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View Full Version : Man, rode this weekend, and then a kid started a fight, also more

10-14-2007, 10:36 PM
Well this weekend was full of fun, and it seems that some people and I didn't get along lol. well saturday to start off, i went riding with a couple buddys at a place in wisconsin that one of them own, and it was amazing, 500 acres of wooded trails and cut prairie grass trails.

Well i got home around 7, then cruised over to my buddies to help with the building of his turbo B16 hatchback, and we sanded and prepped it for paint till 2 in the morning. Well i was gonna go home to bed as i was tired, but my buddy Evan called me and was like dude there's a party over here in Pingree Grove, so i was like alright i'll stop by and say what's up.

Well i knew 4 people that were there, the rest were some pretty hot chicks, and a bunch of ghetto wanna be white kids. Well my friend Evan was hitting on this one chick, and her bros best friend was there, and kept acting like a body guard, and was like if that kid touches her i'm gonna kick his @$$ (funny thing is, he said he races B class for dirtbikes, and he's this heavier set wanna be gangster kid, and all his friend denied him of what he said lol, said he doesn't even have one, well back to the story). So i went up to him, and was like dude, why are you flipping out, she's old enough to be on her own, and he starts saying STFU STFU STFU STFU, and of course i'm gonna laugh, and be like i can say anything i want. So he starts pushing me, so i push back, and he swings and misses, so then i get pi$$ed, and decked him right in the face, and then he trys getting me on the ground (this kids like 225+ at 5'10", and i'm 165 at 6'). Well i was still plenty stronger than him, so when he did get me on the ground, i decked him again, and kicked him off me. Well Then his friend broke it up. So I'm like dude, drop it, i'm not in the mood for fighting (i'm not a fighter, it takes alot to get me to that point). So then he starts saying stfu, stfu, stfu again like he's the mafia. So then he swings, and nicks me on the side of the head, so i go off, get him in a head lock, and start swingin for his face like in UFC lol. So he managed to throw me over his shoulder, and get me on the ground again, and me and him went at it again, then everyone broke up. That whole time he got 2 punches in, and it's pretty said, he got me in the lip, and didn't even put a cut in it lol. So at the end, he ended up rippin my favorite shirt, and that's all i was pissed about lol. So when i went up the stairs, he walked inside, and i looked at his face, and it looked horrible lol. So this kid comes outside, and we're like did you see Anthonys face, and the kids like yeah, he got his wooter beat lol. I didn't have a single mark on my face, just a lil bit of a fat lip. So we waited around, and left. I'm just happy to beat the wooter outta the kid so he'll stop acting like a hard wooter.

One more lol

Today at work, this woman came through drive thru, and i gave her, her food. She's like i asked for fresh frys (they weren't even that old). I'm like ok, so i go and drop a fry, i come back. I'm like can you please pull forward, it's gonna be 2 and a half minutes till the frys are done. And she said i'm not pulling forward ( I didn't hear her.) So then, I look back and she's still there. So i go up and i'm like can you pull forward, i need to give the persons behind you their food. She's like no, i'm not pulling forward, and i'm like, the food for the people behind you is ready, pull forward, and she's like no. She says i told the person who takes the money, i want fresh frys, and they would've been done by now lol (even though, it woulda still taken 2 minutes). So I start getting a lil tone, and i'm like put it in drive and move forward 20 feet. And she's yelling all kinds of wooter, saying i should still be nice to a customer like her, basically saying she's a total b****. So i flip out, and i'm like no i'm not, pull forward now, so she comes inside, and calls management or w/e lol, at least she tried making it look like she did.

Well i don't wanna sound racist, so i won't state what race she was, but you guys can guess.

sorry for the long post, but it added up to a good story i hope lol

10-14-2007, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by zukirules
Well this weekend was full of fun, and it seems that some people and I didn't get along lol. well saturday to start off, i went riding with a couple buddys at a place in wisconsin that one of them own, and it was amazing, 500 acres of wooded trails and cut prairie grass trails.

Well i got home around 7, then cruised over to my buddies to help with the building of his turbo B16 hatchback, and we sanded and prepped it for paint till 2 in the morning. Well i was gonna go home to bed as i was tired, but my buddy Evan called me and was like dude there's a party over here in Pingree Grove, so i was like alright i'll stop by and say what's up.

Well i knew 4 people that were there, the rest were some pretty hot chicks, and a bunch of ghetto wanna be white kids. Well my friend Evan was hitting on this one chick, and her bros best friend was there, and kept acting like a body guard, and was like if that kid touches her i'm gonna kick his @$$ (funny thing is, he said he races B class for dirtbikes, and he's this heavier set wanna be gangster kid, and all his friend denied him of what he said lol, said he doesn't even have one, well back to the story). So i went up to him, and was like dude, why are you flipping out, she's old enough to be on her own, and he starts saying STFU STFU STFU STFU, and of course i'm gonna laugh, and be like i can say anything i want. So he starts pushing me, so i push back, and he swings and misses, so then i get pi$$ed, and decked him right in the face, and then he trys getting me on the ground (this kids like 225+ at 5'10", and i'm 165 at 6'). Well i was still plenty stronger than him, so when he did get me on the ground, i decked him again, and kicked him off me. Well Then his friend broke it up. So I'm like dude, drop it, i'm not in the mood for fighting (i'm not a fighter, it takes alot to get me to that point). So then he starts saying stfu, stfu, stfu again like he's the mafia. So then he swings, and nicks me on the side of the head, so i go off, get him in a head lock, and start swingin for his face like in UFC lol. So he managed to throw me over his shoulder, and get me on the ground again, and me and him went at it again, then everyone broke up. That whole time he got 2 punches in, and it's pretty said, he got me in the lip, and didn't even put a cut in it lol. So at the end, he ended up rippin my favorite shirt, and that's all i was pissed about lol. So when i went up the stairs, he walked inside, and i looked at his face, and it looked horrible lol. So this kid comes outside, and we're like did you see Anthonys face, and the kids like yeah, he got his wooter beat lol. I didn't have a single mark on my face, just a lil bit of a fat lip. So we waited around, and left. I'm just happy to beat the wooter outta the kid so he'll stop acting like a hard wooter.

One more lol

Today at work, this woman came through drive thru, and i gave her, her food. She's like i asked for fresh frys (they weren't even that old). I'm like ok, so i go and drop a fry, i come back. I'm like can you please pull forward, it's gonna be 2 and a half minutes till the frys are done. And she said i'm not pulling forward ( I didn't hear her.) So then, I look back and she's still there. So i go up and i'm like can you pull forward, i need to give the persons behind you their food. She's like no, i'm not pulling forward, and i'm like, the food for the people behind you is ready, pull forward, and she's like no. She says i told the person who takes the money, i want fresh frys, and they would've been done by now lol (even though, it woulda still taken 2 minutes). So I start getting a lil tone, and i'm like put it in drive and move forward 20 feet. And she's yelling all kinds of wooter, saying i should still be nice to a customer like her, basically saying she's a total b****. So i flip out, and i'm like no i'm not, pull forward now, so she comes inside, and calls management or w/e lol, at least she tried making it look like she did.

Well i don't wanna sound racist, so i won't state what race she was, but you guys can guess.

sorry for the long post, but it added up to a good story i hope lol

Seriously, I just wasted 2 minutes of my life reading this. How would posting your immaturity on this site help our sport at all? And btw, 225 on a bike, aint that much, look at some of the expert class district 3 riders genius.....but of course im sure not only could you pound them with your 'UFC' moves, you could probably school them on the track.....grow up noob

10-14-2007, 11:03 PM
what the hell is a wooter???:confused:

10-14-2007, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by troyleepred719
Seriously, I just wasted 2 minutes of my life reading this. How would posting your immaturity on this site help our sport at all? And btw, 225 on a bike, aint that much, look at some of the expert class district 3 riders genius.....but of course im sure not only could you pound them with your 'UFC' moves, you could probably school them on the track.....grow up noob

ok, for one i posted what happened, #2, the kids friends even said he doesn't have a dirtbike, i didn't say he didn't ride cause of his weight, i know people that are big and are great riders, i was saying about his weight for when i fought him.

no wonder your all mad, shouldn't have bought a polaris :devil:

And i'm not being immature, as i posted exactly what happened. So your telling me, if someone came up and started *****ing at you for no reason, you wouldn't argue back, and if a kid swung at you, you wouldn't fight back???

10-14-2007, 11:09 PM
You replace swears with wooter, orr the comp will do it anyway

10-14-2007, 11:34 PM
ok that cleared it up

10-15-2007, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by zukirules
shouldn't have bought a polaris :devil:

And i'm not being immature

Hmm..... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by zukirules
So your telling me, if someone came up and started *****ing at you for no reason, you wouldn't argue back, and if a kid swung at you, you wouldn't fight back???

Nobody said that...self defense is perfectly fine. It is just completely and utterly pointless, to tell everybody and their brother about it.

10-15-2007, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
Hmm..... :rolleyes:

Nobody said that...self defense is perfectly fine. It is just completely and utterly pointless, to tell everybody and their brother about it.

I was just posting, cause it was a crazy weekend, not to act like a kid, or make a stupid post, just thought people would have some opinions about the lady and the kid.

10-15-2007, 08:12 AM
no wonder your all mad, shouldn't have bought a polaris :devil:

thats cute, but you will notice that most, almost all of us on this site doesnt care who rides what, or how the guy ext door spends his money....

your absolutely right, someone swung at me, hes be looking at hospital bills, but whethter i would run home just to tall everyone on my atvriders.com forum how tough i was, now that is in question....

10-15-2007, 08:13 AM
isnt this open forum ? he can post whatever he pleases.

10-15-2007, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by Exrider434
isnt this open forum ? he can post whatever he pleases.

Absolutely right, he can post whatever he wants, and it can also be critiqued, due to the fact that this is an Open Forum.

10-15-2007, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by troyleepred719
Seriously, I just wasted 2 minutes of my life reading this. How would posting your immaturity on this site help our sport at all? And btw, 225 on a bike, aint that much, look at some of the expert class district 3 riders genius.....but of course im sure not only could you pound them with your 'UFC' moves, you could probably school them on the track.....grow up noob

You wasted 2 minutes reading it so you thought you would waste 1 more with a reply?

10-15-2007, 09:40 AM
i just added "wooter" to my personal vocabulary

10-15-2007, 09:53 AM
lol, as did I. Im gonna throw it around tonight at the bar for the giants game and see how well it fares.

10-15-2007, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by chris46250r
You wasted 2 minutes reading it so you thought you would waste 1 more with a reply?

did you have to hurt my feelings like that dude....

10-15-2007, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by troyleepred719
no wonder your all mad, shouldn't have bought a polaris :devil:

thats cute, but you will notice that most, almost all of us on this site doesnt care who rides what, or how the guy ext door spends his money....

your absolutely right, someone swung at me, hes be looking at hospital bills, but whethter i would run home just to tall everyone on my atvriders.com forum how tough i was, now that is in question....

quit cryin, like said above your complainin aobut reading it, and you keep complaining with replys

10-15-2007, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by my88r
whats your grades in English

You weren't exactly class validictorian. I've seen some of your posts.

10-15-2007, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by zukirules
quit cryin, like said above your complainin aobut reading it, and you keep complaining with replys

my bad dude, i apologize for bein an *****, just having a bad day...... how about a big group hug?

10-15-2007, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by troyleepred719
my bad dude, i apologize for bein an *****, just having a bad day...... how about a big group hug?

Your telling him to be mature when you keep on "swinging" with the sarcastic remarks. Please, if you dont have anything nice or anything that helps the situation to post, then dont post at all.

10-15-2007, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Cr85rRida
Your telling him to be mature when you keep on "swinging" with the sarcastic remarks. Please, if you dont have anything nice or anything that helps the situation to post, then dont post at all.

Im busting balls dude, its all in good fun, and anyone on here that knows me, knows not to take me serious.

10-15-2007, 05:51 PM
lol i like how u beat up the wanna be's lol i hate kids like that.. oh well sounds like a fun weekend besides that lady who gave u a hard time.. i work at grocery store and u never know what kind of people/person ur going to come across.. but u should have told her to get her wooter to subway cause fries are bad for her and u were helping her by not giving her any haha

10-15-2007, 05:58 PM
We're all thinking it.

10-15-2007, 06:06 PM
i thought it was a good post, i was bored and i read something that happened to someone, just because he wanted to tell his story doesnt mean he has to be looked on as a dumbwooter.

10-15-2007, 06:09 PM
soundslike an interesting weekend:eek2:

10-15-2007, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Ghost-Rider
We're all thinking it.

Speak for yourself.

10-15-2007, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by troyleepred719
no wonder your all mad, shouldn't have bought a polaris :devil:

thats cute, but you will notice that most, almost all of us on this site doesnt care who rides what, or how the guy ext door spends his money....

your absolutely right, someone swung at me, hes be looking at hospital bills, but whethter i would run home just to tall everyone on my atvriders.com forum how tough i was, now that is in question....

Whats up huge? If you swung at me , i woudent have hopital bills, i love in Canada:eek:

10-15-2007, 06:40 PM
Whoot Whoot

the Z Man
10-15-2007, 06:44 PM
Dude, STFU and get my fries!!!lol

10-15-2007, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by the Z Man
Dude, STFU and get my fries!!!lol

want spit with that :p

10-15-2007, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Ghost-Rider
We're all thinking it.

didn't know you could smell through the internet, and i guess i make up stories like this all the time

I guess so, aren't u like 15?? :o

10-15-2007, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by zukirules
didn't know you could smell through the internet, and i guess i make up stories like this all the time

I guess so, aren't u like 15?? :o Wow, you are SO much older than he is mister 16 year old:rolleyes:

10-15-2007, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by BlasterEaten250
Wow, you are SO much older than he is mister 16 year old:rolleyes:

actually i'm 6 months from 18 :o and i don't talk like a big shot and try and make someone look stupid if i'm younger than them.

and i'm dvx400rider on midwestatvers, you know me from there.

10-15-2007, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by BlasterEaten250
Wow, you are SO much older than he is mister 16 year old:rolleyes:

They've done studies you know.. 15 year olds are all little fairys.


10-15-2007, 09:02 PM
They've done studies you know.. 15 year olds are all little fairys.


Hahaha that is funny

10-15-2007, 09:44 PM
Wow....maturity is just thriving in this thread isnt it.....:rolleyes:

Just freakin leave it alone guys..... saying your point is one thing...pointless, immature bickering accomplished nothing...and makes you look like an ***..

10-15-2007, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by mitch91
Whats up huge? If you swung at me , i woudent have hopital bills, i love in Canada:eek:

Haha, That my friend is AWESOME:devil: