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09-19-2007, 10:03 PM
HI, I am starting to work out to help my riding. I just want to know what everyones doing and what works with problems such as arm pump, and my hand gets really weak and have problems holding on to my bars. Any info would be helpful. Thanks.:)

09-19-2007, 10:36 PM
I dont have a gerat workout rotine but I try to lift some weights here and there and do alot of walking when I can. I try to walk everywhere I can.

On race days I also take cardio stack. It helps alot.

www.cardiostackracing.com is the website.

09-20-2007, 12:39 AM
Here is my routine. It is mostly geared towards burning fat right now, because my body fat % was way higher than it has ever been before. With this routine I have almost lost 10lbs in 2.5 weeks. And I can last alot longer when riding.

Mon--15 min on Elipticle(Mostly to warm up), then I do 5 sets of 5 of exercises that target specific muscles. So 5 set of 5, on biceps, then tris, the chest. I also do almost 100 weighted crunches on a machine, and then another 100 just lying on the floor. Take 1min 15 secs to 1 min 30 secs of rest between sets. ONce I am finished with that workout, I go home and run 2 miles(I am working my way up to 5-6 miles)


Weds-- 15 min on Elipticle, 5 sets of 5 to target shoulders, traps, upperback and lower back. I also do my same core workout. Then I go home and run 1.5 miles, but pushing myself to get better per mile times.

Thurs--10 min on Elipticle, 5 sets of 5 to target hams quads and calves. And I skip running since the legs are pretty beat up at this point.

Fri--Same as Monday routine except I only run 1 mile as fast as I can.

Sat--Long run. So 5-6 miles, and will eventually be up to 10-11 miles.


With this routine I have seen and felt the results fairly quickly.

Also with the 5 sets of 5, make sure you are doing enough weight so that you can bearly finish the 5th set. If you do it easily, up the weight, if you can't even come close, lower the weight.

And remember to gradually work up, if you do too much the first few days you are much less likely to stick with it. And once you get your routines down, start watching what you eat, and gradually work your way off of the stuff that is bad for you. Again if you try to stop it all at once, you are less likely to stick with it. I am absolutely amazed at how much what you eat effects how you feel throughout the day.

09-20-2007, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by esr250r86
HI, I am starting to work out to help my riding. I just want to know what everyones doing and what works with problems such as arm pump, and my hand gets really weak and have problems holding on to my bars. Any info would be helpful. Thanks.:)

For grip strength and arm pump, the only real excersice to increase those is to ride as often as you can. Maybe for girp strength to get one of those hand excersisers and use it freequently. No real amounts of bench or squats are gonna make your hand hurt less when riding.

09-20-2007, 07:24 AM
I use my bowflex 4 timeas a week for about 30 minutes on my upper body only. I play softball 2 nights a week which is plenty of runnin for me. @ months ago i wiehged 230, now i am down to 214

09-20-2007, 09:43 AM
the main thing that works for me is riding. If i cant ride, i try to go bike or use my friends airdyne(greatest thing in the world). My endurance and speed has shot way up since a few months ago, and it pays off like none other. I use to lift alot, but i was getting more bulky then toned, so im cutting down on that for now.

09-20-2007, 03:29 PM
I walk 2 miles and jog 4 each day after school. Or i ride my bike 8 - 10 miles andfor arm pump i use a stress ball when i watch tv and it works great

09-24-2007, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by gojk
Here is my routine. It is mostly geared towards burning fat right now, because my body fat % was way higher than it has ever been before. With this routine I have almost lost 10lbs in 2.5 weeks. And I can last alot longer when riding.

Mon--15 min on Elipticle(Mostly to warm up), then I do 5 sets of 5 of exercises that target specific muscles. So 5 set of 5, on biceps, then tris, the chest. I also do almost 100 weighted crunches on a machine, and then another 100 just lying on the floor. Take 1min 15 secs to 1 min 30 secs of rest between sets. ONce I am finished with that workout, I go home and run 2 miles(I am working my way up to 5-6 miles)


Weds-- 15 min on Elipticle, 5 sets of 5 to target shoulders, traps, upperback and lower back. I also do my same core workout. Then I go home and run 1.5 miles, but pushing myself to get better per mile times.

Thurs--10 min on Elipticle, 5 sets of 5 to target hams quads and calves. And I skip running since the legs are pretty beat up at this point.

Fri--Same as Monday routine except I only run 1 mile as fast as I can.

Sat--Long run. So 5-6 miles, and will eventually be up to 10-11 miles.


With this routine I have seen and felt the results fairly quickly.

Also with the 5 sets of 5, make sure you are doing enough weight so that you can bearly finish the 5th set. If you do it easily, up the weight, if you can't even come close, lower the weight.

And remember to gradually work up, if you do too much the first few days you are much less likely to stick with it. And once you get your routines down, start watching what you eat, and gradually work your way off of the stuff that is bad for you. Again if you try to stop it all at once, you are less likely to stick with it. I am absolutely amazed at how much what you eat effects how you feel throughout the day.

try taking the 1 min 30 second break to a solid 20 second break...keeps your heart rate going and muscles pumped.

Your over training your abs, I'll bet you havent seen very good results in your abs doing 100reps...Good rule of thumb, if you can do more than 20 crunches, or whatever workout for the abs...your not doing them hard enough. By hard enough..I mean squazing and contracting as much as possible, not just adding weight.

Doing 5 sets of 5 is how you would wanna train for power lifting. Since your looking at losing weight/conditioning your body, do 3 sets of 10...or even 4 sets, get 10 reps on your first 3 sets, and 6-8 reps on your 4th set.

Riding is the most important thing you can do for riding...get rid of pop, stay away from candy...as sugar pretty much helps speed up the process of muscles getting sore and tired.

09-24-2007, 01:06 PM

and ur abs can be worked alot and everyday because they repair the fastest of all muscles

and the best way to do crunchs is lay in ur back hold ur feet in the air and go up and hold then let back down, dont forget u can do it like that for ur sides too put urlegs toghter and put them on the ground like u are layin on ur side and pull ur knees up then rotate ur body and do a crunch

09-24-2007, 01:22 PM
Well first I get up and plax mx vs atv unleashed on PS2 or xbox live.
Then I go outside and ride.
Then i go to sleep

I heard that if you jack off alot it reduces arm pump!

09-24-2007, 03:54 PM
Its true!:devil:

09-24-2007, 05:47 PM
I race XC with the school team, so i'll post our schedule.

Monday- Short run, 4-6 miles at a steady pace (60% effort) 1 mile warm up and 1 mile cool down.

Teusday- Speed work on the track, 200m, 400m, 800m ladder at 95% effort. .5 mile warm up and cool down.

Wednesday- Long run, 8-11 miles at a steady pace (70% effort)
2 mile warm up and cool down.

Thursday- Short run, 4-6 miles at 60% effort. Easy pace.
.5 mile warm up and cool down.

Friday- .5 mile warm up and 1 mile at a very, very easy pace. then .5 mile cool down

Saturday- Get up at 4:30 to go race against 20 other schools!:devil:

Sunday- off, for the rest fo the team. I personally put in another 3 miles at a good steady pace. It helps with soreness.

For arm pump, Riding my bike helps some, and i also use a stress ball in class, and i use a hand strengthener when im just chillin' out. Ill try to find a pic of what im talking about then post it.

These are what im talking about.

09-24-2007, 06:04 PM
i lift a 12 pack and drink it:p

09-24-2007, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by RoadRidin450r
I heard that if you jack off alot it reduces arm pump!

y does that sound like its asking for a warning lol?

09-24-2007, 06:24 PM
This pic was taken at saturdays race.

I ran the 5k in 17.23....and it wasnt full effort. Im gonna race this saturday with everythign I have and see if i can keep up with the black kids from the city schools.

09-24-2007, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by whiteboycustom

and ur abs can be worked alot and everyday because they repair the fastest of all muscles

and the best way to do crunchs is lay in ur back hold ur feet in the air and go up and hold then let back down, dont forget u can do it like that for ur sides too put urlegs toghter and put them on the ground like u are layin on ur side and pull ur knees up then rotate ur body and do a crunch thats not the best way to work your abs...that is a GOOD way to work your lower abs.

I would not suggest doing them everyday either...yes they repair faster than your other muscle groups, but still need ATLEAST 1 day.