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View Full Version : Kick VS. Electric 450r

10-30-2007, 07:54 PM
Im lookin in to byin a 450r and im wonderin kick or electric . kick sounds fun till its cold or stuberen. and iv heard electri start barly turns the beast over... any experts got some ideas?

11-01-2007, 01:56 PM
I used to have an 04 450r and it was kick only. I loved it, and it never gave me any issues. Only thing that sucks about a kick is if you somehow knock the gas out of the float you gotta kick FOREVER! but i suppose if i could ride i wouldn't have that problem ;)

In retrospect if i had it to do all over again I would buy whatever i could find the best deal on. I have a z400 now and the electric start is awfully nice. Choice is yours but to me price would be the deciding factor.

11-01-2007, 04:07 PM
IMO, it really deoends on wut you do. if its gonna be a race bike, get a kicker. if your just a recreational rider that hits the trails and stuff, maybe the track every once and a while, id go for the electric.

11-01-2007, 04:21 PM
i dont care what you are going to be using the quad for. Get a kicker. Mine starts first or second kick everytime even when hot. As long as your valves are adjusted properly, it will start with ease.

Now for my view on the electric starts......I say, lets just leave them to the motorcycles and cars.

11-01-2007, 07:45 PM
i love my kicker on my 05 450r. a friend of mine has an 06 450ER and it seems like he cranks on that thing for ever.

11-01-2007, 08:12 PM

11-01-2007, 09:04 PM
kick all the way even if u do ride recreational it takes 2 kicks to cold start it max if there good strong kicks once it warms up its less than one kick its already running. eletric start just addes weight and the kick start i think looks cooler

11-01-2007, 10:31 PM
alright well heres what i have to say about a kick 450r..... they ROCK!. even when its cold out all 3 of my buddies with kickers start extremly easy. when the motor is warm, u can kick it over SITTING DOWN and 1 kick is all it takes. it is a really good designed kick system i think. when i hear 450r, i think a kicker.

i wouldnt get an electric 450r when the kicker is so easy and works so well. less wiring and youll never have electrical problems. the only complaint is when they stall it sometimes in the woods it takes 15 or so kicks to get it back to life like mentioned above.

now my yfz on the other hand can be a pain from time to time with the electric start and i never hear the end of it from my honda buddies, but i bought a kicker kit for this season so now i have dual starting methods:p