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View Full Version : Found a co-worker dead at workplace.. need help

09-29-2007, 09:35 AM
Early monday morning i went into work at about 8:00 and started the day as usual. I work for a small furniture store so theres only 3 employee's including me. When i got there the other delivery guy had been there for a little bit getting things ready. For about an hour me and the other delivery guy loaded the truck and soon noticed the warehouse manager hasnt showed up. So we called his number a few times and he didnt answer so we thought he was running late. So at around 9:15 im walking through the warehouse to the loading dock for about the 15th time that morning, and thats when I looked up and saw something I will not soon forget. My body froze. I thought it was a joke. There he was, the warehouse manager, that ive gotten to know and spend time with for over a year; facing me. Hanging. I hope one day I can get that image out of my head. But when you work in that building everyday, and walk past that SAME spot multiple times a day you cant help but see him still there. I cant be there alone, i cant keep my head up when i walk past it. I cant work there anymore.
Does anyone know what I could do until I find a new job? Is there some kind of unemployment? Its really bothering me going there everyday. Its literally the first thing i think about when I wake up in the morning. I dont know what to do. Any advice?

09-29-2007, 09:44 AM
I don't think your gonna find your answer here.Personally if its that bad I would seek counceling? Sorry about what Happend.I found my grandmother dead, my neighbor died raking his leaves,found him in the back yard, My grandfather died right in front of me...Death is a part of life..just doesn't seem right when someone takes their own..They don't think about how it effects everyone else. If your that upset ,don't be ashamed to get help. You need to talk to someone..That's just my opinion.hope it helps.

09-29-2007, 09:54 AM
Yeah, if its that bad, you'll probably need to talk to somebody.

Think about it, even if you quit that job, and go get a new job. New job, new place, different responsibilities.....lots of different stuff. Everytime you think about a difference in your job, you'll think about why your there, and be back in the same position anyways.

Personally, I deal with stuff like that on my own, and I'm usually not to bothered by it anyways.....but some people have a hard time handling stuff like that, can't work it out on their own, and need some kind of counseling....or something to that extent. I'm thinking thats what you'll need, if you continue to have problems with it.

BUT, there is a possibility the effect will fade out with a bit of time. It has only been 5 days....I wouldn't expect anybody to get over something like that in that short period of time.

09-29-2007, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by CannondaleRider
Yeah, if its that bad, you'll probably need to talk to somebody.

Think about it, even if you quit that job, and go get a new job. New job, new place, different responsibilities.....lots of different stuff. Everytime you think about a difference in your job, you'll think about why your there, and be back in the same position anyways.

Personally, I deal with stuff like that on my own, and I'm usually not to bothered by it anyways.....but some people have a hard time handling stuff like that, can't work it out on their own, and need some kind of counseling....or something to that extent. I'm thinking thats what you'll need, if you continue to have problems with it.

BUT, there is a possibility the effect will fade out with a bit of
time. It has only been 5 days....I wouldn't expect anybody to get over something like that in that short period of time.

I agree with both here.....
That is just so aweful !!:(
I think seeing a hanging would be pretty graphic so yes... I think you should talk with someone.Yes, there is unemployment, but theres sveral factors involved. Call your local job service Dept. or employment office.Also, you have any health insurance? If so, alot of them now covers counceling.

Suicide is such a selfish act and effects so many people.
