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View Full Version : 6yr old and redcat mpx110 question

10-08-2007, 01:52 PM
new to mini atvs so not sure what to buy. my son is 6 and about 58 pounds and rides 50cc dirtbike and does really well on it, pushes it to it's limit. time to move on and he wants to ride trails and dunes with the the bigboys.

i was thinking about the mpx110 or jet moto but i have no experience with them and i need something to pull him up hills and thru sand.

any help or suggestions would be great .

thanks Bill

Nichols Atvs
10-08-2007, 02:57 PM
Heres my advice stay away fron the china stuff. The first thing everyone sees is the low price then comes the rest of the problems, that come after you buy it two months later . Take your self to the DRR Thread open it up go to the bottom of the page and click all the way back i dont know 10 pages and start reading them all the way to the last one which will be today that will bring you up to speed . After your done pm me and we will talk .
I know you will not be disapointed in what you read.

10-11-2007, 08:42 AM
Dear Bill,

Not sure what your main focus is, pleasure or racing. Not everyone is into racing and for many, just having something for your kid to ride that is reliable and affordable is the main thing. We carry about eight different product lines with different degrees of price and quality so we can match up a persons interest along with what they have available to spend. I'm making a trip from here in Marianna, AR up towards St. Loius next week to deliver a Blade Go-Kart and a Kazuma Baby Falcon Deluxe which is very similar to the MPX110 you inquired about. We also carry The Xtreme Typhoon if an affordable out of the box racing type unit is what you are after. Or. as previously mentioned, we also carry some other lines that may be of interest to you. I would be glad to visit with you about your son and try to help you determine what would be best for you based upon what your interst is. My 7 yr. old Ethan, (our official company test rider) gives me a lot of insight.
Let me know if we can help out, we've got units running from Wisconsin to Louisana.
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