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View Full Version : anyone ride with glasses/contacts?

10-16-2007, 07:02 PM
as some may or may not know i ride/race with glasses, i would love to wear contacts but from what my dad says when he gets dirt under them it hurts like hell. Therefore he doesnt wear them at tracks. So do anyof you ride with contacts at tracks? does it get under your eyes alot?

10-16-2007, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by ltr450rider21
as some may or may not know i ride/race with glasses, i would love to wear contacts but from what my dad says when he gets dirt under them it hurts like hell. Therefore he doesnt wear them at tracks. So do anyof you ride with contacts at tracks? does it get under your eyes alot?

i ride with contacts and i've never gotten dirt under one secondly i dont wear goggles it seems they help keep dirt/dust out for me if your really worried just wear goggles

10-16-2007, 07:07 PM
haha funny me and my finace were just talkin about me wearing my contacts, seems like everytime i ride with them i get dirt em them and they scartch my eyes up feels like saw dust in them for a couple of days

10-16-2007, 07:44 PM
Ive been doing it for a long time (contacts) and the only time i had a problem was when some dirt was under the lens for a night and it caused an ulcer in my eye. I just had to put in eye drops and wear glasses for a week and it was fine.

10-16-2007, 08:10 PM
I wear contacts but I wear googles as well. Dust hardly ever gets into my eyes anymore. Just get yourself a nice pair of googles.

10-16-2007, 08:15 PM
you can get prescription lenses for your goggle frames.

10-16-2007, 08:20 PM
i have glasses and usually ride with no goggles but if its rocky/dusty or muddy i have a pair of the otg goggles i wear.

10-16-2007, 09:27 PM
i got contacts and as long as you have a pair of goggles its not a problem at all

10-16-2007, 09:48 PM
scott makes the best otg goggles they work great for me, just makes sure you have anti-fog on your glasses and goggles or else your glasses will fog up everytime you stop. If you decide to go the contact route i've heard of guys putting a thin line of vaseline on the foam inside the goggles to catch any loose dirt particles.

10-16-2007, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by 07250ex
i ride with contacts and i've never gotten dirt under one secondly i dont wear goggles it seems they help keep dirt/dust out for me if your really worried just wear goggles

Dude, you must have eyes of steel!! I would NEVER ride without goggles let alone ride without goggles wearing contacts!

I have to wear contacts when driving/riding anything. With glasses you just can't see as much and it requires you to turn your head to see something whereas you could just move your eyes with contacts.

It does however hurt like a mother when you get something in your eye with contacts. Just have a good pair of goggles and you shouldn't have that problem. Make sure to carry some eye drops with just in case though.

10-16-2007, 10:57 PM
I wear contacts and race. I just wear goggles over them.

In fact in muddy race my contacts act as a secodary google:D :macho

10-17-2007, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by kamikaze_rzrbak
makes sure you have anti-fog on your glasses and goggles or else your glasses will fog up everytime you stop.

Where do you buy your anti-fog? I've looked everywhere from Wal-mart to the local eye doctor and can't find any.

10-17-2007, 09:54 AM
I wear contacts. Haven't had any problems with dirt while wearing goggles.

10-17-2007, 10:38 AM
I wear contacts as well with Scott Goggles. When I do get a little dust in there, I will take them out after the race, put some eyedrops in, and wear my glasses. That way it doesn't really bug me that much.

10-17-2007, 01:27 PM
wow thanks for all your input.

i guess ill try wearing contacts and goggles. What kind of eye drops do you use and do you put them in before you go out on the track or after, and what does the eye drops do?

what kind of goggles do you guys use if you wear contacts?

10-17-2007, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by ltr450rider21
wow thanks for all your input.

i guess ill try wearing contacts and goggles. What kind of eye drops do you use and do you put them in before you go out on the track or after, and what does the eye drops do?

what kind of goggles do you guys use if you wear contacts?

I use Renu eyedrops if they are bothering me. I'll put them in after the race. Just helps them if they are dry or bothering me.

As far as goggles, its up to you. I have had good luck with the Scott NoSweat XI Works System.

10-18-2007, 06:40 AM
for the most part i dont have a problem wearing contacts but i have had dirt in my eye and i had to go to the er it was a little spec on the back of my eyeball hurt like hell. but my glasses annoy me and my contacts are fine until the track is a dust ball then they dry out.

10-18-2007, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Scro
Where do you buy your anti-fog? I've looked everywhere from Wal-mart to the local eye doctor and can't find any.

If you have a Dick's Sporting Goods or somewhere around you that selld Paintball gear you can usually buy some anti fog cleaner.

Also, most Scuba diving shops will have some. I'm sure there are some around, heck we even have them in Missouri.

Walmart may even have some in the paintball section.

Ski shops too I would imagine.

10-18-2007, 07:04 PM
contacts are badass

I used them to race, used them in basic, ait and Iraq.

no problems at all but don't be a dumbass w/ them.

get the 30 day disposable extended wear.

Contacts are safe as hell as long as you follow the standards and take care of them.

If you get dirt in it just take that contact out. Its rare when it happens but ur fine racing w/ one contact. Keep a extra set in ur truck, and house if that happens and swap them out after the ride/race. Or get a contact holder w/ fluid so you can take it out, rinse it off and put it back in.

I ended up getting lasik eye surgery which was paid for by the military which is f'n badass. Best thing I ever did. 20/15 now baby!

10-18-2007, 07:08 PM
I thought they didn't allow contacts in the Army?

Originally posted by Nausty
contacts are badass

I used them to race, used them in basic, ait and Iraq.

no problems at all but don't be a dumbass w/ them.

get the 30 day disposable extended wear.

Contacts are safe as hell as long as you follow the standards and take care of them.

If you get dirt in it just take that contact out. Its rare when it happens but ur fine racing w/ one contact. Keep a extra set in ur truck, and house if that happens and swap them out after the ride/race. Or get a contact holder w/ fluid so you can take it out, rinse it off and put it back in.

I ended up getting lasik eye surgery which was paid for by the military which is f'n badass. Best thing I ever did. 20/15 now baby!

10-18-2007, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Nausty
contacts are badass

I used them to race, used them in basic, ait and Iraq.

no problems at all but don't be a dumbass w/ them.

get the 30 day disposable extended wear.

I have the 30 day extended wear contacts but wear them for months straight simply cause im too lazy to take them out and put them in.

Doc said it was cool as long as it wasnt bothering me. :)

10-18-2007, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Nausty
contacts are badass

I used them to race, used them in basic, ait and Iraq.

no problems at all but don't be a dumbass w/ them.

get the 30 day disposable extended wear.

Contacts are safe as hell as long as you follow the standards and take care of them.

If you get dirt in it just take that contact out. Its rare when it happens but ur fine racing w/ one contact. Keep a extra set in ur truck, and house if that happens and swap them out after the ride/race. Or get a contact holder w/ fluid so you can take it out, rinse it off and put it back in.

I ended up getting lasik eye surgery which was paid for by the military which is f'n badass. Best thing I ever did. 20/15 now baby!

I was thinking bout getting Lasik, but i think its too risky. And by the way 20/15 means what? Still need to wear contacts a little bit?

10-18-2007, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by ltr450rider21
I was thinking bout getting Lasik, but i think its too risky. And by the way 20/15 means what? Still need to wear contacts a little bit?

20/20 is perfect vision. 20/15 is super-hawk-eye-vision!!!:eek2:

Nah, jk. But seriously it just means you have very good vision.

When I was younger I had 20/15 vision and now I'm wearing contacts/glasses and I believe my prescription is -3.25 for each eye, so I'm lucky that both my eyes are the same.

10-19-2007, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Scro
Where do you buy your anti-fog? I've looked everywhere from Wal-mart to the local eye doctor and can't find any.
I use the same anti fog for my glasses that i use for my goggle, scott anti fog

10-20-2007, 07:24 PM
yeah, ur not really allowed to wear contacts in the army unless ur in garrison. I wore them anyways just tried to be smart.

Yea the lasik thing is safe as hell and tons of my friends got it. As long as you take all your eye drops for it and take care of them after the surgery.

For the most part I think you can only get lasik if your eyes are stable prescription wise and if your near sighted. I had horrible vision and got the PRK surgery where they burn off the top layer to get your eye ball at the right thickness.

I could smell my eyeballs burning! :eek: Best thing I ever did though!

Check it out on wikipedia if you guys want more info i'm sure they got. Wikipedia is the ****.

10-20-2007, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Nausty
yeah, ur not really allowed to wear contacts in the army unless ur in garrison. I wore them anyways just tried to be smart.

Yea the lasik thing is safe as hell and tons of my friends got it. As long as you take all your eye drops for it and take care of them after the surgery.

For the most part I think you can only get lasik if your eyes are stable prescription wise and if your near sighted. I had horrible vision and got the PRK surgery where they burn off the top layer to get your eye ball at the right thickness.

I could smell my eyeballs burning! :eek: Best thing I ever did though!

Check it out on wikipedia if you guys want more info i'm sure they got. Wikipedia is the ****.

do you have any trouble seeing while driving at night?

10-21-2007, 11:18 AM
I had Lasik back in November, I was reading the signs on the door (with some haze) after I got out of the chair. I went to the Dr. the next day for a follow up and had 20/20. Just use the drops for a few weeks and you will be fine.

Before lasik I used the Scott 87 OTG and like someone said before, they do fog up when you stop. I just used the Scott Anti Fog Cloth I bought for a couple bucks.

10-21-2007, 11:21 AM
how much is it to get lasik done these days? about 2g:confused:

10-22-2007, 07:34 PM
no haze. That is a common side effect. Most of the time its from people not taking all the recovery drops so that it heals w/ slight scarring causing the glare.

The military did it for free for me, but i think it comes out to about 2 g's!

10-24-2007, 05:11 PM
yeah im gonna get the lasik when my vision stops getting worse... someone i believe is sending me a coupon for a few hundred off the bill. But for now i just wear OTG goggles with my glasses and it works great. Ive tried contacts any my eyes just have a hard time getting used to them

10-24-2007, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by 300_14_racer
yeah im gonna get the lasik when my vision stops getting worse... someone i believe is sending me a coupon for a few hundred off the bill. But for now i just wear OTG goggles with my glasses and it works great. Ive tried contacts any my eyes just have a hard time getting used to them

your eyes will get worse for the rest of your life

10-24-2007, 05:34 PM
yes but i slows down pretty considerably.. you dont want to have it done before it slows down, at least thats what my eye doc told me a long time ago

10-25-2007, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by 300_14_racer
yes but i slows down pretty considerably.. you dont want to have it done before it slows down, at least thats what my eye doc told me a long time ago

Yea that's what the doctors told my sister. She was born with astigmatisms and cataracts in both eyes and obviously horrible vision. She was legally blind up until she was finally able to get Lasik this past spring. She started crying when she woke up and was able to read the clock across the room. Her entire life she depended upon her glasses or contacts because anything in front of her was a complete blur, no matter how close it was. I believe your eyes stop their major growth in your early twenties, it really depends on the person.