get one, i won't hate you for it, i don't care what you ride but you won't see me on a harley.

11-11-2002, 07:39 PM
God bless juggalo.

11-11-2002, 07:44 PM
I am not a harley fan either............but some of them are very cool.

my local shop sells custom built bikes & some of them are awesome.

anyway.........here is my street ride.

11-11-2002, 08:08 PM
btw- i hate buells more than i hate harleys. if you want a sport bike then go buy a real one. and yes i knew harley made their engines.

also i think harleys look cool (except the v-rod) but i like to have the total package not just looks.

11-11-2002, 08:13 PM
my dad has a harley, but didnt get it for power, he got it for comfort. he really likes it. it is a 2002 soft tail duece, and it fuel injected. it runs great.
