View Full Version : Rebuild

11-23-2007, 01:54 AM
Does anyone know how often you should rebuild your quad. I have a z-400 that runs fine, but i don't want it too take a crap at the wrong time. Any info will help

11-23-2007, 05:41 AM
rebuild as far as what? i take mine apart every winter but im crazy nal about my stuff. things like your swinger bearings, a arm bearings should all be regreased atleast once a year if not more depending on your riding conditions. have you done anyhting to your engine yet? like new springs or valves or cam chain? also your fuel hoses should be replaced every couple years since they dry rot but those arent very costly. go ahead and take her apart that way you an powder stuff and really get a good idea on how your bike is holding up.

11-24-2007, 05:56 AM
I am wanting to know how often I should rebuild the motor, as far as piston ? I plan on tearing it apart this winter also.My bearing in the front a arms are kinda loose and the stearing stem bearing also. I would really like to add some hotcams, would it be a good idea to just rebuild the top end if I added the cams? I suffered some hard crashes this year racing. It was my first year really racing full time. I raced a little circuit in indiana and won the championship. Now its time to upgrade everything. Ireally love the Z-400's. Well thanks for listening to me ramble

11-25-2007, 10:34 AM
i got some aftermarket parts if your interseted, check out the parts for sale thread under suzuki or kawi(05 pep/houser parts bike) good luck with your rebuild.

11-25-2007, 02:55 PM
Thanks alot and I will check the parts out.

11-26-2007, 03:32 PM
wouldnt hurt to replace anything. while youre in there you might as well. make sure you put a new chain in with thre new cams though.