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View Full Version : LTZ's

oh three
10-30-2007, 10:32 PM
Post pics of your ltz 400 exhaust, or tell me what kind you got and if you like it. I hate my $400.00+ HMF that i bought, enough to make me buy a new system. I would just like some second opinions, I'm thinking about the DMC afterburner. My brother just put that on his rator 700r and i like it, but would it be good for my quad is the real question.

10-30-2007, 10:56 PM
I have used LRD and Yosh systems and both have about the same power, and lots of it, but the workmanship of the yoshimura is way better and doesn't hit the rear brake caliper with lt suspension.

11-22-2007, 10:22 PM
i got a alba on my z it is loud gives the power you want, and man deos it sound great in the low rpms

11-23-2007, 07:37 PM
I love my Yoshi full system!!!

11-24-2007, 04:31 PM
my yoshi and my t-4 and my lrd hit the caliper on my z with long travel but power wise i would go with the yoshi if u want more top end power and the t-4 if you want it more towards the bottom

11-24-2007, 05:46 PM
the HMF has awesome power what do you not like about it?