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View Full Version : MX'ing my 400 for the 1st time...

09-24-2007, 06:17 PM
Im going to get a chance to take my bike to a MX park in Fly, OH. I hear its pretty good with some nice jumps, etc...

I haven't had this bike at a mx park before. I am pretty comfortable with it on trails.

Any suggestions to avoid hurting the bike or me.

I have stock shocks at this point...btw.

09-24-2007, 06:18 PM
I should clairify...im not racing...just running the track for fun on a practice day.

Originally posted by casey_lamm
Im going to get a chance to take my bike to a MX park in Fly, OH. I hear its pretty good with some nice jumps, etc...

I haven't had this bike at a mx park before. I am pretty comfortable with it on trails.

Any suggestions to avoid hurting the bike or me.

I have stock shocks at this point...btw.

09-24-2007, 06:23 PM
get comfortable on the track before you try anything crazy (found out the hard way) and if your on stock suspension try to ride as smooth as possible

09-24-2007, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by allstock
get comfortable on the track before you try anything crazy (found out the hard way) and if your on stock suspension try to ride as smooth as possible

That's some good advice. The best thing you can do is start out slow. Take a bunch of laps just rolling the jumps and what not to familiarize yourself with the track/conditions.

When you get comfortable enough to try some jumps (tabletops are nice to learn on) don't forget to blip at the lip. Don't pull a noob and go hit some jump fullbore only to let off at the last sec and nose dive to your demise lol :eek2: :blah:

Stock suspension's gonna be rough on that quad but you can still air it out, just gotta be extra smooth on the landing. It's a lot less harsh if you land on the rears 1st with those stock shocks.

Also ride loose! Stay in your "attack" position (knees bent, elbows up). Pretend the quad is floating beneath you and your arms/legs are suspension. Not only will this help you ride safer but will also keep you from getting plain worn out.

Be safe and have some fun! :devil:

09-24-2007, 07:16 PM
yeah i fear casing a landing again front flipping from hitting basically a wall going fast was not fun. My friend said I rolled on the ground at least 10 times but I only remember hitting my head and then seeing a quad coming down from a flip lol. Yeah take your time and roll over jumps. Start off doing each jump at a time and then once you get it do it all together and your good.

09-25-2007, 05:46 AM
memorize the track

09-25-2007, 07:51 AM
before you land a jump roll on the throttle a little and you will notice a much smoother landing.

09-25-2007, 08:42 AM
looks like I might not get too..the track is only open WED and Sunday. wouldn't you know it the only day it is supposed to rain on my vacation is WED!


Originally posted by maxamillion
before you land a jump roll on the throttle a little and you will notice a much smoother landing.