View Full Version : 450R Rear comp marvins for drag?????

10-15-2007, 01:17 PM
Looking for some 450r Draggers advice.

Rear Comp Marvin

I run sand drags, Dirt drags and asphalt and want to use a shock instead of strut.
I keep my bike very low to the ground.
All Comments welcome.
I just only want to buy it once

Thanks Jim

10-15-2007, 01:39 PM
You got it Jim,

Marvin Shaw, they are the lightest and give you exactly the kind of suspension you need to drag racing. This shock will make this quad strictly drag racing. Hope this helps.

10-15-2007, 01:58 PM
Whant I want to see is if I should go with no link or no link and why?

10-15-2007, 02:24 PM
hey sorry this is off topic, but you said you ran something like a 6.3 in 500 ft. is this on pavement, or dirt.

oh, my friend put some old suzuki 250 shocks on his raptor to lower it, maybe to low for a 450r tho. just a suggestion.

10-15-2007, 02:27 PM

10-15-2007, 05:09 PM
I would personaly go with no link. For one, in drag racing you are trying to be as light as possible, but for the main reason, the linkage is going to add a extra dimension to your suspension. I believe that a link will soften your suspension and even though a strut is too stiff and you loose traction and control when in the dirt with a strut, (I know from experience), you want to have a relatively stiff suspension. I think the link would make the suspension softer than it needs to be. I don't think it would be a major difference but it seems like your to the point in your machine where things need to be just right and little differences will give you an edge. Just my thoughts from experience. I wouldn't recommend a coiled shock. Go with M. shaw. You won't regret it. Plus they look trick as hell. By the way, how much boost can you push with your R.

10-16-2007, 09:00 AM

10-16-2007, 10:28 AM
I'm by no means a drag racer, but I do know about suspension setups. I would think you could go either way, link or no link, I suppose a no link setup would weigh a little less, but whether or not there is a linkage there is dependent on how the shock itself is built. You can build a shock to work well with a link and same for without a link, its all in how its made to work. I dont see any real advantage either way. Its up to the shock builder I would say. As far as wanting it stiff, I dont think a stiff rear-end would be good at all, you want it nice and plus, you would want the weight to transfer to the rear wheels. Look at any drag car, nail the throttle, all the weight transfers and the front wheels start to lift.... More traction and less friction. Again I think this is mostly something that is left up to the shock builder, as that is what you are paying all the money for, their knowledge.

I dont really know a ton about drag setups, just basics, but the name marvin shaw is quite frequently associated with drag racing.