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View Full Version : 02 660 Problems

11-11-2007, 05:23 PM
Ok.Im about to embark on a list of things im having problems with on my 660 so if you can help me it would be appreciated.Alright,somewhere up in the front under the oil resevor you can see oil leaking all over the place after it sits for a while,like if it sits overnight,there will be a huge puddle of oil under it.Im not sure where it's coming from.2nd Gear in the tranny is skipping horribly bad but only in that gear,it won't even catch hardly.Last week i started smelling gas really bad so i stopped to check everything out and there is gas constantly pouring out the overflow on the carb.But i got a pretty good idea what that is.And last but not least the starter went out,but i found the fix on raptortranny.com.So it looks like i have alot of work ahead of me.lol.Has anybody ever had any of these problems with their 660's?

11-12-2007, 05:19 PM
for the gas problem its the floats, the starter clucth went on mine to and i fixed it myself. works fine, get the L A designs one, trust me. and for 2nd gear i dont beat mine to hell so i dont have to worry about that. your gonna have to split the case an gut the engine to fix it, pain in the *** but relatively easy. and as for the oil it is prob. a seal so check around

barry rose
12-11-2007, 04:57 PM
i agree with the other guy with the exception of " beating it to hell". 2nd and 3rd are notorious for week dogs, they just break off. i dont beat mine iether but 4 transmission replacements later it is finally fixed. as for the oil leak up front under the oil reservoir, vibrations take a toll on the lower oil line connection, it is not the oil line but the oil tank itself. if you take this off and clean it up i bet you will find a hair line crack where this hose bolts on. i brought mine to a local welder, he cleaned it thoroughly then tig welded the crack. it is fine now.