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View Full Version : full exhaust

11-25-2007, 09:27 AM
im looking around and i cant make up my mind on which full system to get. and the system i do get it can not stick past the grab bar at all. what are your guys opinions on some good full systems.

thanks dan.

11-25-2007, 09:33 AM
Any system worth having should not stick past the grab bar!

Otherwise there are a huge number of systems and opinions. Maybe some more info from you would help, like how much $$ do you want to spend. What other mods do you have or plan to have?

The top choices (not in any order)
White Brothers

11-25-2007, 09:44 AM
money im not really putting a limit on if it is a good pipe and worth the money. i would like it to be full stainless steel. i think that is the only mod im going to really do. i was thinking about bores and strokers but i think im going to leave that alone. because i just want a little more power but something very practical and dependable. and right now im all stock beside little stuff nothing for engine or performence. but i am not against doing some mods if someone has some opinions on it.

11-25-2007, 10:11 AM
well there are going to be alot of different opinions about this but i think

1. yoshi
2. hmf
3. fmf
4. sparks

ride red 14
11-25-2007, 10:17 AM
i really love my hmf ironman and it doesnt stick out past the grab bar

11-25-2007, 10:24 AM
My White Bros Full system helps my motor make 42+hp. It's short too.

11-25-2007, 11:00 AM
i no sparks is a great exhuast for the money i reccamend that #1 i no HMF is another great exhaust i reccamend that to, then so on like yoshi white bros, duncan and i heard the trinity full is a very nice system also:chinese:

11-25-2007, 06:32 PM
this decision is so hard there is so many to choose from. but i think im going to go with a yosh but all the ones ive seen mounted are really close to the end of the grab bar. dose any one have a yosh and has scrapped there grab bar and if so did you hit the muffler at all. thanks agian

11-25-2007, 10:56 PM
me and my older brother both ride 400ex.. i use a big gun pipe limited series.. and he uses full yoshi.. mine is putting out more hp than his by about 1.2 hp.. we dyno tested.. we have never hit the grab bar.. and for the big gun pipe u have a life time warranty is u break it.. u can replace it once.. no matter how u break it.. u should check it out.. i dont remember the web site but googlee big gun pipe or somthing.. i recomend a big gun :D and it dont stick out :D.. the yoshi is still good :D and there not too expensive.. if u make up ur mind for big gun leme know.. u can get it super cheap at www.gopartsdirect.com

11-26-2007, 11:16 AM
big gun is a good choice. ive got the big gun race race series on my mojave i know its not for the ex but its good quailty and has a life time warranty. on my dads 400ex he has the hmf ironman thats good quality too and isint past the grab bar

11-26-2007, 02:27 PM
i have a yoshi rs3 and it doesnt stck past the grab bar. Gives a lot of accelleration as well. I love my yoshi.

11-26-2007, 02:28 PM
just buy a sparks they are best on the market.

11-26-2007, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by cmaxx
just buy a sparks they are best on the market.

x2 if you have the money for a sparks, then deffinately do it. You wont find a better exhaust for the 400ex than Curtis Sparks. HMF is close to the Curtis Sparks but still not there

11-26-2007, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by oleboy87
well there are going to be alot of different opinions about this but i think

1. yoshi
2. hmf
3. fmf
4. sparks

For a regular everyday trail rider that would be my order too. I love the Yoshi RS-3. HMF is a great system too but a little louder (w/o the quiet core). FMF makes some great "quieter" exhausts that still makes great power gains. And FMF has the nice highflow POWERBOMB header too. Sparks for racing are excellent top of line IMO. But for just regular everyday riding I say Yoshi or HMF.:cool:

11-26-2007, 08:39 PM
ok i still have no idea which im going with.



big gun=$499


i found these prices very fast probably not the best prices but there are all really close but i still have no idea so out of these which way dose every one vote most votes win

thanks again to all

11-26-2007, 08:43 PM
yoshi or hmf! it would be out of those 2

11-26-2007, 11:51 PM
well i'd go with the yoshi titanium.. i jsut orderd it.. i got it off gopartsdirect.com it was only 500 bucks.. u have tocall cuz they dont offer it on the web site..if u want to check for the number on the web site or pm me i'll give u the number.. i sjut dont have it on hand now.. its awsome dont stick out.. and i like loud things, its rated 105db :O u can get it with a quiet core insert though that drops it to about 94.. its absolutly awsome.. i'll be postin a pic as soon as i get it :D

11-27-2007, 04:37 AM
The Yoshimura RS-3 isn't too loud but still has a nice sound to it. HMF sounds nice and with the quiet core is only a little bit louder than the yoshi. I'd say take the yoshi JMO;)

11-27-2007, 05:17 PM

11-27-2007, 08:17 PM
well im think i am gonig with yosh i dont have time now but very very soon ill have to hunt for the best deal. if any one has the yosh and the else stock besides a k&n filter what are you running for jets or what should i run for jets.


11-27-2007, 11:31 PM
i just got the yoshimura.. i got it today and installed it.. jet recomendations come with the exhaust.. i dont ermemebvr what they are.. and i ended up getting the carbon fiber one.. its loud if u take the quiet core out.. sounds very nice.. it took maybe 20 minutes to install.. it is only about an inch longer that stock so grab bar still protects it.. its a bit lower than stock though.. like where it holds on its not directly a side from the fram claps.. its jsut bearly over.. i'll post a pic tommaro.. it was only 500 bucks :D!!! from gopartsdirect.com heres the number18002207005.. its in las vegas.. i talekd to the guy and he gave me one day free shipping :D!!! i was not expection it till tommaro :D i called in yesterday afternoon and got it today!.. i think u outa to get it.. people say u can crack it easily,, and stuff but if u take care of it, if should be fine.... i think its the cheapst place where u can find parts for the 400.. u have to ask about what they have because they dont have all there products online.. i really recomend that palce becauswe they givve you concrete info on the product that you are buying.. unlike websites it doesnt even tell you how loud the dang thing is on a 400.. they base the average on 450s.. so yea give it a look on the web site and if u cant find anythign give em a call.. like the yoshi i got is not in the magizine or on line.. so check it out and let me know what you think ! :D

11-28-2007, 09:45 PM
ive been real busy but hopefully i can find one i like and a price that i like for that yosh and im gong to get me one.

11-29-2007, 02:59 PM
yuo wont find the yoshi rs3 carbon on the website.. you got to call in.. they have any kind of exhaust you want.. no joke.. and its the cheapest i could find it.. so check it out and let me know hwats up

11-30-2007, 03:45 PM
well i dont want the carbon one anyways i want the stainless steel.

12-01-2007, 12:09 AM
oh well u can ge that one too.. try it there cheap :D

12-02-2007, 04:10 PM
i ordered it from there yesterday, they said 10 days cant express ship it due to x mas

12-03-2007, 02:31 PM
oh.. well ya that sounds reasonable.. lots of orders... so how much was it? and which one did ya get?

12-03-2007, 05:40 PM
yosh stainless full it was 490 with a jet kit

12-04-2007, 02:40 PM
oh yea its not bad.. its pretty loud w/o the insert.. and its ok with the insert.. dang 490 aint bad.. i got the carob one for 490 and im just gonna buy the jet.. i ran outa money to buyy a jet kit :(.. but yea let me know what you think about it! :D