View Full Version : clutch basket notching...

10-10-2007, 04:53 PM
Pulled down my motor when the crank went to find my billet basket somewhat notched. How far can these notches go before replacement is needed? I had heard about filing them down and reusing but if its going to hurt anything I would much rather throw in a new basket. Thanks

10-10-2007, 07:33 PM
some say never to file them as it weakens the basket, just replace it

others(like me) file it and don't worry about it

10-10-2007, 07:51 PM
Well I looked around ebay and people are selling baskets with as much wear as mine so maybe its not that bad and its just me. I will try and get a picture. I think I will file it down to get through the end of the riding season and replace this winter

86 Quad R
10-11-2007, 09:08 AM
a common sense approach to this should be taken. if the grooving is minor then filing may be ok but, if the grooving is beyong minor then that means there is excessive tolerances and the basket should be replaced.

once the grooving starts it is excellerated because the protective "hard" coating has been worn away.

filing a minor grooved basket is only putting a bandaid on it.