View Full Version : extreme haulers, turbo paddles or maxxis rooster for next paddle tire selection?

11-05-2002, 12:57 PM
in need of new paddles badly. so what do you think i should get

8 paddles extreme haulers witch sound great but are expensive

turbo paddles here there pretty good but are heavier than the haulers.

maxxis rooster paddles dont know much about them or if they are heavy.

:confused: which one to get :D

11-05-2002, 02:16 PM
None of the above....

The only reason your machines would need the extreme haulers is if you have to go through rocks, roads, hardpack type terrain. I see you have 8 paddle haulers on both machines now but really, they are not strong enough to pull them well. I have 22" 8 paddles on my fairly well modified Banshee by way of comparison. I had 10 paddle haulers on and they dragged the top end down way too much.

7 paddle haulers might be a good bet.

Sorry, not too familiar with the turbo paddles or roosters. Molded paddles like roosters will last the longest. If you're short on cash try the GBC or Chen Shin paddles - they half the cost of Haulers. I run Chen Shins on My Banshee and I am very happy with them for the money - I have Haulers to compare them with and I can't tell any real difference at all.

11-05-2002, 05:09 PM
remember im at sea level here and the sand isnt as soft as it is farther west or st anthonys.

bike is plenty strong enought to pull the 8 paddles. the paddles are getting preaty worn, but all i do is spin up hills it seems. the extremes just look tough and look like there gonna last longer. i think 7 paddles just wouldnt be enough since im planing on some mods in the future...fcr 40mm and cams.

or how about 22x11x10 7 paddle haulers, would the taller wider tire be better than 20x10x10 8 paddles.

11-05-2002, 06:19 PM
these gonna go on your Z?

11-05-2002, 07:31 PM
You know the maxxis ad in DW or the roosters? With the blue 250R throwing serious roost? Well, they really do throw that kinda sand. I saw that quad in person in oregon, and it rips. Those tires look sweet as well.

11-05-2002, 07:54 PM
yep for my z

11-05-2002, 08:41 PM
Best for hte price: 8 paddles Sand Devils, cheap and very nice

11-06-2002, 08:28 AM
I would go with the turbo paddles,We have them on our 300ex and our 400ex,they get us around god at the dunes,and they arent that heavy at all. If I were you I wouldnt go with the Roossters but thats just my opinoin, unless they came out with a lighter Ply,these are fairly heavy..The trubo paddle is a full molded tire, so they are very durable.goos luck in whatever you buy, let us know what you get:)

11-06-2002, 09:39 AM

I've heard it all now! First it was, "my Blaster beat a DS 650", then it was "my piped 400ex beat a 686 Raptor at Lil Sahara" but know you are saying you passed GOD on a 300ex?!?!?!

You'd think GOD would have the fastest quad!;)

11-06-2002, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by trx440

I've heard it all now! First it was, "my Blaster beat a DS 650", then it was "my piped 400ex beat a 686 Raptor at Lil Sahara" but know you are saying you passed GOD on a 300ex?!?!?!

You'd think GOD would have the fastest quad!;) Uh,...I didnt say any of those things...:confused: youve lost me....:( Ive never claimed to be the fastest of anybody:confused:

11-06-2002, 11:25 AM
WEll, I think I somewhat get it now...he,he, would tis maybe have something to do with my wonderful "typing skills"???And your right,GOD would have the biggest ,baddest quad Im sure!!;) ;)

11-06-2002, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by WyoDuner
None of the above....

The only reason your machines would need the extreme haulers is if you have to go through rocks, roads, hardpack type terrain.

Wyo, The extreme hauler is not meant for anything other than sand. It is a stronger version of the hauler, it uses a kevlar carcass and the blades are an 1/8th of an inch thicker. They are made for higher horsepower bikes. The tire you were thinking of is the "Hawk". It has a center ridge of knobbies.

11-06-2002, 01:50 PM
go to www.skat-trak.com you can see them there, i wonder if you can still get the taller haulers?

11-06-2002, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven

Wyo, The extreme hauler is not meant for anything other than sand. It is a stronger version of the hauler, it uses a kevlar carcass and the blades are an 1/8th of an inch thicker. They are made for higher horsepower bikes. The tire you were thinking of is the "Hawk". It has a center ridge of knobbies. Huh...:confused: I dont think I have ever seen the Hawks before,that what I heard about the rooster paddles, more designed for the quad with more horses..Hey, do you have a pic of those Hawk paddles??just curious what they look like.

11-06-2002, 02:16 PM
The Roosters are molded, which is no good for high horsepower quads. The hawks are just like haulers with a row of knobbies down the middle. I'm pretty sure you can still get the taller haulers. Extremes are for higher horsepower quads, because the paddles grip and hold better, stay tall better, and wont rip off under serious power.

Regular eights on the left, 9 paddle extremes on the right.

11-06-2002, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by Alky472
The Roosters are molded, which is no good for high horsepower quads. The hawks are just like haulers with a row of knobbies down the middle. I'm pretty sure you can still get the taller haulers. Extremes are for higher horsepower quads, because the paddles grip and hold better, stay tall better, and wont rip off under serious power.

Regular eights on the left, 9 paddle extremes on the right. Hey alky472~~ You are saying the Roosters are NOT good for high HP quads??:huh That goes all against what Maxxis told me ...They told me they would not be as good of a performer on our 400ex as on the Raptor and vise- versa..The only complaint I have with the sepatate peice paddles, is many I have seen were not holding together too good.Paddles were coming off, and these quads were riding on strickly sand.I guess slot is based on preference too.I love my V paddles to slide in, but they suck for climbing so I ahve both..:D

11-06-2002, 03:18 PM
When I mean high hp quads, I mean quads that are built. You wont see ANY molded tire on a drag quad, because its a proven fact that the skat trak vulcanized paddles hook up better. As far as just riding the dunes, the roosters probably would be more fun because they would hook up. They would be fine on a stock or piped 400ex or raptor, because they aren't producing the kind of horsepower that a built-motored bike is.

11-06-2002, 03:59 PM
I may go to the roosters next year cause my haulers are not holding up, my right one is now an 7 1\3 paddle:rolleyes: As long as they are light weight, that is one big reason why I chose haulers.

11-06-2002, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by airheadedduner
I may go to the roosters next year cause my haulers are not holding up, my right one is now an 7 1\3 paddle:rolleyes: As long as they are light weight, that is one big reason why I chose haulers. THis is a common complaint I hear about this paddle.Same with the Edge paddle we saw on a Banshee he had only had it for 2 months less than 20 hrs on them and he rode them on only sand..:( Good luck with new paddles.:)

11-06-2002, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by New-400ex_guy
remember im at sea level here and the sand isnt as soft as it is farther west or st anthonys.

bike is plenty strong enought to pull the 8 paddles. the paddles are getting preaty worn, but all i do is spin up hills it seems. the extremes just look tough and look like there gonna last longer. i think 7 paddles just wouldnt be enough since im planing on some mods in the future...fcr 40mm and cams.

or how about 22x11x10 7 paddle haulers, would the taller wider tire be better than 20x10x10 8 paddles.

If you mod the Z400s then 8 paddles would be about right but no more. The Haulers especially will drag you down on top end. I used to think 10 paddle haulers were good for my fairly modded Banshee and after putting 8 paddles on I realized I was living in a dream world. I need 20 more HP to really use 10 paddles.

I'm not saying the Z400 is weak by no means, BTW. Modded especially it is an awesome machine but 90% of the people out there over paddle their quads. Modified Banshees and Raptors do well with 8 paddles and frankly, the Z400 is a ways off in power from those types of machines. If you can rev out in top gear in the sand then you are paddled right in my opinion. Remember, more paddles give hook but reduce wheel speed... Less paddles give less hook but have highjer wheel speed. Take your pick but I can tell you more wheel speed and less paddles is the way to go.

I gained about 10 MPH on top end going from 10 to 8 paddles BTW...

11-06-2002, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by oldnumberseven

Wyo, The extreme hauler is not meant for anything other than sand. It is a stronger version of the hauler, it uses a kevlar carcass and the blades are an 1/8th of an inch thicker. They are made for higher horsepower bikes. The tire you were thinking of is the "Hawk". It has a center ridge of knobbies.

opddnumberseven, Actually I did mean to say extremne haulers. My point was that the Z400 doesn't make enough HP to really NEED Extreme haulers and he complained of the price. My point was if money is an issue and you want the haulers then the only benefit the extremes will have is that they are tougher in case you need to cross pavement or rocks etc... If you have no hard stuff to cross the regular haulers should do fine.

Good point about the hawk, though. for those needing to cross hardpack.

11-06-2002, 05:35 PM
so what about the taller sizes like the 22x11x10 7 paddle would that be a good choice or should is stick with 20x10x10 7 paddle haulers.

the reason i want to go with extrems is hopefull they will last alot longer

alky how are yours holding up are the better in your opion and do they wear less than your regular haulers.

11-06-2002, 10:37 PM
If you are planning future mods you can always buy 10 paddle haulers and inflate them to 10psi. We had a stock blaster that had 7 paddle edges, put them at 10psi and poof, problem solved.

11-08-2002, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by New-400ex_guy
so what about the taller sizes like the 22x11x10 7 paddle would that be a good choice or should is stick with 20x10x10 7 paddle haulers.

the reason i want to go with extrems is hopefull they will last alot longer

Hmm, 22"s... I don't think I ever saw 22"s on a Z400 or 400ex. If you are going to mod the Z then I think 8 paddles is probably pretty good the more I think about it. The Z's do really well when modded. The 400ex might be better of with 7 paddles but I'm just "guesstimating" since I don't have either machine. Best bet is try to find somebody running the same set-up youre considering and see for yourself how they do.

I guess it's not an exact science when it comes to paddles. Only thing I know for sure is that if you over-paddle then you will lose performance, more paddles do hook-up better but drag you down on top and that fewer paddles will definately give you higher speeds but you may lose it in the holeshot.

11-08-2002, 04:16 PM
If you have too many paddles you can always gear down too.

11-08-2002, 05:02 PM
being in 4th and 5th gear i dont get into much, i like to hillshoot and be able to climb hills good. losing a little top speed isnt that big of a concern.

11-11-2002, 09:59 PM
i was thinkin about gettin some paddles, which would my R guestimating of course, like best?

11-12-2002, 11:59 AM
Airhead, well, yes you can gear down but remember that the paddles suck up power. Gearing down helps but remember that you are still losing power to drag and friction. Gearing can't overcome the lost energy. I hope that makes sense.

Look around and you'll see that most modified Banshees, Raptors, etc are running 8 paddles. Hillshooters with VERY HIGH HP quads will run 10 paddles but the average guy fith a fairly fast machine will be running 8 paddles. I've been down this road and spend enough time in the dunes to know what's what. Too many paddles will kill your performance and you can't "gear down" to make up for it. I'm not trying to be argumentative - this is my opinion and I feel strongly about it.

11-12-2002, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by Bean
i was thinkin about gettin some paddles, which would my R guestimating of course, like best?

Hmm... I would think some 22" tires with 8 straight paddles would work well. Some people like to slide a lot in which case 22" tires and/or straight paddles are not the way to go.

I think 8 paddles is the magic number for everything between fairly modified 400 4 strokes to mildly modified Banshees/Raptors...

Stock 400's might do well with 7 paddles and 300ex and Warriors will be in the 6 to 7 paddle range.

11-12-2002, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by New-400ex_guy
alky how are yours holding up are the better in your opion and do they wear less than your regular haulers.

I like them alot better than regular haulers, and they definitely don't wear as fast. The Extremes seem like they are on a different casing than the others though, because they are both 20x10x10 tires and the Extremes are quite a bit bigger. They have a rounder shape to them too, which helps for bite. They work great on an extended swingarm and the motor we had built for my EX, but I'm not sure how much horsepower you motor will put out or if you plan on putting a longer swingarm. THe swingarm is mainly for weight transfer to the front wheels, which makes the rears spin easier.

11-12-2002, 06:43 PM
i was thinking of 7 paddle extremes in 20x10x10 or

regular 7 paddle haulers in 22x11x10.

11-12-2002, 08:07 PM
i'd say go with 22"s.....