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View Full Version : Warining Cyl Stud Nuts

09-27-2007, 05:07 AM
Do not re-use apex cyl stud nuts. I have seen them come off and leave the threads on the studs like a spring. Andyman17dad can elaborate more.

09-27-2007, 05:54 AM
This was on a 70, 90's shouldn't be a problem.

If you switch to a Metrakit cylinder (and probabably even if you leave it stock) replace the original cylinder studs with longer 90 studs and then use pass through flange nuts instead of the acorn typle ones that come with it. The stock ones just aren't long enough to have more than a few threads to put the nuts on with.
Stuff happens...hopefully now it won't happen to others! Luckily for us, nothing else happened to the motor because it quit right away. Just a gasket set and new studs/nuts.