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View Full Version : need help about school sports

10-03-2007, 06:59 PM
alright im a sophomore and i wanna play basketball and my g.p.a. is a 2.8 and the school has a 2.0 min. but i failed half a semester of two classes cuz my english teacher was sexist and my spanish teacher was chinese and had a bad accident and i couldnt understand her.

i went to my schools athletic direstor and basketball coach and he said that mshsaa (missouri state high school activities association) wont allow me to play so what i was wondering has anyone ever tried to contest the school or sports association if so how did it turn out for you and how did u go about it? now my grades are b's or better

10-03-2007, 08:08 PM
Its very easy to blame your teachers for failing a class. Way easier than doing all of the work to get a good grade.

About protesting it. It is very hard to do that. If you try to play anyway, and somehow it is made known, your team will have to forfeit every game you played in while you were ineligible. Atleast that's how it works in Indiana.

10-03-2007, 08:49 PM
kind of odd im in the gifted program and all my other grades r as and bs it would be different if my other grades were ds

10-04-2007, 07:30 AM
so u have a 2.8gpa and they have a 2.0 min? then u meet that requirment. the way i understand it aslong as u have passing grades then u can play, if u have a failing grade u cant play till u get ir brought up and the next report card or whatever comes out, so if all ur grades are passing as of the last report card or progress report u should beable to play unless the coach dont like u, get ur parents involved and if they say u cant go to the school board and push the issue

10-04-2007, 07:35 AM
In Missouri, if you have a don't meet that C average, I believe you are still able to practice and go to the games, you just can't play. If your grades are B or better, you should be able to play.

10-04-2007, 06:16 PM
He probably don't have enough credits to be eligibile to play. I went to school in Missouri and saw this happen. you have to have so many credits to move to the next grade or to show progrese to next grade. I would try to appeal to Mshssa to see if you could play. There also could be rule that you can't have any failing grades to play.

10-05-2007, 02:30 PM
u must have gotten 2.5 credits last semester and i have all A's and B's