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View Full Version : How many of you guys have asolutly nowhere to ride anymore?

10-17-2007, 09:52 AM
I don't know about you guys, but trails to ride here in Mass are getting less and less every day. Not for snowmobiles though, just for dirtbikes and quads. Snowmobiles for some reason can ride anywhere they want (because they dont tear up the trails, BS!!!). Right now in mass. There are 8 legit places you can ride a quad. It just so happens that all 8 of them are at least 2 hours from my house, which I wouldnt mind driving to, if there wasn't at least 100 miles of trails within 1/2 hour from me, that I cant go on. When I first started riding, I could go on basically all of these local trails, without a problem, While they weren't technically legal, nobody really bothered me. The snowmobilers just cried there eyes out. But in the last 2 years police and EPO's have been cracking down big time in the areas I ride, most of these areas are state property, where snomobiles ride in the winter, that i cant ride in the summer. These trails werent really even abused by unresponsible people. They were well used, mostly by responsible riders like myself and my family and friends. If you did run into the cops they would check that you were registared and they would be on there way. Now i dont even bother to register, because it wont do you any good, if you dont want to get towed, you can only do one thing, RUN!! Which is fun once and a while, but it gets old when ur doing it all the time. Is anybody else out there having this problem?? Are the treehuggers getting their way with us or what???!!:mad:

10-17-2007, 11:02 AM
Over here in Washington there are tons of places to ride once you go east of the mountains or down south, not to mention we have dunes anywhere from 3 to 8 hours away. I will admit that the areas are becoming more scarce for quads and dirt bikes but I snowmobile more anyways so I don't mind at all.

10-17-2007, 11:13 AM
just recently theyve been cracking down on people riding trails around here. its really for no reason too. its not near any houses, public roads or anything. i would at least appreciate a good reason as to why their doing it. ive heard if you get caught the fine can be anywhere from $500 and up. people having been riding these trails ever since 3 wheelers came out. i guess they decided we are having too much fun:ermm:

10-17-2007, 01:02 PM
around here it really seems like they are doing it for no reason too. I guess the cops would rather have kids out driving fast, drinking underage, or doing drugs, than riding some trails on ATV's.

10-17-2007, 01:14 PM
yea i live in western mass and i have a nice place in my town i hope it does not get cracked down on.

10-17-2007, 01:18 PM
The reason is simple:

For us, dirt riding is our "hobby". We put all of our money into our toys and just want to have fun, for most of us in a responsible manner.

For environmentalists, thier "hobby" is trying to stop us from affecting "their " pristine lands. They spend all their money in that effort.

Until we start spending as much money in trying to KEEP our riding areas as they spend in trying to take them away, it's going to get worse and worse.

Join a group that supports off-roading. Pay some dues. Make some donations. Get active. Otherwise, you will find your riding options dwindling until it's just not worth the effort... then they've WON. Either you get pro-active, or you will end up reacting to the loss of your riding areas.

I belong to the American Sand Association and the San Diego Off-Road Coalition. Find something in your area, and join so you can be heard.

Hmm, this sounds an awful lot like preaching! So be it.

10-17-2007, 02:29 PM
I have several trails within 10 miles of my house, only problem is that it's hunting season and it's all hunting land around here:ermm:

10-17-2007, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by QuadManiac
The reason is simple:

For us, dirt riding is our "hobby". We put all of our money into our toys and just want to have fun, for most of us in a responsible manner.

For environmentalists, thier "hobby" is trying to stop us from affecting "their " pristine lands. They spend all their money in that effort.

Until we start spending as much money in trying to KEEP our riding areas as they spend in trying to take them away, it's going to get worse and worse.

Join a group that supports off-roading. Pay some dues. Make some donations. Get active. Otherwise, you will find your riding options dwindling until it's just not worth the effort... then they've WON. Either you get pro-active, or you will end up reacting to the loss of your riding areas.

I belong to the American Sand Association and the San Diego Off-Road Coalition. Find something in your area, and join so you can be heard.

Hmm, this sounds an awful lot like preaching! So be it.
this man is right. wveryone needs to read/join this website.


10-18-2007, 01:59 PM
where do you guys live in mass i could show you a good "legal" sandpit to ride in

10-18-2007, 02:21 PM
were losing sports too, we have like 1 legal place to ride around here and its an old track, but all the freken dirbikers hate us 4wheelers and crap up the place so we stop riding, which pisses me off, we go off a jump and we land on the sides of our tires becus the dirtbikers go on one side and wear it down, i hate the dirtbikersthat are so stereotypical and hate the sign of a quad.......makes it really hard to ride, at least we 4wheelers wear the track down evenly, the dirtbikers only wear down one side..alot of my friends ride bikes, and i love riding with them, but alot of their friends hate us quads..:grr:

10-18-2007, 02:52 PM
reason 1 as to why i want a snowmobile

10-18-2007, 02:53 PM
there is a lot of land across the street from my house that is owned by a hunting club and they let quads and dirtbikes ride on most of their snowmobile trails. it was awesome and it was the only place i could go to ride. but after a few summers with sum hardcore rain the hunting club banned all dirtbikes and quads becuz they thought most of the damage was dun by us.

10-18-2007, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by exrider12
where do you guys live in mass i could show you a good "legal" sandpit to ride in
I live in Northampton, MA in western mass

10-18-2007, 05:21 PM
We used to have a dream place, about 10 minutes away. go camping for the whole weekend, a creek to swim and fish in, a dream place to stay the weekend. My friends dad owned about 20 acres (where we always stayed) but we had permission to ride on about 400 acres, all connected by cornfields, etc. The land has an abandoned quarry on it, plus connects to a backyard of an excavating family that has a motocross track we could ride on.

Then, the guy who owns australian gold tanning oils (literally that guy, for whatever reason he chooses to live in indiana still confuses me) bought up a piece of land we used to connect us to about the other 300 acres (with the track and quarry) and put up fences and will and has pressed charges on atvers (not to mention he is a gun nut and will shoot :ermm: )

So basically, we have about 80-100 acres still to ride on, but its basically one big loop cause they hunt in the middle of it and don't want us in there. Still fun to go, just not the same as it was...

10-18-2007, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by matt1106
around here it really seems like they are doing it for no reason too. I guess the cops would rather have kids out driving fast, drinking underage, or doing drugs, than riding some trails on ATV's.

Exactly. Cops busted my for riding on the roads a while ago. I say, have fun, mind my own business besides maybe a little noise and ride around, or be some intown hoodlum with nothin better 2 do than break stuff and drink and smoke.

10-18-2007, 06:28 PM
I say **** it and ride where i want. Not in peoples yards or anything disrespectfull. If there is a trail riddin lately or not i'm ridding there. PERIOD. There is a happy medium for both partys that will nerver be reached due to the ignorance of people who don't like quads. That happy medium is they give us or build us a place to ride due to how many people petition in that area.

Until then sirens & flashing lights can't stop me, makes me go faster.:devil:

10-18-2007, 09:36 PM
there is only one track in maryland that you can ride at to practice you can race at budds creek but they dont have open practice. every area around here got shut down. there are still a few places you can ride within a half an hour if you dont mind running from the cops or possibly having you hauler towed which i do so i dont even bother with those places. i stopped riding for a while and when i came back there was no where to ride where i wouldnt be bothered

10-18-2007, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by reptikes
I say **** it and ride where i want. Not in peoples yards or anything disrespectfull. If there is a trail riddin lately or not i'm ridding there. PERIOD. There is a happy medium for both partys that will nerver be reached due to the ignorance of people who don't like quads. That happy medium is they give us or build us a place to ride due to how many people petition in that area.

Until then sirens & flashing lights can't stop me, makes me go faster.:devil: me and you think alike brothah....if the trail is there, im riding it...if the flashing lights and sirens want to get me, theyre gonna have to work for it....its just how it is. im an 18 year old kid with an attitude, no way am i going to give my quad to the police impound yard without going down fighting.

maybe when i grow up more and mature ill have a different mindset...but until then, im riding my @$$ off while everyone else sits at home and complains about cops or trailors 5 hours away to ride.

10-18-2007, 10:13 PM
I feel the same way as you guys, i just ride where i want, i dont do anything disrespectful, and i'm responsible, and if the cops have a problem they will have to catch me first. I dont even bother to register my quad any more. 2 or 3 years ago, the cops would make sure you were registered, and you would be on your way, but now 3 years later, cops are towing people for riding in the same places even if they are registered. Why should I pay the state when I cant even ride anywhere. I'm pissed I even payed sales tax. !!!!

10-19-2007, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by gcart2
this man is right. wveryone needs to read/join this website.

http://www.atvaonline.com/join.asp Are there organizations like that for other offroad sports like dirtbiking and trucks and stuff? If so I think all the major organizations like that should combine together so they are double or triple the size of what they were. I think it would work because in the end no matter what sport it is, we are all going for the same goal, to get more riding area's open and saving the old ones.

10-19-2007, 06:30 PM
thats why i dont even ride anymore. i stick to bmx which is easier to do since theres great spots and skateparks plus i dont gotta go past like 15m to ride.

10-19-2007, 07:05 PM
be happy you dont leave in ct

10-19-2007, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by reptikes
I say **** it and ride where i want. Not in peoples yards or anything disrespectfull. If there is a trail riddin lately or not i'm ridding there. PERIOD. There is a happy medium for both partys that will nerver be reached due to the ignorance of people who don't like quads. That happy medium is they give us or build us a place to ride due to how many people petition in that area.

Until then sirens & flashing lights can't stop me, makes me go faster.:devil:

Sorry, and I won't get into an argument with you about it, but your attitude is EXACTLY what they use against us when they try to shut down riding areas. Your a part of the problem... not the solution.

10-20-2007, 11:24 AM
Something you have to take into consideration on private land is insurance and the following lawsuit when someone gets hurt. Government ground always seems to be turned into a "refuge". I guess the area gets money or something for having it. They took a ****load of PRIVATE land here that we used to ride on and turned it into a "wetland" area. It pissed a bunch of people, including the ones that run the county off, BAD! We still have GOOD places to ride around here but I miss the Clarks River Bottoms. I learned a lot about riding down there and never had a bad time + it was 5 minutes from my house since it stretched from Hardin,KY to Paducah,KY up that river. I think what got it started was a bunch of kids that liked to get ****ed up started raising hell and made a lot of people mad. The dope-heads around here used to be too poor to have a bike but the new breed wasn't that bad off and had the same respect towards others that the dirt-poor ones had. Now, there is a place to drink and there's Turkey Bay for people to take their kids and ride.

10-20-2007, 01:12 PM
I'm with you, TWILES... It's the ***holes that think they have a RIGHT to ride wherever, whenever and however they want that are losing riding lands for those of us know that it, in reality, is a PRIVILEGE. We, as a group, are only as strong as our weakest link; and, unfortunatley, the weak links set the bad examples that are used to force legislation usurping the land.

I know I'm preaching to a small, militant group that is not likely going to listen to logic anyway. But, if they don't start listening sometime soon, we'll invariably alll be on the outside, looking in at lands that are fenced off to riding.

10-20-2007, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by QuadManiac
Sorry, and I won't get into an argument with you about it, but your attitude is EXACTLY what they use against us when they try to shut down riding areas. Your a part of the problem... not the solution.

im with you on this one. illegal riding is not being a responsible rider

and as far as riding in mass goes, there are only 3 of the 8 riding areas that allow ATV's and they are all in western mass. i travel 2.5 hrs there at least once a month. even tho there are over 35 miles of trails where i live, i choose not to ride on them because they are not legal.

there are many clubs that you can join to fight to keep the areas we do have and possibly open more. here in mass i would check out www.northeastatvers.com great bunch of people fighting to keep our trails open.

10-20-2007, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by sideways
im with you on this one. illegal riding is not being a responsible rider

and as far as riding in mass goes, there are only 3 of the 8 riding areas that allow ATV's and they are all in western mass. i travel 2.5 hrs there at least once a month. even tho there are over 35 miles of trails where i live, i choose not to ride on them because they are not legal.

there are many clubs that you can join to fight to keep the areas we do have and possibly open more. here in mass i would check out www.northeastatvers.com great bunch of people fighting to keep our trails open. come to long island and find a legal riding area...none. im not loading up and driving to ANOTHER STATE to ride my quad, just not going to.

im not going to spend a thousand dollars to ride a croweded mx track with idiots crashing into each other and pros mixed in with beginers...instead, im going to ride the powerlines which HAVE trails made already and if anyone wants to try to take my quad away for doing this..let them try. i dont ride across peoples lawns, destroy property, litter, just cruise the trails.

10-20-2007, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by ny300exrider
...instead, im going to ride the powerlines which HAVE trails made already and if anyone wants to try to take my quad away for doing this..let them try.

So, if New Jersey has lower income tax than NY, you only pay the NJ percentage to your state? If Montana has higher speed limits you're justified to drive that limit in NY? Prostitiution is legal in Nevada, so you have a right to do same at home?

What the hell gives ANYONE the self-appointed right to follow only the laws that are CONVENIENT to them and to ignore the rest?

If you don't like it, work to change it. You only reinforce the other side's argument when you ignore the law... and you deserve to lose your quad when you blatantly do so.

10-20-2007, 08:20 PM
i guess im one that doesnt have anywhere to ride... i live 12 minutes from monster mountain but they dont let quads ride but one time a year at the SE Quads race. so thats pretty gay... and i think the closest track that lets us ride is Mill Creek but they let em ride one weekend a month now i think, so thats not worth anything. i guess im gonna sell the ol yfz and have money for other things i want to pursue. anyone want a yfz?

10-20-2007, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by QuadManiac
So, if New Jersey has lower income tax than NY, you only pay the NJ percentage to your state? If Montana has higher speed limits you're justified to drive that limit in NY? Prostitiution is legal in Nevada, so you have a right to do same at home?

What the hell gives ANYONE the self-appointed right to follow only the laws that are CONVENIENT to them and to ignore the rest?

If you don't like it, work to change it. You only reinforce the other side's argument when you ignore the law... and you deserve to lose your quad when you blatantly do so. i joined a club and participated in the fight for a legal area for 3 years....went to numerous meetings,rallys, and kept all of my riding to the one TINY legal club mx track.we got tons of exposure, newspaper articles, EVEN had an atv task force set up to get us a riding area. it was all bs....everything got thrown out and the politicians basically told us that its hopeless.. after being pushed away for years and years and years and years, i realized it was a waste of time and alot of money along with many other club members and ditched that scene. now i ride where i want.respectfully.

yeah, you can keep fighting and trying, but if 10 years of fighting hasnt done anything, than its a good chance that nothing will

10-20-2007, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by ny300exrider

yeah, you can keep fighting and trying, but if 10 years of fighting hasnt done anything, than its a good chance that nothing will

not trying to be a smart ***** here but fighting DOES help.

10-21-2007, 05:13 AM
Originally posted by ny300exrider
come to long island and find a legal riding area...none. im not loading up and driving to ANOTHER STATE to ride my quad, just not going to.

then maybe you either live in the wrong area or are into the wrong sport. you live in a place with no legal trails, yet you like to ride. thats like living in mexico and trying to become a hockey player. make the sacrifice and drive a little to go riding.

im registered in 3 states, and ride in all of them. whats so bad about that? must be that im gettin old and care about keeping the sport around...

10-21-2007, 05:49 PM
just wanted to add something that i saw today that added to the bad reputation for quads. i was riding today on some nice little trails along the power lines and an old access road and right on the side of one of the trails there's a nice little pit, well it never use to be posted or anything and a few people use to ride in it including myself. well recently they posted it so i stopped riding there and once while riding by i saw the owner working on some equipment so i parked my bike (on the trail, not on his land that was posted) and walked over to him and asked him if i could ride in it and he said no nicely cause of reliability reasons and they just seeded some parts of it so i said OK thanks respecting his answer and reason. well today i rode past there and some inconsiderate pricks were getting chase out of it as i passed by and i looked over and they completely destroyed the seeded part. i guess now i get to look forward to cops patrolling the trails :grr:

10-21-2007, 07:54 PM
we had 1 place left in my area an they tbi stopped us cause we was tearing up the land an all the retards were gettin hammered an wrecking an they was air lifting atleast 2 ppl a weekend an they littering was horrible an me an my friends always picked up cans an other trash as much as we could but they finally shut it down after 29 years of ppl riding down there an they passed a law that if ur cought ridin in any creeks in my county its a 2,500$ fine an they take ur 4wheeler so now we have no where to ride except old back roads an we just find hills to climb on the side of the road an now there startin to write us tickets an the closest place to ride is like 2 hours away thats worth goin to an i dont have the time to drive up there ride an then come back so i pretty much have 10,000$ sitten in the shop collectin dust an cant sell cause i got to much money in it an it sucks