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View Full Version : Picture of an orb....ghost?

11-15-2007, 02:45 PM
My wife took this picture in the left-hand parking lot(looking at the building) of the Gold Hills Hotel? in Virginia City, NV last week while we were out that way. She took 3 random pictures(2 of this spot) and this came up in one. I thought it was the moon till I realized there was a mountain there and zoomed in on the camera.



11-15-2007, 03:05 PM
maybe something was infront of the lens at the moment that picture was taken? lol:blah:

11-15-2007, 03:39 PM
Wow that is really wierd.:huh

11-15-2007, 04:58 PM
Whoa check this out dude. Our trail camera took this picture last fall. the orb looks like its moving, and is almost identical in shape to yours.

11-15-2007, 05:11 PM
Post deleted by moderator

11-16-2007, 12:14 AM
don't worry.. it's only dust in your lense

11-16-2007, 05:25 AM
I love it. People are so skeptical about everything these days. A round dot, aka dust in a picture is a ghost or "orb".

Since when the hell did ghosts take on the shape of a round blur? :confused:

11-16-2007, 06:37 PM
i sure as hell hope that when i die i'm not some pissed off round ball floating around ruining people's shots.


11-16-2007, 07:58 PM
haha when i first looked at it i thought it was a video and clicked it

11-16-2007, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by 01exrider
haha when i first looked at it i thought it was a video and clicked it x2 haha

11-18-2007, 10:12 PM
Well, then thats the biggest peace of dust ive ever seen... lol. And why do both of these orbs have tails coming off of them? almost like there moving.

11-19-2007, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by 700bRad
Well, then thats the biggest peace of dust ive ever seen... lol. And why do both of these orbs have tails coming off of them? almost like there moving.

It's dust, or water droplets moving in the wind.

Here is a pic I took during a frog-choking rain storm


Here is a pic I took from a disposable camera about 12 years ago. The camera did not have a strap. Ghost Photo? Probably not. Although I'm not sure what to think about the shadow that appears to surround the bottle. Skully, we may have something here. LOL


11-19-2007, 06:07 AM
My best friend, our other friend and I were sitting on a old tractor taking pictures and my best friend went to take a picture with me and we looked at it, at the top of my sholder there was a old grey ghost like face. Sure freaked us out.:chinese:

11-19-2007, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by ZeroLogic
My best friend, our other friend and I were sitting on a old tractor taking pictures and my best friend went to take a picture with me and we looked at it, at the top of my sholder there was a old grey ghost like face. Sure freaked us out.:chinese:

if you still have the picture you should post it, dont leave us in suspense lol:eek:


11-19-2007, 10:50 AM
I would but she deleted it a few minutes later.:scary: :grr:

11-19-2007, 03:46 PM
Heres is some pictures I took at Goodleberg cemetery. Its ranked in the Top ten most haunted places in the US or something like that.





Heres a picture from that night too, just to show that most of the pics dont have the "orbs"


11-19-2007, 04:28 PM
check this one out...if you look real close, you can see a ghost!

11-19-2007, 04:37 PM
What is that thing doing! It looks like its using a mind control device on that snake!:eek2:

11-19-2007, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by quad2xtreme
check this one out...if you look real close, you can see a ghost!

It almost looks like that ghost just happened to take a picture the same time as you, i bet he was just as shocked when he seen you in his picture lol.