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View Full Version : anyone been to the badlands latly?

11-06-2007, 11:33 AM
i have not been there for about 5 years. just wondering how it is now. are they checking exhaust?
any recent pics of the park would be nice.

we are going to take a trip somewere on the 17th, not sure were to go yet??????

11-06-2007, 11:39 AM
I was there this past Saturday. I have been riding there for about 6 or 7 years now. Not a whole lot has a changed. They put in a small motorcross track to the right of the entrance road as you come in the park, but it is SMALL. There's a small tabletop, a step-up jump, a couple doubles and a few other small jumps. Most of it is the same as it has been though. Even though it hasn't changed much, it's still one of my favorite places to ride. However, admission has increased from $15 to $20 per day though...

They're not checking exhaust or anything like that...all you need is a helmet and a flag...

11-06-2007, 11:41 AM
hmm... good question..
i didnt go all this year, i got a bit disenchanted after they raised prices.:(

it wouldve been different if theyd spend some of that $$ on making some great jumps and such, but as it is they seem to knock down any legitimate humps except the little "kiddy" track up front.:ermm:

11-06-2007, 11:59 AM
I can't complain cause it's only a 30 minute drive for me to get there. I rather them raise the prices by $5 and have a legal place to ride with a variety of terrain than have nowhere at all.

11-06-2007, 01:55 PM
I was there last sturday also. It is a 2 hour drive from me and is still my favorite place to ride. The little track is fun for while and there really is no other place to go to around here that has different terrain. Even though I got 2 tickets on the ride home (I hate indiana state patrol) it was still a good day.
Hey Raptor68 do you have a silverado and a trailer with yamaha and honda decals?

11-06-2007, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by RideRed84
Hey Raptor68 do you have a silverado and a trailer with yamaha and honda decals?

Yep, that was me. Were you parked near us?

11-06-2007, 06:46 PM
Actually right next to you. I had the blue explorer with the open trailer. I was there with my nephew. I was riding my 400ex and he was on my 250ex. I think you guys have been up there every time I went.
Your rappy is sweet man.

11-08-2007, 07:30 AM
That's awesome. I'm there every couple of weeks. You should come say hi next time. I'll keep on the lookout for ya. And thanks for the compliment.

11-08-2007, 09:55 AM
i was there Friday sat sun and mon still a fun place to ride let me know if you come ill meet you up there.

250r rider 88
11-08-2007, 01:56 PM
i just moved back to lafayette this summer (going to purdue) and am itching to go ride there havent been for about 4 years, anyone want to pick a date and have a group ride?

11-08-2007, 02:08 PM
Raptor- I will definantly say hi next time I see you

250r- Lets pick a saturday and head up there. The saturday after Thanksgiving seems like a good date

250r rider 88
11-08-2007, 02:26 PM
24th? or 1st of dec?

11-08-2007, 02:31 PM
we are going to be there on the 17th

11-08-2007, 03:00 PM
I wish I could make it out there on the 17th, but the soonest I could is the 24th. I was thinking the 24th.

250r rider 88
11-08-2007, 03:02 PM
24th sounds good

250r rider 88
11-10-2007, 12:51 AM
ok so the 24th is looking great, should be lots of people there if weather is good (start praying)

so..who all is going?

Also i have not been for years do they allow quads on their little MX track?

and for those who are going what time and where if not in the park are we meeting, lets get the details taken care of now and not at last minute :devil:

11-10-2007, 09:46 AM
I was there about a month ago. I used to love the badlands but all the hills are to easy. Even the one with the caution sign at the top is just way to mellow. I think the park has made the hills to safe. Maybe its just me, you should see some of the ravine hills in my woods. All the places me and my buddies would air it out on the dunes have been destroyed some how. All the lips are now smoothed over either by slower riders or utility machines. I still love to go though and rip through the bowls. I saw the little motocross track they made, its ok unless your there on a really dusty, dry, day lol. And yes you can take quads on it.