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View Full Version : need some opinion's

10-08-2007, 09:26 PM
Well im thinking of selling the quad. I went riding for the first time in about 5 months yesterday and realized i dont like it as much as i used to. After i got into bmx and photography i was riding but then i broke my wrist and couldnt ride the whole summer. so i finally went riding and idk if its that i just dont like it as much anymore all together or i didnt like it cuz i was at a horrible track. The other thing is the money. this winter, the shocks are going to need to be rebuilt, and im going to have to rebuild the steering stabelizer. which i have no money at all. The only good place to ride is rausch creek which is 3hrs away and 65 a day or breezewood which is 5hrs away and cost alot to go there between hotels or a cabin plus gas, food, riding fees. With the money from the quad i would buy some photo equipment and a new computer. the rest would go in the bank towards a car that im going to need in 1.5 years. And the last thing is since i got into bmx, even if there was a track that was good, close. idk if i would even want to go. i ride bmx everyday with my friends. its alot easier for me since i dont have to get a ride to the track. i can just hop on the train to get to the skatepark.
what do you think i should do?
I could always buy another quad after i start making some money. ( i got offered a job in photography but dont have the money to buy the equipment i need.)

thanks for reading, hope someone can help me.

10-08-2007, 10:01 PM
well i guess in your case, sell the quad. mainly becouse your car situation. dont blow ALL the quad money on camera stuff and a computer though.

your quads sick (i wanna do the same color scheme) so im sure you can get a nice amount of money for it, which will help with the car. once your driving or old enough to sign yourself in at the track, like you said you can always get another quad..