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View Full Version : windows movie maker question...

11-08-2007, 07:03 PM
how can i split a clip in half.. it says on there that you can do it but how... also.. on some vids .. ok say a guy jumps in the air.. halfway through the air the frame freezes then after a few seconds plays the rest... can you do that on there? if so how??
I will appreciate any help..


Ruby Soho
11-08-2007, 07:18 PM
the first question, find where you want the clip split, then go to the menu "Clip" and select split.

the second thing you asked about is called freeze frame. i'd like to use it in my videos too, but i still havent figuire it out. one time i just took a frame out of the video as a pciture and put the picture in the time line for the amount of time i wanted. but its the half-*** way of doing it.

11-08-2007, 07:22 PM
thanks but i dont understand what you mean about the second one.. like .. how do you get the picture froze for a few secs? like get frame from the clip??? lol its confusing kinda:p