View Full Version : wanting to buy a new 450,just dont know what one i want

09-30-2007, 12:46 PM
Im gettin ready to go buy a new yfz and i was kinda curious if anyone was havin any problems with them. Any other kind of (good,or bad) info would be appreciated thanks.

im still kinda thinkin about witch 450 would be the best
alot of people are sayin yfz im just gettin some other opinions.

09-30-2007, 07:20 PM
i reccomend the yfz, the reason is i just bought mine a couple of days ago and they rock. Me and my friend rode today and i felt my yfz had more power and was way cooler looking. As of right now there great but i've never rode a honda but im sure the yamaha is still better. If you do get a yfz though i reccomend getting an 06 or above because of the 80 changes they made. Good look finding one!!!

10-01-2007, 05:06 PM
honda or yamaha is the way to go.;)

10-01-2007, 05:15 PM
i would go KTM if you have the money

10-01-2007, 06:08 PM
yamaha and honda seem to be running real strong at the moment, and the ltr seems pretty good, go test ride some at the dealership. and see which feels like it is for you. i would take yamaha, suzuki or honda anyday. all nice nice machines

10-02-2007, 09:59 AM
ya, i think im goin yamaha, my buddy is buyin the ktm when it comes out, it sounds like a badass bike but i think its ugly as hell, the back fenders just ruin the bike for me (ktm)

10-04-2007, 06:24 AM
the yfz is an awesome quad by far. I can't tell you much about the other 450's because i haven't ridden them enough, but with yfz as long as you maintain it you shouldn't have a problem. I had a coolant pump seal go which was a easy fix, and the resistor for the lights broke. The only other problem i had was the wrist pin got seized, on the '07 and up models they supposedly fixed the lack of oil problem which they say fixed it. I really don't know what cause it to seize because i change my oil and filter every other ride. If i had a chance to buy a diff. 450, i would buy the yfz450 all over again, it's a great bike.

10-13-2007, 09:32 PM
Well I just bought a new 07 today and I LOVE IT so far. I have been riding a 400 EX and had it dialed for my riding style and was worried about the change over but I was making the same jumps after about an hour of riding.
Which that may sound crazy to a few but most should understand once u get used to a certain ride its hard to change.
But I think I made the wright decision for me.

12-28-2007, 03:37 PM

12-28-2007, 08:34 PM

12-28-2007, 09:43 PM
I recomend the yfz the most. I have riddin both alot. The yfz feels the most race ready to me out of all the other quads. It is the lightest, best looking, and sits low to the ground. Also the power is great, and its not tippy like the 450r is.

12-28-2007, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Xater
i would go KTM if you have the money

X2 my friend looked at the new KTM's when they came out after seeing the price tags (worth it for what your getting but seems a lot up front) made us say forget KTM real quick. Personally I like the TRX450r best. My friend had the YFZ his dad had the TRX, and his brother had the LTR. Worst of the bunch was the LTR, then YFZ and TRX were pretty close but TRX450r seemed to be everyones favorite. You have to take a look at all the Pros and Cons for all the 450's and decide. None are perfect but the KTM is pretty amazing. Factory Ohlins and Razrs all around is great.

12-29-2007, 08:56 AM
I'd aggree with coreymx....Yamaha or honda!!! but i lean more to yamaha becasue they have a better look!

12-30-2007, 04:24 PM
You're in the YFZ Forum, of course they're going to tell you to get a YFZ.

In my opinion, i think most all the 450's are really close to each other and any of them can be made great quads. I suggest buying whatever the best deal you can find (if you're buying used) if you're buying new or left over model at the dealer, buy the one that you feel most comfortable sitting on or that you like the best looks/ergo wise.

The odd thing is, the YFZ and the 450R are like the oldest technology of all the 450's out. and most people only look at them when they're buying. Kinda interesting.